Application 3 Alexuswatson

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According to Pavlov,
(1927), Classical
conditioning primary
focuses on the ability to
use stimuli to create
involuntary responses,
such as blinking and
salivating. (pg.32)

Blinking and salivating is a

classical condition,
primary focusing on the
ability to stimuli. (Pavlov

Operant Conditioning

According to Winsor,
Murell, and Jackson,
Operant Conditioning
refers to the control of
induvial voluntary
responses; and places
emphasis on induvial
actions. (pg.34)

Control of an induvial and

places on one person
actions is known as
Operant Conditioning.
(Winsor ,et al 2015)


Winsor, Murell, and

Jackson (2015)
Reinforcement is
anything that strengthens
or increases likelihood that
behaviors will continue.

Something that is
reinforced anything
strengthens or can increase
the likelihood of behaviors
continuing (Winsor, et al.

According to Cooper,
Heron, and Heward (2007)
Intermittent reinforcement
plays a substantial role in
retention of previously of
previously learned
behaviors. (Pg. 36)

Previous learned behaviors

plays a substantial role on
retention which is known
as Intermittent
reinforcement (Cooper, et
al 2007)

General Overview
Classical Conditioning

Classical Conditioning
(Pavlov) Findings
Watson Findings

Schedules of

Social Learning



Bandura Findings

Learned Helplessness
Optional Extra

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Bandura (1977) Bandura

also suggest that
punishment do not work
well to motivate a person
to repeat the observed
behavior or to demonstrate
what a person has learned.
( Pg.38)

Punishment will not work

to motivate only makes
them repeat overserved
behavior or shows what a
person has learned
( Bandura 1977)


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