Session 7

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Figure 1: Thin beam

T = pe2


Question 1.1 : Show that a plane stress assumption is suitable for this problem.



We consider a beam as shown in gure 1 which is very thin in the direction e3 , and
we want to determine the stress eld within this structure. This beam is made of a
homogeneous linear elastic and isotropic material, rests on two supports, and is loaded
on its top face by a uniform distribution of tractions T = pe2 , p > 0. This beam has a
rectangular geometry so that a >> b >> c. Gravity forces are neglected with respect to
the loading.

Exercise 1 : Thin beam: Airy function approach

Plane linear elasticity

Continuum Mechanics

Centrale de Nantes - Master 1 SMA

Question 1.8 : Compute the displacement eld.

Question 1.7 : Does this stress eld lead to an integrable strain?

Question 1.6 : Discuss the expression of 11 on surfaces x1 = a. Plot the stress

components 12 and 22 vs. x2 .

Question 1.5 : Write the set of equations. Solve it to determine all the constants
dening the stress eld , as a function of a, b and p.

We are led to weaken the boundary conditions prescribed on extremal faces x1 = a.

We thus enforce a vanishing resultant force and moment on these surfaces. Consistent
Neuman boundary condition are conserved on surfaces x2 = b.

Question 1.4 : Write natural boundary conditions on surfaces x1 = a and

x2 = b. Are these boundary conditions compatible with the stress
components expression (i.e. that do not lead to a vanishing stress

Boundary conditions need to be written to determine the constants arising in the expression of stress components.

Question 1.3 : Give the expression of the stress components 11 , 22 and 12 .

Question 1.2 : Based on symmetry considerations, the expression of stress components can be still simplied. Show that only eight constants do not
vanish among the fteen of the general form.

We solve this problem with the Airy function approach. The rst step is to choose a
mathematical form of this function; a form based on a polynom of the fth order is
detailed in the appendice joined. Then, restrictions prescribed by the Beltrami equation
are detailed on each homogeneous polynom at order n, and the stress eld is derived.

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