Concept Questions

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LET06189 - Lngua Inglesa: Traduo Histria Terica e Prtica

Concept Questions / Concept Checking

Concept questions are used in order to check the meaning of vocabulary
and/or structure, usually during the presentation stage of a lesson. It is
importante to note that concept questions need to be asked only after the
students have been in touch with the language item (vocabular or gramar)
in its context of use. Many teachers may think asking do you understand
is enough to check studentsunderstanding. However, students may say
yes either because they are embarrassed to say they havent understood,
or because they may think they have understood when its not the case.

Examples of good concept questions:

She managed to pass at the end.

Did she pass? Was it easy?
Hes been to Italy / Hes gone to Italy.
Is he there now? Has he returned?

Examples of ineffective concept questions (Do not ask these

Did she manage?
Did you understand manage?


KISS: keep it short and simple;

Only use language sts know;

Dont use the new vocab/structure in the question;

Repeat it throughout the lesson;

Plan your concept questions in advance, but improve your

practice so you can ask them in unpredictable situations

Practice: Write concept questions to check the understanding of meaning of

the following underlined structures/vocabulary:
I had the car washed.
Shes looking forward to her holiday.
He didnt need to do it. He neednt have done it.
I cant put up with that noise any longer.
He used to play football.
Pink really suits you.
She stopped to look at the picture. She stopped looking at the p cture.
Shes a very reliable person.
Im playing tennis with John on Saturday.
Theres a very good library downtown.

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