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General Overview

The behaviorist
perspective proposed
that it was more
important to
understand observable
(external) human
actions than the
human thought
processes (internal
and unobservable) (pg

It has been described

that social learning
theorists believe in the
process that as
humans we can
combine thinking and
conditioning to
develop behaviors and
attitudes (Windsor,
Murell, & MagunJackson, 2015).

Windsor. D.L.,
Murell, V.S, &
Magun- Jackson, S.
(2015). Lifespan
Development: An
Education Psychology
Perspective Boston,
MA: Pearson
Learning Solutions.

Classical Conditioning

Classical conditional
primarily focuses on
the ability to use
stimulus to create
involuntary responses
such as blinking and
salivations (Pavlov,

In the conditioning
phase, a Neutral
Stimulus (NS) is
paired with the
stimulus to create a
relationship between
them for the subject
being trained.
(Windsor, Murell, &

Windsor. D.L.,
Murell, V.S, &
Magun- Jackson, S.
(2015). Lifespan
Development: An
Education Psychology
Perspective Boston,
MA: Pearson
Learning Solutions.

Classical Conditioning
(Pavlov) Findings

Pavlov demonstrated
the principals of
classical conditioning
through an experiment
in which dogs, who
normally salivates at
the sight of food,
learned to salivate to
the sound of a bell.
(Pavlov, 1927 pg 32).

The experiment
involved three phases
a) the preconditioning 2) the
conditioning phase 3)
the post-conditioning
phase (Windsor,
Murell, & MagunJackson, 2015).

Windsor. D.L.,
Murell, V.S, &
Magun- Jackson, S.
(2015). Lifespan
Development: An
Education Psychology
Perspective Boston,
MA: Pearson
Learning Solutions.

Watson Findings

Windsor. D.L.,
Murell, V.S, &
Magun- Jackson, S.
(2015). Lifespan
Development: An
Education Psychology
Perspective Boston,
MA: Pearson
Learning Solutions.

Intext Quotation

Intext Citation


Operant Conditioning

Windsor. D.L.,
Murell, V.S, &
Magun- Jackson, S.
(2015). Lifespan
Development: An
Education Psychology
Perspective Boston,
MA: Pearson
Learning Solutions.


Windsor. D.L.,
Murell, V.S, &
Magun- Jackson, S.
(2015). Lifespan
Development: An
Education Psychology
Perspective Boston,
MA: Pearson
Learning Solutions.

Schedules of
Social Learning
Bandura Findings
Learned Helplessness
Optional Extra

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