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Course Syllabus and Classroom Procedures

West Somerville Neighborhood School

7th Grade Geography
Ms. Roque
Course Description:
Geographers study the relationships between the worlds physical environments and the people that
live in those environments. Over the course of our year together we will investigate geographic issues
on five continents: North America, South America, Africa, Asia and Europe. Our investigations will
take us from crowded cities in Mexico to arid deserts of Nigeria and floodplains of China.

General Rules: Be prepared, be respectful, and be responsible.

Preparation for Class:
Students need their pencil, completed homework, three ring binder, composition notebook and
agenda for class each day.
Suggested supplies:
Students may want to bring their own scissors, glue stick, colored pencils and highlighter.
Expectations for class:

Everyone has the right to, and should expect to, learn.
Each individual is worthy of respect.
Classroom orderliness is necessary for an effective classroom.
Hard work is necessary for learning.
Thinking critically and asking questions creates problem solvers!

Student Questions and Concerns:

I am available before school from 7:45 8:00 am (7:30 by appointment) and after school until 3
pm to address any and all student questions and concerns. Parents are also welcome during
these times, but please call or email the day before to let me know you will be coming.
Earned consequences:
Students with incomplete homework or behavioral infractions will be asked to stay an
additional 15 minutes at the end of the school day.
Late Work:
Work turned in late and not associated with an absence will not earn full credit. Late work will
be reduced 1 letter grade for each school day that it is late. Assignments must be complete
(including printing!) when the school bell rings at 8:11 am.

Missed Work:
a) It is the students responsibility to obtain the homework assignments, notes & any other
pertinent information that is missed during an absence. Students must come in before
school on the day they return from absence to receive missed work. Students are also
welcome to contact me via email before 9 pm on the day prior to returning to school.
b) Missed work due to an absence: Additional time and full credit will be allowed for each
day of a verifiable and excused absence. Exceptions will be made in unique, deserving
situations as determined by the teacher and/or administrator.
Report Cards:
Students will receive four report cards during the year. Progress reports will be given out at
midterm. Students with a B- or lower at midterm will be expected to have their progress report
signed by a parent or guardian. In addition to academic grades, students will receive grades
for conduct and effort.
Weighted Grades:
Homework/Classwork 30%
Quizzes 30%
Tests 30%
Participation 10%
Contact Information:
Students and parents should feel free to contact me at any time. You may reach me by calling
the school office, or by emailing me at You can also follow our
classroom online at


PRINTED STUDENT NAME: __________________________________

We have reviewed the course syllabus and classroom procedures for 7th grade Geography.

Parent/Guardian Signature

Student Signature

Phone numbers where parent/guardian can be reached.

________________ primary


________________ alternate
Email Address: ______________________________

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