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Name: Delia Martinez

Date: September 14, 2015 through September 15, 2015
Lesson Title: Morning Meeting/Interview chart
Grade Level(s): First Grade

Time Allotted: 30-40 minutes

Subject Area(s)/Subject Content Explanation: English Language Arts

Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print. [RF.1.1]
Recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence (e.g., first word, capitalization,
ending punctuation). [RF.1.1a]
Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).
Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about Grade 1
topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. [SL.1.1]
Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others with care,
speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion). [SL.1.1a]
Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information
presented orally or through other media. [SL.1.2]
Print all uppercase and lowercase letters. [L.1.1a]
Capitalize dates and names of people. [L.1.2a]
Spell untaught words phonetically, drawing on phonemic awareness and spelling
conventions. [L.1.2e]
Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in stories.
Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details, expressing ideas
and feelings clearly. [SL.1.4]

Essential Question(s):
What words get a capital letter?
What are spaghetti and meatball spaces?
Where did the story take place?
Are you able to see the place the story occurs in your mind? How?
Could this story really happen? Could it happen to you?
Who is the main character?
Would you like to have this character for a friend? Why or why not?
What are some good decisions or bad decisions the character made?
What are you going to remember about this book?
Instructional Objective(s):
Students will be able to compare and contrast a character to an actual
individual at Horizon Elementary using the information they know from the
Black Lagoon Series with 90% accuracy.
Formative Assessment:
Make anecdotal notes on students questions and responses
Play the friendship song to call students to the carpet area
Students form a circle and sing the song
After the song is done remind students how we greet our first grade
Turn and look your friend in the eye and state Good
morning (Friends name)
As you do this you may either shake their hand, fist bump,
or pinky shake
After they respond, do the same to the other person
standing beside you
Instruct students to have a seat on the carpet (on a dot) in rows of five
Type up or write the morning meeting message either on chart paper
or on a Word document
Message (add extra if necessary):
Good Morning First Graders!
Today is (day). Ms. Barnes and I have some interesting and challenging
things planned for us to work on today. We are going to go to (put
specials here-compute, library, art, or Spanish) today. Lets have a
wonderful (day).
Ms. Martinez and Ms. Barnes
When the date is written explain to student that months gets a capital
letter and show students the numeral way it is also written. Explain what
each numeral represents.

Have students read the message as you write it. Choral read it
together afterwards
Explain to students that the first letter of each new sentence gets a
capital letter as well as names.
Tell students what the punctuation represents after a sentence and
state that every sentence gets a punctuation mark. Mark this in red.
Explain to students that the word I, months, names, and first letter in
a sentence are always capitalized. Mark these in black.
Have students help you spell words in the morning message. For
example if you were going to write the word illustrate you could prompt
students like this:
I need help spelling the word illustrate
This is a big word. Lets see how many syllables it has.
Stretch out the word with students. This word has 4 syllables, what
does that tell us about a word? (Its going to be a long word)
What is the first sound that you hear (students say I
outloud) and you write it down.
What is the second sound you hear? Third? Fourth? (In this
instance most wont say the double L or the silent e
Tell students that when theyre writing, you want them to
practice hearing every sound in the word
Show students the correct spelling and tell them that they
got very close, but you dont expect them to know it yet because this
word contains special rules we havent learned about yet
Explain to students the spaces between letters (spaghetti spaces) and
the spaces between words (meatball spaces). Show students by drawing a
yellow line between words and a circle (meatball) between words.
Choral read the message together again and stop and decode
unfamiliar words together
Discuss with students the importance of a balanced
reading diet (different types of genres). Discuss how which letters are
capitalized in the title, the spacing between words and letters, and the
punctuation in the stories.
Read student the Black Lagoon series. Discuss how the
characters in the story are the same/different than our principal,
librarian, teacher, lunchroom lady, etc.
Create a compare/contrast chart for the characters and the people at
Horizon Elementary
Create a second chart with questions they have about their principal,
librarian, teacher, lunchroom lady, etc
Students will have an opportunity to interact with their peers as we build the
classroom community. We are working on communication skills as well as content

during morning meeting. I will provide students a wait time as they respond and
give them the option to pass the question on. I will use equity cards so all students
get a turn throughout. I will say and write the morning message so students can
understand the meaning. We will clap (or stomp) the syllabus in words for
kinesthetic learners as well. Students will also have free choice when choosing the
people they want to interview and will be encouraged will get to practice with the
teacher before facing the real individual.
Black Lagoon series


Name: Delia Martinez
Date: 9/14/15 through 9/18/15
Lesson Title: Interviews
Grade Level(s): First Grade

Time Allotted: 10-20 minutes

Subject Area(s)/Subject Content Explanation: English Language Arts

Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about
Grade 1 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others with
care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion).
Ask questions to clear up any confusion about the topics and texts
under discussion. [SL.1.1c]
Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to
gather additional information or clarify something that is not understood.
Demonstrate correct posture and finger placement while using a
technology system.TC2(K-2)
Practice responsible use of technology systems and applications.TC2(K2)
Write informative or explanatory texts in which they name a topic,
supply some facts about the topic, and provide some sense of closure.
With guidance and support from adults, focus on a topic, respond to
questions and suggestions from peers, and add details to strengthen writing
as needed. [W.1.5]
Essential Question(s):
How do you think we start an interview?
How do you introduce yourself?
What did you notice about how I did the interview?
What are some things we say as we finish up our interview?
What tools did your person use?
What is something important about the person you interviewed?
Instructional Objective(s):
Students will be able to conduct their own interviews with a partner in order to
gather information about a school staff member by using a set of questions and an
iPad with 90% accuracy. Students will also produce a work of writing about the

person they interviewed with their partner using information from their video
interview with 80 % accuracy.
Formative Assessment:
Students will create a list of at least 5 questions for the person they are
interviewing. Students will also practice recording their own interview and save it
to the iPad.

Summative Assessment:
Students will contribute to the L section of the KWL chart
Students will produce a work of writing based on the person they interviewed
Review with students the compare/contrast chart theyve been making
during morning meeting.
Discuss how some of the characters were the same and different as
they read each story.
Which story did you like best? why?
Which two characters were very different from each other?
Remind students about the mass email they sent out last week about
asking to interview the Horizon staff
Read the email responses from the people the are planning
to interview. Read the email to students about what the staff at Horizon
responded back
Day 1:
Tell students: This week youre going to have a chance to go interview
some of the people at our school.
Remind students of the KWL chart they created (modified
version). Who we want to KNOW about, What we WONDER, and what
Ask students if they have any additional questions they
would like to add
Before we do that we must practice how to do an interview before you
go and try on your own.
Show students a mock interview.
What did you notice about how I did the
interview? (Introduced myself, shook hands, asked how they
were, began my questions, thanked them for their time, shook
hands to end it)
What are some things we can say as we finish
up our interview? (Thank you for your time, etc)
Model how to use the video section of an ipad
Show students the icon, how to hold an iPad (and stay still),
and how to stop recording

Since students will be going in groups of two (one records

and the other asks questions then switch). Remind students that
however is filming cant be talking.
Tell students that they must have at least 5 questions for their
Since Horizon is a Leader in Me school, they must include
the question: What is your favorite habit?
Hand students a sheet of paper for them to write down
their questions.
Check the questions before theyre sent out to
When the interviews begin, go with the students to supervise and
encourage them to use what they learned from the mock trial.
Day 2:
Read to students The Important Book by Margaret Wise Brown.
Discuss with students what made the apple important, what made the
wind important? etc
Tell students that today theyll be writing about the person they got to
Today youll be writing about the important thing about
the person you interviewed.
Model for students an example with a sentence starter
(The important thing about ___ is..)
Allow students to work with their partner to produce their
writing. Encourage them to try their best when spelling since theyll be
making a sloppy copy first.
A students finish up, write up a final draft for students. Have one
student be the writer and rewrite the story as the other partner draws and
colors the tools and a picture of the person they interviewed.
Students will come together at the carpet to share what they learned
from their interviews.
Well fill out the L part of our KWL chart as a class.
Display QR codes of the interview outside the class for others to watch
Students will have an opportunity to interview a staff member at Horizon of their
choice. Students will be going in pairs to interview their person. Students will also
generate their own questions based on their choice. The teacher will accompany
them to their interview and scaffold them if needed during the process. Students
will also work in pairs to produce their writing. The teacher will scaffold those who
need help during the writing process. All students will be given a chance to share
one of their questions and add it to the L section of the KWL chart.

List of student questions

The Important Book by: Margaret Wise Brown

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