UN United Nations

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United Nations

Foundation of

II World War consequences

Atomic Bomb
50-70 million people died
New political landscape
Iron curtain Cold war
Nuremberg trials
International criminal court
Creation of UN

Main UN Bodies
General Assembly
It is the main deliberative organ
Composed of representatives of all Member States.
The work largely from the mandates given by the
General Assembly.
A revitalization of the Assembly is under way to
enhance its role, authority, effectiveness and

193 Member States

Main UN Bodies
Economic and Social Council
The ECOSOC is the principal organ to coordinate the
economic, social and related work of the United
Nations and the specialized agencies and institutions

54 Members

Main UN Bodies
International Court of Justice
It is located at the Hague in the Netherlands and it is
the principal judicial organ of the United Nations.
It settles legal disputes between states and gives
advisory opinions to the UN and its specialized

15 judges

Main UN Bodies
Security Council
The Security Council has primary responsibility for the
maintenance of international peace and security.
A reform of the Security Council, including its
membership is under consideration.

Right to veto: Russia, USA,

UK, France and China

Main UN Bodies
Trusteeship Council
It was established in 1945 to provide international
supervision for 11 Trust Territories placed under the
administration of 7 Member States, and to prepare the
Territories for self-government and independence. By
1994, its work completed, the Council has amended its
rules of procedure to meet as and where occasion may

Main UN Bodies
The Secretariat carries out the day-to-day work of the
It services the other principal organs and carries out
tasks as varied as the issues dealt with by the UN:
administering peacekeeping operations, surveying
economic and social trends, preparing studies on
human rights, among others

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