The Void

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This poem is about my experience of God. I comprehend that His existence cannot
be grasped through the application of laws that govern the universes (Quantum
physicists assert that, since an electron can simultaneously exist at more than one
places, there is not one but many universes which are continuously replicating
themselves).We cannot prove God through our five senses, we can only
experience Him. Yet, being a rational animal, I try to rationalize and feel His
existence through the mental processes that underlie everyday reasoning and
perception. One of these processes is our neurons habit of filling in the blanks.
The brain takes messy, incomplete input and turns it into a meaningful and
complete picture. The mind also sees patterns in random data, which is why the sky
is speckled with bear, fish, turtle, bull, and any other shape the ancients could
imagine while looking at various constellations. Why has the brain been designed
in such a manner? Is it to receive messages from an exalted soul who is
constantly asserting its existence through the ages, using prophets, saints, and
psychics as instruments? God Knows!
In the medley of universes
I felt unsafe and alone
To deflect the demons of fear
Needed I a shield of my own
So I created Him
For my torments be blown
Created Him I in my own image
Because I needed someone well known

As the reality precedes the idea

The picture was first on my minds throne
He exists because He does not exist
For His presence cannot be normally shown
I feel secure with Him
But reach out to Him only when prone
Under normal circumstances
I rather depend upon me alone
He is the pretext for my excesses
I persecute others under his pennon
He fills the void in my life
That exists due to my being alone

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