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"Southern Ape"

Who was Lucy?

Lucy was an ape who walked the

earth over 3.2 million years ago
What is unique about her is that she
had the ability to stand on her hind

She was human - like humanoids

The main physical dierence was that
she had hands
Made by; Dylan M-H, Dylan E, Kassey, and Breanna

P E R I O D . 3 M O R G A N , M A D I S O N , H A L E Y, M A C K E N Z I E



Lived for about 1.5 million years BCE.
Upright man made and controlled fire!
Homo erectus were the first hunters around.
Upright Man travelled over lam bridges from Africa

and began the populated world one million years ago!

Homo Habilis
The Homo Habilis lived in the 2 million BCE area in time they were the first true
humans and they were also the first humans to make stone tools. They lived in
Africa and were taller with larger brains.

Made by Evan, Tyler, Camron, and Sumner

Homo sapiens "Wise

Man" and Neanderthals
They buried their dead with ceremonies.
Stone tipped spears, bone needles, bone fish hooks, sewed clothing from
animal skins, and warm boots are all things that they had.

Period 3
By Lindsay Bagley,
Keagan Alley,
Brooklynn Dostie, and
Ethan Caldwell

The cro magon people

made cave paintings,
mammoth bone huts,
bow and arrow, they
made necklaces and
pendants and Scott
thinks it looks like his

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