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Deadly Viper Squad



Table of Contents- pg.2

Mission Statement- pg.3
Rules and Regulations- pg.3
Code of Conduct- pg.4
Team Compositions- pg.5
Additional Resources- pg.6
Schedule- pg.8

Deadly Viper Squad [DVSq]

Overall Guild Mission Statement
[DVSq] Deadly Viper Squad is a virtual online gaming community. We exist only in the League of Legends online
community. We are a community of mature, veteran gamers. We seek to make [DVSq] community a strong, well
known, and successful gaming community. We are dedicated to a friendly, team focused, fun-loving gaming
environment where every member is important and not just a number on a roster. We seek to foster long term
friendships among members and enhance the online gaming experience by virtue of those friendships.



TEAM First: We expect all members to ensure that all actions they take are done in the mindset of 'team
first'. Anything a member does reflects on the overall team image and on all fellow members. We expect
members to only take actions that reflect positively on the team image that we are working very hard to


It is not permitted to relay any team information outside the team, for any reason, at any time. [DVSq] is a
private gaming community. We do not share information with the public except through official channels
and officially sanctioned outlets. Therefore no member should reveal any information, no matter how
minor they may think it is, outside of your team members.


Participate in Team scheduled events. Events and other in game activities occur all the time. You are
expected to take place in as many of them as possible. We understand people have lives and cannot live
within the online world and that is OK. But if you are online, and we are having a team event of some
sort, you need to be there and participating in it. Actively working against the team on any mission will
result in immediate and permanent removal. If you are unable to be online during a team event you
must let CRIMSON BLIGHT or SHENDELZUNE know at least 12 hours prior to the scheduled event time.
ANY leave of absence will result in temporary removal from team compositions while an alternate steps


Team compositions are decided based on communication skills, online activity, and history of attitudes
during games, and skill level based on current team compositions. If you feel there is any unfairness please
contact one of your Team Captains. Team Captains are permanent positions and do not mean one player
is better than another; simply that they have taken on greater responsibility to better the team.


Deadweight is not needed in the guild. Failure to maintain an acceptable level of activity will result in
your removal.


Performance assessments will be done monthly by team captains. Note; this simply gives alternates an
opportunity to be in a semi-permanent team composition. Assessments will be executed by observation of
the following.
Skill Improvement
Online Activity
Attendance in scheduled events


Team Compositions are negotiable considering compositions are entirely situational. Must have 3/5
consents from team members before locking a champion in, in champion select.


Current team members are expected to have at least a ranking of SILVER V or greater [effective
10/1/2015]. We understand this could be considered harsh considering most of us have been in bronze
recently or ARE in bronze. However; spots on the team are shrinking and at the end of the day we want to
have fun and constantly be improving. Your fellow team members should be willing to help any members
below SILVER 5 improve skill level.


No one of Bronze ELO will be permitted to join team effective immediately.

Code of Conduct

Members need to behave in a mature, professional, team focused manner. Self focused,
loot focused, immature people will not be tolerated
Make friends in the team. At our core we are a Team of Friends. So make friends. Those
friendships make us strong.
Any issues with team policies are brought directly to Shendelzune and Crimson Blight, via
private chat. Publically bashing or complaining about them is not tolerated.
Personal attacks on other members is not permitted. Handle issues with another player 1
on 1, in a mature professional way. Seek an officers help if needed but do not personally
attack other members EVER.
Backstabbing, looting, stealing from, scamming or otherwise harming other members is
not permitted. It all goes back to our core value that we are a team of friends.
Profanity, Sexual Harassment, and obscene content are not needed or permitted in team
channels in game.

If a Team Captain tells you to do something, do it immediately. Do not argue or complain to them and
definitely do not get nasty with them or removal will occur and you can explain to Shendelzune why you
had to behave that way and should be let back in. Attitude effects the teams gameplay, if you have a
poor attitude during a game; a warning will be issued, any following offenses will result in termination
from the team.

Currently there is no name change required to be in team. As we progress in rank together, this will be
a frontier we will explore.


We are a Team, as a team member you are expected to stand up for your fellow team members.
Only constructive criticism will be allowed. BULLYING of ANY kind will result in immediate
removal. If you lose your cool; buy a fan. The Team Compositions for the remainder of Season 5
is as follows:

BukkakeBro- TOP; Jayce or Chogath
Shendelzune- ADC; Cait or Kogmaw
Crimson Blight- SUPPORT; Morgana, Soraka, or Lulu
Coaxed Fluidity- JUNGLE; Trundle or Sejuana
Wave of Cats- MID; Lux or Morgana

BukkakeBro- TOP; Hecarim, Shen, or Fiora
Wave of Cats- JUNGLE; Shyvana/Ramus
Akumetsu199- MID; Annie, Diana, or Zed
Crimson Blight- ADC/SUPPORT; Varus, Ashe, or Leona
Shendelzune- ADC/SUPPORT; Ashe, Quinn, or Leona

DeezY Slays

`Basic Guide:
Tips for the individual:
What we should master to hit each ELO:
(For AD Carry players mainly) Kiting Guide:
(VERY HELPFUL BUT LONG.) How to win in the mid lane:
Part One:
Part Two:
Part Three:
(VERY HELPFUL BUT LONG.) How to win in the Jungle:
Part One:
Part Two:
Tips on comp building:
Successful Laning (Applicable to all lanes)
When behind in a game:
ADC guide/Learning the types of bot lane:

We encourage members to become involved the community

and to have a positive impact on it. We recognize those
members that do become involved and go above and beyond
simply "playing games" for entertainment. [DVSq] is more
than a group of people who are playing online games. We are
a virtual community and seek to have a positive influence on
the world around us.

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