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Quantum Mechanics II (phys 4143) spring 2013

Problem set 2

Michael Pustilnik []

Problem 7
2 |l, mi = ~2 l(l + 1) |l, mi, Jz |l, mi = ~m |l, mi].
A particle is in the state |l, mi of the orbital angular momentum [i.e., J
Evaluate the uncertainties Jx and Jy . For which l and m the product Jx Jy has the smallest value allowed in
quantum mechanics?
Problem 8
A system of two spins1/2 is described by the Hamiltonian

1 S
2 + Ez S1z S2z .
= E0 S
Find the eigenenergies.
Problem 9
Three spins1/2 are in the state with the total spin S = 3/2 and its projection Sz = 1/2:
2 |i = 15 |i ,

Sz |i = |i ,

1 + S
2 + S
3 is the operator of the total spin.
where S
(a) What is the probability that the measurement of S1z yields 1/2?
(b) One measures S1z and then S2z . What are the probabilities for S1z and S2z to have the same/opposite signs?
Problem 10
A particle of mass m is moving in 1D in a periodic potential V (x) = V (x + a).

(a) Show that the Hamiltonian commutes with Ta = eiap/~

, operator of translation by a.

and Ta satisfy
(b) Show that common eigenfunctions of H
q (x a) = eiqa q (x).
Problem 11
Show that the action of the translation operator Ta0 = exp(ia0 p/~) on the ground state |0i of a one-dimensional
harmonic oscillator results in a coherent state: Ta0 |0i = |i, a
|i = |i. Find .
Problem 12
Find the eigenenergies of a 2D harmonic oscillator described by the Hamiltonian

= 1 p2x + p2y + m x2 rx2 + y2 ry2 + 2 2 rx ry ,
Hint: try a rotation about z-axis.

2 < x y .

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