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Victor Zhiyu Lee


Mobile: +6018 9668135


Career Experience
Business Analytics Consultant, BIIT Consulting
Telco Human Resource Analytics Projected workforce dynamics (hiring, attrition and
promotion) and analyzed its impact on staff cost and performance
Sports Retail Sales Forecasting Forecasted sales of about 3000 SKUs for 10 months ahead
with back test accuracy above 70% using a combination of R and Python
Electoral Constituency Re-delineation Developed Python program which generates
alternative electoral maps for Selangor and Penang that minimizes population inequality
satisfying various administrative constraints
Public Transport Optimization Developed public bus route planning software for Klang Valley
Summer Analyst (Internship), Farseer Consulting
Election Analytics Built statistical models for voting behavior (support, turnout, swing and
split voting) based on demographic factors and established standard operating procedure for
digitalizing election results
Summer Analyst (Internship), Accenture
Telco Campaign Diagnostics Devised an analytical method to prove a mismatch of offers in
retention campaigns
Telco Strategy Performed high level analysis on re-contracting high ARPU customers

Jul 2014 - Now

Jun Sep 2013

May Jul 2012

Sales & Marketing Specialist (Internship), Worthy Book

Marketing Strategy Compiled database of >600 merchants, crafted comprehensive
marketing strategy and boosted Facebook fan count by 70% to 2400 in one week
Product Development Analyst (Internship),
Product Usage Analytics Analyzed user data capture mechanism and job application trend
and benchmarked Salary Report

NovDec 2010

Data Mining
Advanced Analytics

R, Python Scikit-Learn, SPSS, KXEN, PEGA, Databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle), ETL
Predictive Modelling, Ecological Inference, Time Series Forecasting, Segmentation,
Operations Research, Optimization, Statistical Modelling
Programming/Scripting Python, Java, C++, MATLAB

Lehigh University, Bethlehem Pennsylvania U.S.A.
B. Sc. In Chemical Engineering (Minor in Economics), 2011 2014
INTEC Education College (Formerly KPP/PPP), Shah Alam, Malaysia
American Credit Transfer Program, 2009 2011

Federal Scholarship by Public Service Department Malaysia (JPA) for fully-funded undergraduate studies in the U.S

Phi Delta Theta Fraternity, Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society, Southeast Asia at Lehigh, ORangers Tourism Blog,
Memento Yearbook

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