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Canadas New Job Creations for 2035










This chart shows the amount of jobs that are being created in Canada
between the years of 1988 and 2035. In Quebec, the amount of jobs that
are being created for 2035 are lower than the amount of jobs that they had
in 1988. In Ontario, the amount of jobs that are being created is far lower
than what they had in 1988. In Alberta, the amount of jobs that are being
created is 771,000 more jobs than what Quebec and Ontario are creating
for the year 2035.
My opinion: I think that Alberta has so many job creations for the year
2035 because of where the location of the oil sands is. The oil sands are
located in Alberta leaving the job openings unbelievably greater than
anywhere else in Canada. Therefore, the more jobs there are in Alberta
makes fewer jobs in Quebec and Ontario. Eventually individuals will realize
the amount of jobs openings there are in Alberta, and begin moving out
there to fill out the job positions. That leaves Quebec and Ontario with

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