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30 Minute Narrative Challenge Writing Assessment Rubric

TITLE OF WRITING BEING ASSESSED: Kayla & Alick ________________________________________________

Highlight where you believe your level of achievement is for each of the 7 assessment areas below:



Writing has many simple

ideas that are related to
the topic
Writing has few ideas that
have basic elaboration
Some structural and
language features (refer
writing rubric) are
appropriate to purpose

Ideas are grouped and

sequenced and writing
generally flows
Writing may be brief, but
makes sense

Ideas are relevant and begin
to show more detail and
there is at least one
elaborated idea


Ideas are deliberately

selected, effective and
original, with detailed
elaboration , and show
reflection on the wider

Structural and language

features (refer writing rubric)
are appropriate to
purpose, and include more

Structural and language

features (refer writing
rubric) are appropriate to
purpose, include more
detail, and are mostly
controlled (intentional)

Structural and language

features (refer writing rubric)
are appropriate to purpose,
include more detail, and are
controlled and effective

Writing shows an
understanding (control)
of grouping and
sequencing of ideas, but
paragraphs are not actually

Ideas are organised into

basic paragraphs

Paragraphs support the

development of text

Writing has several
elaborated ideas

*R7 paragraphs are

deliberately structured to
direct the reader

Writing makes sense


Uses a range of everyday

words and phrases with a
few precise words for
e.g. adjectives, adverbs

Uses a variety of precise

words and phrases to add
information and/or
e.g. similes, metaphors

Selects appropriate words

and phrases to enhance


Beginning to include a
variety of sentence types
(simple, compound,


Some correct use of

sentence punctuation (e.g.
full-stops, capital letters).
May attempt contractions
and commas

Includes a variety of
correct sentence types
(simple, compound,
complex), and more complex
sentences are used
Most sentence punctuation is
correct and some other
punctuation has been used
correctly (e.g. commas,

Sentences have a variety in

structure, length and type,
and some are
deliberately used for
Sentence and other
punctuation (e.g. commas,
contractions) are correct
and some complex
punctuation is
attempted (e.g. direct
speech, commas for phrases
and clauses)

All sentence punctuation is
correct but no other
punctuation is used.


Spells a range of personal

and high-frequency words
correctly (eg school, where,
friend, outside, playing).
May attempt words with
more than two syllables.


Ideas are complex and


Spells a wide range of

personal and high-frequency
words correctly.
Attempts difficult words.

Spells high-frequency
words and some difficult
words correctly. (e.g.
weird, through)

Ideas are linked effectively

within and across paragraphs
Precise words and phrases are
consistently used to enhance
meaning and are used for effect
e.g. academic/technical words
Sentences are deliberately
crafted to impact and
Sentence and other
punctuation (e.g. commas,
contractions) are correct and
complex punctuation is
used correctly (e.g. direct
speech, commas for phrases
and clauses, hyphens, colons,
parentheses ). Punctuation
assists meaning.
*R7 Controlled use of
punctuation to enhance
meaning with no errors.
Spells high-frequency words
and a range of difficult
words correctly, with few or
no errors.

Self-Assessment and evaluation:

i think my piece of writing was R4 because i spelled high frequency word and hard words correctly, i also used commas and
contraction. i also have a variety in my sentences. -Kira

Peer feedback and feed-forward:

I think that you did a great job with the way you structured your sentences . i also like the vocabulary and ideas in your
story. - Aimee

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