Behavioral Therapy by Kurt Lewin

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Kurt Lewin
Behavioral Theories

 Were concerned with what leaders did and act than who the leader is
 Based upon the belief that “great leaders are made, not born.”

Kurt Lewin

 Eminent psychologist
 Categorized the leadership styles
 Developed the theory of human behavior
 Developed the change theory
Leadership Styles (LAD)

 The manner and approach of providing direction, implementing plans

and motivating people.

1. Authoritarian
 Centralized decision making
 Leader makes the decision with the use of power to command and
control others

I want both of you to………………………..

1. Democratic
 Leader participates with authority delegated to others

Let’s work together to solve this…………………….

1. Laissez – Faire
 Passive and permissive
 Leader defers decision making

You two take care of the problem while I go……………………

Change Theory: 3 stages
Stages Characteristics Organizational

Unfreezing  Members are  Diagnosis

made aware of stage is often
problems/perfor driven by a
mance gap and change agent
need for change
 Change should
only be
only for good

Changing/Move  Agent identifies,  This

plans and intervention
ment Occur appropriate stage features
strategies driving specific
forces exceed training
restraining forces

Refreezing  People use  Changes are

new skills institutionali
and attitudes zed in the
and are corporate
rewarded by culture

2 Dimensions of Leadership Behavior

1. Initiating Structure
 Emphasis is on the work to be done, the task and production
1. Consideration
 Focus is on employment and emphasize relating and getting
along with people

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