Computer Generations

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By: Ivan Pineda

For the past decades we have been trying to make better and
faster computers. We many times just know we have a cell
phone or a laptop, but we sometimes do not know what or
who made the possible of the existence of these objects. The
voyage of computers is a really long one and I will try to
explain it thoroughly in this presentation

Charles Babbage
Charles Babbage was born in London in

1971. He made two attempts

of crating computers, the differential engine and the analytical engine.
At His time he could fulfill his work but he made a big contribution to
the world of computers. He supposedly built the first computer although
it was more like a calculator. He went to the university of Cambridge
where he started his project on building his idea. Building it required
large amounts of money so he asked the government for funds. He as
grabbed some money but is wasnt sufficient for finishing it. Later his
difference engine was built by the museum of science in London

First generation Computers

The first generation computers were enormous and could fill a large
The computers made use of vacuum tubes
The main company that pioneered the age was IBM
These computers werent manufactured by a company, but you had
to build it yourself which was very complicated/
Mid 1940
The institute of advanced studies in the college of Princeton made
significant advancements in designing computer models.

Second generation Computer

Transistors replaced vacuum Tubes
Here the computers began to be manufactured at a smaller price and

Relied on punched cords for input
High level programming language was being developed like FORTRAN
One recognized machine at this time was the TRADIC
Also computers started to make calculations with real numbers

Third generation computers

Integrated circuits and silicon chips contained multiple transitprs which
made processing faster and more efficient.
ACPX module used in IBM 360/91
Parallelism was used by programmers
Texas Instrument Advanced Scientific Computer used pipelined vector
Small integration circuits were introduced having as much as 100 devices
per circuit

Fourth Generation computers

1971- Present
Integrated the use of microprocessors
Chips now carried thousands of integrated circuits and were made of silicon
The company Apple introduced its first computer made on a wooden box called
1981 IBM introduced its first home computer
Mouse and handheld devices
High speed vector processors
More than 65 million computer used later.

Fifth Generation
This began in Japan in the attempt for artificial intelligenece
They want to surpass the Cray -2 which is todays most

powerful computer
The purpose is for computers to simulate human intelligence
and reasoning\
We know have advanced to voice recognition
Distributed array processor

Bill gates was born in 1955 in Seattle to an upper middle

class. He had a passion for
since he was 13. he
programmed his first program when he was in middles school
and it was a tic tac toe against he computer. He assisted to
the university of Washington where he partnered with Paul
Allen . Paul and bill were so intrigued by computers they
many times had misunderstandings, sometimes resulting in
being banned from the schools computer lab. Bill gates
attended later to Harvard and Allen to Washington university .
They partnered and developed a software in BASIC for an
Altair computer which was a success and ended in them
being hired by the company. They later founded Microsoft. Bill
gates took advantage of all the hardware being created by
starting developing software for many companies. Microsoft
was made famous when bill Gates sold an operating system
to IBM. Now he is a billionaire with a net worth of 76 billion

"Charles Babbage: His Life and Contributions." <i>Charles

Babbage: His Life and Contributions</i>. N.p., n.d. Web. 24

Sept. 2015.
<i>Forbes</i>. Forbes Magazine, n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2015.
"3.3 Second Generation (1954-1962)."3.3 Second Generation
(1954-1962). N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2015.
Computer Generations. N.p., n.d. Web.


Computers make our life so much easier and we many times

take for granted how many people suffered into making

significant things that allowed for advancements in the world
of computers. They are a tool that help us in our every day
lives. Thank you for your attention. Have a nice day.

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