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peeoo ey iia ee Ben bh, where Vater 0 ie Am figh = 193 $k (020m) = 15.96 AE Pa tow f= may = #502100 Thee the flow Is laniner 0 that F4h = gh ore Hence, trum Eq, a> pi- 8 (ed) B tp v> ay For How vertically yp, 25 ~)=L 0 that Aang. -Ul PEL eV? = (5.6 Hh - (ne int'hy(025m) OMe SEC Bae doce fan /5. 964i ~ 3.43 A — 0, jlo Ht = /2.42 kPa b) For horézental flow Zs thet frp) 215, ~ 0.10 BEM (LIB Ore = 5.968 ~ 0.10 AME = 15.85 kh Wee the grsiolicnal effec are considerably mare inpartan} thn viscous effects (293 AP compared ta Gitehte). 1825 A viscous Mid flows in 0.10.-lamctepige ch hat ‘iy velciymesied 0.02 m avay fom te pipe walt Of ef te foww lumi, determine he entre vel ‘yan the wae For laminar flow in a pipe lr) = Vel (BP) , where D= 0.1m and U=0.8% af Thos, one etl el ea ie eaitie Bo*(osk)= Fo.imy (0.5)(1.89-2) 30 A tignta witn so: = 92 x 10 N-a/ and ws { = 12x i Tata) itn hs eos Siskel la Mp F030, Wit edomnttiom force yo ‘tains norco ose the ayrings? e i ieasini O10 eng ee = TOY} tba Brigune Peso Bra Beret bicny , where geio he ag ae p ee é A Y=O, 2.= 012m, The marimom floirate will sccur when fa the inion allowed * 0, =a, = nanotde , Th hw Be B12 08 arash, a Wie aM a(R Pei SE8ae ccncess They so and Ey.(i) becomes Uoraitmnane* ihe _ sd ve onetaponey ~ Ol" + (Haier) *5 |) way or 122= (247 F41) V7 wy ies (because Es jie sseall rameter) that de flaw te lominan he as oe G & WN f se (ano NE) poy * BReea SI (eerie) ~—V Hence, from Eq. (2) [22= (rer Bi ay)y* 5. sazvalaszsyyye hus, Thaw ¥ 45657-1220, which hes solvtfons Ya cenrelesT HS oy po en ste reget the Veo lane, re QeAV2F (0.2500 oF Le12 = genio 8B! Shack # leminae flew? g207 Few Of? w Ose(WeReBNarsst6 Im) _ 47> 23156 (lamina) 832 Por oll (SG = 0.86, w= 0.025 Ns/m) flow of 0:3 m/s swith diameter of 500 mm, dowrmine the SG = Sono = 0.86 0.86 (Pree) = 0.86 (799) = 859 Kya V= MA = 2-H (gar = 1.53 "ts Rex PAP « BSIUSIMOS) 2.63 y/p4 Based on the criterion that Re< 2/00 represents faminer Flow, this Flow) is tuchueleat. {64 01 (90 = 09), wit akinemase waco 01007 os ‘a3 diet pipe a0 Deemed os per i ‘ag oft Dow h=fEE where t-14 2 F for ‘ver unt keagth of pipe Determine triction fic based on Re 4 % O=0.0| *%= VA V+—2-28l_-9 Ys F(R) = = On Hp). = Re=¥P= Ono) = 7.14 Since fe is below ZOO, che flow is famman The Friction factsr can be delermined Frum F- Ypg= Yay = 856 L (0.0)= A= (she C2 = Do2zte Bt pre 2.48 Water fons through hore mn ere ameter gatvanized sro pipe at rate of 002 ‘fs. tthe pressure cop i 135 Pa per 10m of ‘ie, do you thik his pipe sa) ane pine) "oid pipe with asomewhatiereasedrouriess Ae taping 0) very ol pipe thats paialy ‘ogg by deposit? Jun your anwer @ @ ee For the horizontal pipe (2)=22) with VieVs the energy equation Bi bee BiB at hG reduces to pp th tov" “iase1t hk = fed 2 (0778) ( *),, or F= 0.032% $2200 casnet should be (see Fig.8.20) f= 0.0258. Since this is less than the acta! volye #=0.0224, the pipe is nol a new ppt With Re= 2.74310 and 0.092% we obtain from Fig. 820 a relative rouphuess of $0,006. This i+ aypreinalely twice ihe reaghness of a new pipe — cerlanly quite pasible. A very old parkaly cleaged pipe woold have censiderably greater head Joss. Thus, the pige ison eld pipe wil somevbal increased ropes BSS A Sediomcter duct i use 0 ery ‘entlaong air iato a vebica tung tate ol 900 fn. Tests show that the presse dot 151.5 jn, of water per 100 f duc. Whats he Approximate sie ofthe equalent euyiness of he tact of the dt? ibe BIE EL, where 2220, elk, and Ui) BAe Nyy 0 =(024 BLE H) = 7.008, Aico, et Noes caeatt Fae se vis} eae ts =fh d0¥" of - 20GP) , 20H G808. 5 in Se = FB cota ~ From Fig. 0-20 wih f-80202 and Rle= YP = BERD gases we oblein = 0.0004 Hy, ©. a.0oxy (aH) 0.018 H 292 zn eee et ors ~ kD toy = Kd For 0° tbveased elbow, Ki=/.- Foe copper pipe (drawn tubing, €=0,000005 ft ® 0. = 1 2O00O§ = BXIO-F (77a) From Mordy chart (wholly turhulert flow) F¥ 0.0115 og = WELT) R 0.0115 ge D is ft lo

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