Bernoulli Equation: Non-Turbulent Perfect Compressible Barotropic

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Bernoulli Equation

A non-turbulent, perfect, compressible, and barotropic fluid undergoing steady motion is

governed by the Bernoulli Equation:

where g is the gravity acceleration constant (9.81 m/s2; 32.2 ft/s2), V is the velocity of the
fluid, and z is the height above an arbitrary datum. C remains constant along
any streamline in the flow, but varies from streamline to streamline. If the flow
isirrotational, then C has the same value for all streamlines.
The function
is the "pressure per density" in the fluid, and follows from the barotropic
equation of state, p = p().
For an incompressible fluid, the function
Bernoulli Equation becomes:

simplifies to p/, and the incompressible

Derivation from Navier-Stokes

The Navier-Stokes equation for a perfect fluid reduce to the Euler Equation:

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Rearranging, and assuming that the body forceb is due to gravity only, we can eventually
integrate over space to remove any vector derivatives,

If the fluid motion is also steady (implying that all derivatives with respect to time are zero),
then we arrive at the Bernoulli equation after dividing out by the gravity constant (and
absorbing it into the constant C),

Note that the fluid's barotropic nature allowed the following chain rule application,

with the "pressure per density" function

defined as,

Head loss can be found by manipulating the Bernoulli equation as follows:

Ideal fluid: [P1/g] + Z1 + [V12/2g] = [P2/g] + Z2 + [V22/2g] (assuming no energy loss)
Where P = pressure at the point
= density of the fluid at all points in the fluid.
Z = elevation of the point above some reference plane (i.e. distance from top and/or bottom
surface of the filter media to the bottom reference plane in this case)
V = fluid flow speed at a point on a streamline
Non-ideal fluid: [P1/g] + Z1 + [V12/2g] = [P2/g] + Z2 + [V22/2g] + H
(Where H = Head loss or energy head)
H = [(P1-P2)/g] + (Z1-Z2) + [(V12-V22)/2g]

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