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Question Type: Feelings - Evidence

In pairs, read the text in chunks and answer the
questions posed to you on the slides.

Fill in the tables in the worksheet with the appropriate

feelings or evidences.

Going off to swim in the sea, alone. Twelve-yearold Anuri had done it again, without telling her
Nag, nag, nag, Anuri rolled her eyes at the
thought of her mother. It is a little annoying,
though I know she means well, Anuri mumbled. I
just have to get away for a while.
What is the evidence that tells you that Anuri
was irritated?
(Scroll to the next slide for a clue.)

Going off to swim in the sea, alone. Twelve-yearold Anuri had done it again, without telling her
Nag, nag, nag, Anuri rolled her eyes at the
thought of her mother. It is a little annoying,
though I know she means well, Anuri mumbled. I
just have to get away for a while.
What is the evidence that tells you that Anuri
was irritated?
*Clue: What did Anuri complain about?

To Anuri, getting away meant seeking the calm and

quiet of the sea. She was now enjoying a relaxing swim,
lulled by the quiet rhythm of the gently lapping waves
until she suddenly heard a splash. Anuri glanced around
but saw nothing frightening. It was then that it dawned
upon her that the shoreline was nowhere in sight. This
time, she had drifted much further from the shore than
before. Anuri had lost her bearings. Then she felt
something bump against her.
What do you think lost her bearings mean?
(Use contextual clues to guess the meaning before
scrolling down to read the meaning of the phrase.)

To Anuri, getting away meant seeking the calm and

quiet of the sea. She was now enjoying a relaxing swim,
lulled by the quiet rhythm of the gently lapping waves
until she suddenly heard a splash. Anuri glanced around
but saw nothing frightening. It was then that it dawned
upon her that the shoreline was nowhere in sight. This
time, she had drifted much further from the shore than
before. Anuri had lost her bearings. Then she felt
something bump against her.
confused about where
she was
What do you think lost her bearings mean?

To Anuri, getting away meant seeking the calm and

quiet of the sea. She was now enjoying a relaxing swim,
lulled by the quiet rhythm of the gently lapping waves
until she suddenly heard a splash. Anuri glanced around
but saw nothing frightening. It was then that it dawned
upon her that the shoreline was nowhere in sight. This
time, she had drifted much further from the shore than
before. Anuri had lost her bearings.
How did Anuri feel when she was swimming in the sea,
lulled by the quiet rhythm of the gently lapping waves?
(Scroll down for a clue.)

To Anuri, getting away meant seeking the calm and

quiet of the sea. She was now enjoying a relaxing swim,
lulled by the quiet rhythm of the gently lapping waves
until she suddenly heard a splash. Anuri glanced around
but saw nothing frightening. It was then that it dawned
upon her that the shoreline was nowhere in sight. This
time, she had drifted much further from the shore than
before. Anuri had lost her bearings.
How did Anuri feel when she was swimming in the sea,
lulled by the quiet rhythm of the gently lapping waves?
*Clue: You should be able to find at least two words
from the paragraph above that can be used to describe
her feelings.

Then she felt something bump against her. Now panic

seized her. Shark! Anuri thought. Experience had taught
her not to make any noise but to swim away softly and
quickly. While she did so, she felt it again, more strongly
this time. She picked up speed, and when she was bumped
yet again, she stretched out her arms, in an attempt to
fend off the predator. To Anuris surprise, she touched
something soft and warm nothing like the cold, hard,
sandpaper roughness of the dreaded one.
Why had Anuri panicked? (Scroll down for a clue.)

Then she felt something bump against her. Now panic

seized her. Shark! Anuri thought. Experience had taught
her not to make any noise but to swim away softly and
quickly. While she did so, she felt it again, more strongly
this time. She picked up speed, and when she was bumped
yet again, she stretched out her arms, in an attempt to
fend off the predator. To Anuris surprise, she touched
something soft and warm nothing like the cold, hard,
sandpaper roughness of the dreaded one.
Why had Anuri panicked?
*Clues: What did she feel? What did she think it

Then she felt something bump against her. Now panic

seized her. Shark! Anuri thought. Experience had taught
her not to make any noise but to swim away softly and
quickly. While she did so, she felt it again, more strongly
this time. She picked up speed, and when she was bumped
yet again, she stretched out her arms, in an attempt to
fend off the predator. To Anuris surprise, she touched
something soft and warm nothing like the cold, hard,
sandpaper roughness of the dreaded one.
Why was Anuri astonished? (Scroll down for clues.)

Then she felt something bump against her. Now panic

seized her. Shark! Anuri thought. Experience had taught
her not to make any noise but to swim away softly and
quickly. While she did so, she felt it again, more strongly
this time. She picked up speed, and when she was bumped
yet again, she stretched out her arms, in an attempt to
fend off the predator. To Anuris surprise, she touched
something soft and warm nothing like the cold, hard,
sandpaper roughness of the dreaded one.
Why was Anuri astonished?
*Clues: What did she touch? How did it feel to the touch?
What had she expected to touch?

Anuri was momentarily relieved, but before she

could finally regain her composure, the water
around her swirled alarmingly like a whirlpool,
sucking her towards, the middle. Suddenly, a huge
form leapt from the water, in a graceful arch,
whistling shrilly. Pearls of water cascaded from its
silky, silvery-grey body before it dived, with the
faintest splash, into the water. It was a dolphin, one
so incredibly graceful in movement and utterly
lovely to behold!
Using contextual clues, decipher the meanings of the words
in blue. Then, scroll down to check if your guesses are

calmness/ self-controlled
state of mind

water moving in
circular motion

Anuri was momentarily relieved, but before she

could finally regain her composure, the water
around her swirled alarmingly like a whirlpool,
sucking her towards, the middle. Suddenly, a huge
form leapt from the water, in a graceful arch,
whistling shrilly. Pearls of water cascaded from its
silky, silvery-grey body before it dived, with the
faintest splash, into the water. It was a dolphin, one
so incredibly graceful in movement and utterly
lovely to behold!


to flow

Anuri was momentarily relieved, but before she could

finally regain her composure, the water around her
swirled alarmingly like a whirlpool, sucking her towards,
the middle. Suddenly, a huge form leapt from the water,
in a graceful arch, whistling shrilly. Pearls of water
cascaded from its silky, silvery-grey body before it dived,
with the faintest splash, into the water. It was a dolphin,
one so incredibly graceful in movement and utterly lovely
to behold!
Why was Anuri afraid? (Scroll down for a clue.)

Anuri was momentarily relieved, but before she could

finally regain her composure, the water around her
swirled alarmingly like a whirlpool, sucking her towards,
the middle. Suddenly, a huge form leapt from the water,
in a graceful arch, whistling shrilly. Pearls of water
cascaded from its silky, silvery-grey body before it dived,
with the faintest splash, into the water. It was a dolphin,
one so incredibly graceful in movement and utterly lovely
to behold!
Why was Anuri afraid?
*Clue: What had happened to the water?

Anuri was momentarily relieved, but before she could

finally regain her composure, the water around her
swirled alarmingly like a whirlpool, sucking her towards,
the middle. Suddenly, a huge form leapt from the water,
in a graceful arch, whistling shrilly. Pearls of water
cascaded from its silky, silvery-grey body before it
dived, with the faintest splash, into the water. It was a
dolphin, one so incredibly graceful in movement and
utterly lovely to behold!
Use an adjective to describe how Anuri felt when she
saw a dolphin leap out of the water, in a graceful arch
and dive, with the faintest splash, into the water?

The dolphin came at Anuri continuously, nudging and

bumping her, but with no intention to hurt. It wove
under Anuris arms, and encircled her body in a playful
manner. It even allowed Anuri to pat its head, stroke
its cheeks and ride on its back. The dolphin in turn
made a sound of immense pleasure that was
somewhere between a purr and a growl. Anuri was
utterly oblivious to the passing of time. In a moment,
her feet unexpectedly touched something solid the
sea floor! She realised that she was now nearer to the
Why was Anuri surprised? (Scroll down for clues.)

The dolphin came at Anuri continuously, nudging and

bumping her, but with no intention to hurt. It wove
under Anuris arms, and encircled her body in a playful
manner. It even allowed Anuri to pat its head, stroke
its cheeks and ride on its back. The dolphin in turn
made a sound of immense pleasure that was
somewhere between a purr and a growl. Anuri was
utterly oblivious to the passing of time. In a moment,
her feet unexpectedly touched something solid the
sea floor! She realised that she was now nearer to the
Why was Anuri surprised?
*Clues: What did her feet touch unexpectedly? What
did she realise the dolphin had done?

Suddenly, the dolphin seemed to have heard something

and quickly disappeared into the water. Puzzled, Anuri
looked around, and way in the distance, she could see
her parents in a canoe, shouting out her name
desperately. It was the third time her parents had had to
search for her at sea. But in so doing, they had
unwittingly terminated what could possibly be a once-ina-lifetime encounter with a creature of nature.
Quote the two-word phrase which suggests that Anuris
parents ended her encounter with the dolphin without
realising it.

Suddenly, the dolphin seemed to have heard something

and quickly disappeared into the water. Puzzled, Anuri
looked around, and way in the distance, she could see
her parents in a canoe, shouting out her name
desperately. It was the third time her parents had had to
search for her at sea. But in so doing, they had
unwittingly terminated what could possibly be a once-ina-lifetime encounter with a creature of nature.
Quote the two-word phrase which suggests that Anuris
parents ended her encounter with the dolphin without
realising it.

Suddenly, the dolphin seemed to have heard something

and quickly disappeared into the water. Puzzled, Anuri
looked around, and way in the distance, she could see
her parents in a canoe, shouting out her name
desperately. It was the third time her parents had had to
search for her at sea. But in so doing, they had
unwittingly terminated what could possibly be a once-ina-lifetime encounter with a creature of nature.
Which word above has the same meaning as confused?

Suddenly, the dolphin seemed to have heard something

and quickly disappeared into the water. Puzzled, Anuri
looked around, and way in the distance, she could see
her parents in a canoe, shouting out her name
desperately. It was the third time her parents had had to
search for her at sea. But in so doing, they had
unwittingly terminated what could possibly be a once-ina-lifetime encounter with a creature of nature.
Which word above has the same meaning as confused?
What had caused Anuri to be confused/puzzled?

Suddenly, the dolphin seemed to have heard something

and quickly disappeared into the water. Puzzled, Anuri
looked around, and way in the distance, she could see
her parents in a canoe, shouting out her name
desperately. It was the third time her parents had had to
search for her at sea. But in so doing, they had
unwittingly terminated what could possibly be a once-ina-lifetime encounter with a creature of nature.
How did Anuri feel when her once-in-a-lifetime
encounter with a dolphin ended with her parents

Anuri sobbed and muttered softly, Thank you and

good-bye, dear dolphin. Soon her parents spotted her.
The moment they came near her, she could distinctly
hear her mother chiding her again for her
recklessness and disobedience which caused much
worry to others. Ridden with remorse, Anuri
approached her parents
Guess the meanings of the words in blue using contextual
clues before clicking to find out the meanings of the

Anuri sobbed and muttered softly, Thank you and

good-bye, dear dolphin. Soon her parents spotted her.
The moment they came near her, she could distinctly
hear her mother chiding her again for her
recklessness and disobedience which caused much
worry to others. Ridden with remorse, Anuri
approached her parents
chide: scold
reckless: do things without
thinking about the

filled with regret

Guess the meanings of the words in blue using contextual

clues before clicking to find out the meanings of the

Anuri sobbed and muttered softly, Thank you and goodbye, dear dolphin. Soon her parents spotted her. The
moment they came near her, she could distinctly hear
her mother chiding her again for her recklessness and
disobedience which caused much worry to others.
Ridden with remorse, Anuri approached her parents
Why did Anuri feel guilty?

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