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entries a Cheese ionsaysits (to name Jneese has number fon says ‘0. cheeses e been en- ‘eek’s con- ump of al since the ‘6. ys the en- 20 nations, ‘Sweden. ies include 2, cheddar Postal inspector wants to stamp out fraud Scammers use different tactics, but target all age groups BBY NATHAN PHELPS epsozeertapeseyant cm For a week in March you can {find Lori Groen standing behind a table lined with pamphlets and DVDs about scams and mail-re- lated fraud. ‘The rest of the year she and other postal inspectors around ese” was : the state and na eesemaker fa tion are working to hen His onsure the sanctity tool home of the postal sye- 22018 tem. meestruns || Groen, who has ymhursday || ‘been an inspector Ge for 20 yoars, said * consumer ede: tion — and heading off scams ne they ran tale iSsector Sigone of te ey Cartons of mai sit the John W Byes Post fice on Packeand De | thst ofr ol lispute | ““Weneversant memansove | Scam warning signs few oxt hazardous or mali used as a conduit for illegal ae- | RGatpeyecr artes ore gpa cious materials like anthrex — 1 Supreme | Uvity” she said during a stop | ,,/usilaucorlan Geo of 8 to inspectors who investigate i- ca with a | ‘Thursday in Green Bay ducing | ®¥ot tered fens conmony legal activity via the mall while salership in Consumer Protection Week. “I | ® ied others keep tabs on internal op- Tajorman | need fo get the word out about soidion coming oma grations. aitrailers, ‘the red flags of a scam as welll as | ‘eigncwuntry? “They provide that safety “Thursday | tellimgangone that mayruse the | MO0otheonetalonwegrn- yo” sid, its realy a bene. inistrative ‘mail to perpetuate some kind | malical errs? fit to the mailing community to setae | fraud Were out there looking | MisWaasonectinnatarytodo_ have the inspection service on fairy can | at you, we're going to nd you | the tension tay? sltefor their safety” Yer ages | and we're going to prosecute | Mls Besalelingpuconasknoiar There are a dozen inspectors, ve Wausau | you." thernonoyite wre? Unie achock including two in Green Bay, who Groen, who is based out of | cmon ory ved nds canbe cover most of Wisconsin and the ip had soa | Milwantkeo, said inspectors see | cana x eeoeed Upper Peninsula of Michigan. sop198% but} aumber of scams aimed at dit- | ~ Asie orton abouts po-_ After two decades In the bust siughie | ferent segnenisof Ce pope: | tints enc nee (oon sds not thewhiees | ton found atposaingecersucpsgor prised by much, a rivals | “We used to find that seam- es Tes the same scams, just ‘The follow | mers primarily targeted or gago-related scams as well as packaged a litle differently” deslersiip | seniors... but now were start- counterfelt checks where the she said. “I'm always sed when T mind and | ingtoseea change in that every Sender provides the tle ammount see someone fall victim to this, ting. Volto | age group is getting targeted,” andmoreandwillaskfor theex- because getting thelr money she sai. ess to be wired back to thom, back is nearly Impossible, espe- woterminate | “People In their 208 may be "Older Americans commonly clally when you're talking about hip in 2004, | more prone to solicitation for face eharity-and foreign iotiery- overseas bad guys.” lor violated | scholarship and grant scams related scams. Groen said job satisfaction ivfallingio | alongwith workathome seams Groen said the foreign lottery comes as much from teaching oducts An | involving unknowingly reship- scain is aneasy one fo deal with: consumers how to protect them- “aw judge | . ping metchandise ‘purchased ‘They're all INegal through the selves as it does from prosecut- ination was | Wwith-tolen credit cart:numbers mall ing s cave cause. the | Yo forelgn countries “Tin Lewis, Green Bay post- "It can be gratifying to put fixed tho | People between 90 may master, said the postal service someone away . but its much fonalisowen | run into seams involving al- works to protect the mail —in- more satisfying for me to stop it Teged stimulus funds or mort- cluding machines designed to and prevent i” she anid market yo should bet inga stron: with your build fene company | ‘manual do: ‘The sec concept, with a cu has his ov makes sen sales persc uation. Tet’s sa given apn by theeng ment with that don't thecuston can’t char the engit ment. (Get neering a ing VPshe in the eo) WPof sale gon doest negotiate ‘po late ar ‘quote goer ‘The clic departme most of t1 if they ar makers. ‘They ia capital an ets of the aremand costs of 1 ‘They hav. agement. } rushed t orders to schedules If'your meet thel teria, th ahead an does. Find ov When cli hasame asupplie chasing bid if 0: ‘took the easy for nose with And th ifyouhe sions Ie terme, B ‘that theb yours. 0) if youre: ‘There: that pw ments he ‘by work neringw Theyh cussions

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