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Ensure to reciprocate and rotate the drill pipe while circulating bottoms up: at least minimum string

RPM and flowrate for hole cleaning.

Ensure that there are normal hole conditions (torque and drag) before tripping.
Utilize the trip tank to fill the hole and monitor the actual displacement of the drill string. This has to
be compared to the calculated displacement to determine whether the hole is taking the proper
amount of fluid. Record the decrease or increase in volume on the trip sheet.
Flow check the well (10 minutes) prior to POOH and when the bit is above the casing shoe.
Mud loggers will record all parameters. Significant changes in trends should be reported immediately
to the driller and DSV, and then investigated.
If over pulls are encountered, apply max 15 mt overpull rule:
If a tight spot is encountered do not initially pull more than 15mt .
Always RIH until the BHA is clear of the obstruction - typically 2 stands - and circulate either bottoms
up or minimum of 30 minutes.
Always bring the pumps up slowly and watch for pack-offs. The best way to raise the flow rate is in
pre-determined steps once the circulating pressure has stabilised for that step.
3. Pull up wet through the tight spot without rotation. If the tight spot has disappeared, then it was
caused by a cuttings pile that has now been moved up the hole. Return to step 1 and circulate the
cuttings out of the hole.
4. If the tight spot remains in the same place, then it is likely another mechanical process (i.e key
seating, ledge). If this is the case, ream through section and try to eliminate the tight spot.
5. Pull up dry through the tight spot again without rotation to see if it has been eliminated after
reaming. If obstruction has been removed, continue with tripping out.
6. If the resistance is still there after circulation, reaming can be considered. Back reaming should be
used as a last resort if a cuttings bed cannot be circulated out.

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