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The behaviorist
perspective proposed
that it was more
important to
understand observable
human actions rather
than the human
thought process
(Winsor, Murrell,
Jackson, 2015).

Understanding what
one can see visually is
more important than
comprehending the
way humans think.

Operant Conditioning

Operant conditioning
reinforces those
actions that lead to
appropriate outcomes
and punishes those
that lead to
undesirable actions
(Winsor, Murrell,
Jackson, 2015).

This type of
conditioning supports
what is right and
penalizes actions that
are wrong/not


In order for
reinforcement to be
effective, it needs to
be important and
desirable for the
individual (Winsor,
Murrell, Jackson,

The person has to

actually care about or
respect what they are
doing in order for the
reinforcement to have
the desirable effect.


Punishment, on the
other hand, is
anything that might
weaken or diminish
the likelihood that a
behavior will continue
(Winsor, Murrell,
Jackson, 2015).

Not for sure, but

maybe, the wrong
doings of a person
could decrease
through a process
known as punishment.

General Overview

Classical Conditioning
Classical Conditioning
(Pavlov) Findings
Watson Findings


Schedules of

Social Learning

Intext Quotation

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With continuous
reinforcement, the
behavior is reinforced
every time it takes
place (Winsor,
Murrell, Jackson,

One will continue

doing as reinforced
because they will
learn to expect the
reinforcement every

With intermittent
reinforcement, the
behavior is reinforced
only periodically
(Winsor, Murrell,
Jackson, 2015).

One is unsure if
reinforcement will be
coming or not so their
doings arent as often.

The social learning

perspective involves
the interaction
between individuals
and others (Winsor,
Murrell, Jackson,

People learn their

rules, attitudes, and
skils they feel are
needed by watching
others and the way
things work around

Learned helplessness
develops when an
individual responds
passively to an
adverse stimulus
rather than escaping
and avoiding it
(Seligman, 1975).

One will allow the

situation to control
them rather than
taking control of the
situation themselves.
They will think that
there is no way to
change what is going
on which then leads to
them having low selfefficacy.

Bandura Findings
Learned Helplessness

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