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By: Eini Hernandez

1 In a rainy day Camila was board in her home and didnt know what to do.
Camilas mom was at work she was worried about her little Camila. After Camilas
mom was done from work she picked up Camila and they went to chucky cheeses
and went and eat. After that Camila wasnt board anymore she saw her friend
Anabella , Roxeth, and Yahir and she spend time with them and played games
and won prizes. They loved playing together and had fun with each other. Camila
had fun with her friends but it was time to go home. Camila had fun and she was
glad she was with her friends instead of being home alone doing nothing.
2 The next morning Camilas mom said to Camila HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Yelling with
excitement and brought her a cake. Her friends were their waiting for her and
Camila was excited. Her mother said to make a wish and Camila said she wished
this day would never end and blew out her candles. Her friends brought her
presents and when she opened it she loved them all. Camila said thank you for the
awesome birthday and smiled. Her friends smiled back to her and her mom said to
go to the movies. They said yeah lets go to the movies! They yelled . At the time
they went to the movies they went in got their tickets and snacks and went in. After
an hour they said that was a great movie and were talking about it.
3 When they were done talking and headed out it was starting to rain really hard
and Camilas mom said that they cant drive with the weather like that. Camila said
well that was a surprise a stormy surprise. How were they going to their homes if
they cant go with the storm like that how could they go back in safety? So as they
went to go inside the rain stopped and they wondered how could the rain had
stopped if it just started raining. So as the rain stopped they went to the car and
went home. That was strange Camila said. As Camilas mom was driving she was
talking with her friends. They went home and were ok.
4 The next day Camila was cleaning her room and found $50.00 dollars under her
bed. As she found them she told her mother yelling as she came down the stairs.
When Camila was down the stairs she heard the ice cream truck and went buy ice
cream and some for her friends. As she finished eating her ice cream she went
upstairs to clean the rest of her room. As she got their she cleaned the rest of her
bed and found a real diamond piece that gives good luck to anyone who has it and
she finally figured out how she was lucky every time she went some were or some

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