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NO. 352-235406-09 TERESA STEPHENS, Plaintiff, IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF vs. § § § § § DOES 1-20, inclusive, PHYLLIS § STEPHENS, ERIC BLANCO, § EMMETT GLENN (aka Ego Buster), § CAROLYN O’DELL (aka einy), § WILMA VICEDOMINE (aka oh § really!), DON CLARK, KERRY § CASTOR (aka Kerry), PHYLLIS § WHITE (aka Whack-a-Mole), JILL § BRASIER (aka Thangs), VON § WADDLE (aka QV), SUE BRINER § (AKA Windi), NEIL MCCABE, THE TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS O'QUINN LAW FIRM, NELDA § “ROSE” TURNER (aka cajunrose), § Individuals whose true names are § unknown using the following § pseudonyms: aka NoseKnot, aka § Trixie, aka AlamoGirl, aka § Trainwreck, aka grandma, aka § Grannies Rock, aka einy, aka :), aka § please), aka GET A LIFE, GET § RESPONSIBLE, GROW UP), aka § Casper the Ghost, aka Prepaid Visa, § aka Jewel, aka What would be the § purpose Butterfly on the fast-track to § sainthood?, aka hidden agenda/PWF, § aka McCabe Rules, aka hidden agenda, § aka All Knowing Friend Of Whack-a- § Mole, and aka PWF, § 5 Defendants. 352ND JUDICIAL DISTRICT ORDER On March 11, 2010, the Court held a hearing on “Defendant Wilma Vicedomine’s Special Exceptions and Motion to Dismiss under Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code § 13.001.” il Defendants Neil McCabe, Don Clark, and Carolyn O°Dell joined in the motion. After considering the motion, the response of Plaintiff (if timely filed), the evidence presented, the arguments of counsel and pro se parties, and the papers on file in this cause, the Court is of the opinion that the motion should be GRANTED on the grounds that Plaintiff’ Teresa Stephens has not plead a cause of action cognizable at law and there is no realistic chance she could plead a cause of action, and on the grounds that this is an affidavit of inability to pay case and Plaintiff's claims are frivolous and malicious. It is therefore ORDERED that all of Plaintiff Teresa Stephens’ claims are hereby DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE. All costs related to the claims are taxed against Plaintiff. SIGNED on t 2010.

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