Environmental Issues Script

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Environmental Issues

- They arise mainly whenever there's a change in the quality or

quantity of any environmental factor which directly or indirectly
affects the health and well-being of man in an adverse manner.
- The most important issues are:
- Global Warming
- Deforestation
- Pollution
- Global Warming is cased by increasing concentrations of
greenhouse gases.
- It is believed that temperatures will rise by 1.7 C in the 21st
- Deforestation: Annually 13.7 million hectares of land are being
- The main causes are industrialiaztion, expansion, logging.
- It has a great impact on our lives because without trees we
wouldn't have enough oxygen in order to live.
- 70% of the world's plants and animals live in forests, so the
loss of their habitat can lead to species extinction.
- At this rate, we risk of running out of forests in a few decades.
- Pollution: There are many types of it, but all of them share on
thing, the introduction of contaminants into the natural
- Toxic pollutin affects more than 200 million people worldwide.
- In 2010 Americans produced 250 million tons of garbage.
- Air pollution kills more than 2 million people each year.
-In conclusion, I can say that indeed there are many
environmental issues that need to be adressed in order to
preserve the beauty of our planet as well as our own well-being.

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