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Lifeline Shot list

1. Description: Blank Screen (black)

Dialogue: Quote: - People Live their Lives bound by what
they accept as correct and true. That is how they define
"Reality. But what does it mean to be "correct" or "true"?
They are merely vague concepts... Their "Reality" may all
be a mirage. Can we consider them to be simply living in
their own world, shaped by their beliefs?
SFX: None
Duration: 5secs
2. Description: Flames fade in/Car crash
Dialogue: None
SFX: car crash, Ambulance, cracking fire, muffled voices.
Duration: 3 secs
3. Description: Cut to profile shot of Bradley (Louis) waking
Dialogue: None
SFX: Breathing
Duration: 2 secs
4. Description: Long shot of back of Bradley at the bathroom
Dialogue: none
SFX: Tap running
Duration: 1 sec
5. Description: Close up on bloody hands
Dialogue: none
SFX: Tap running
Duration: 1 sec
6. Description: Low angle close up of Bradleys Distraught
crying face
Dialogue: None
SFX: Tap Running
Duration: 2 secs
7. Description: Cut to Production company Logo

Dialogue: None
SFX: None
Soundtrack: Kevin MacLeod Despair and Triumph
Duration: 1.30 secs
8. Description: Establishing shot of Canterbury
Dialogue: Narration: - Life never turns out the way you
expect it to
SFX: None
Soundtrack: Kevin MacLeod Despair and Triumph
Duration: 2 secs
9. Description: Bradley Sitting down by a wall (long shot)
Dialogue: Narration: - Things can happen, things change
SFX: Rain
Soundtrack: Kevin MacLeod Despair and Triumph
Duration: 2secs
Description: Mid close up of legs that stop directly in
front of Bradley
Dialogue: - Mia: Youll catch a cold if you sit out here.
SFX: Rain
Soundtrack: Kevin MacLeod Despair and Triumph
Duration: 3 secs
Description: Bradley POV camera pans up to Mias
Dialogue: Narration: - In an instant
SFX: Rain
Soundtrack: Kevin MacLeod Despair and Triumph
Duration: 3 secs
Description: Mia extends umbrella over Bradley
SFX: subtle rain
Soundtrack: Kevin MacLeod Despair and Triumph
Duration: 2 secs
Text: Star Rating from Dialogue Magazine (5 stars)
SFX: None
Soundtrack: Kevin MacLeod Despair and Triumph

Description: Sitting in caf with a coffee
Dialogue: Bradley: I wasnt always like this,
Soundtrack: Kevin MacLeod Despair and Triumph
Duration: 1sec
15. Description: Over the shoulder shot of Melissa sneaking
up on Bradley and scaring him
Narration: I used to have a purpose,
SFX: None
Soundtrack: Kevin MacLeod Despair and Triumph
Duration: 3 secs
16. Description: Mid/ Long shot Melissa tries to grab Bradleys
coffee, he holds it out of the way she throws a piece of
brownie at him
Narration: I used to be happy
SFX: None
Soundtrack: Kevin MacLeod Despair and Triumph
Duration: 3 secs
17. Description: Bradley sitting on the floor in the rain with
an umbrella being held over him
Narration: Then two years ago my twin sister died in a car
accident that was my fault
Dialogue: Mia: My name is Mia
SFX: Rain
Soundtrack: Kevin MacLeod Despair and Triumph
Duration: 4 secs
Description: Close up of Mias extended hand.
Narration: And I find myself wondering if it even possible
to be happy again
SFX: None
Soundtrack: Transition sound
Duration: 3 secs
19. Text: Star Rating from magazine (4 stars) Captivation tear
Dialogue: None
SFX: None

Soundtrack: Sam Airey Station Approach

Duration: 2secs
Close up of razor blade
Dialogue: None
SFX: None
Soundtrack: Sam Airey Station Approach
Duration: 1sec
21. Mid shot of Bradleys Agonized face (biting his lip in pain)
Dialogue: If I can ever pull myself together
SFX: None
Soundtrack: Sam Airey Station Approach
Duration: 2 secs
22. POV of Bradley looking at Mia who pokes her head around
a corner
Dialogue: Mia: Come with me
Bradley: Why?
Mia: I want to show you something
Bradley: Okay
SFX: None
Duration: 3 secs
Long shot of Bradley standing up
Narration: She wanted to be the glue that would fix me.
SFX: None
Soundtrack: None
Duration: 2 secs
Text: From Cinesphere Films
Dialogue: None
SFX: None
Soundtrack: Sam Airey Station Approach
Duration: 2 secs
A montage of Bradley and Mia in Maidstone
Dialogue: None
SFX: None

Soundtrack: Sam Airey Station Approach

Duration: 8 secs
26. Mid Close up of Bradley and Mia sitting in the shade of a
tree + Shot reverse shot
Dialogue: Mia: You never smile
Bradley: I have no reason to
SFX: None
Soundtrack: Sam Airey Station Approach
Duration: 3 secs
27. She throws a piece of brownie at him (mid close up) +
reaction shot of Bradley wide eyed as he gets sucked into
his memories. As the food hits him in slow motion.
SFX: Heavy Breathing
Soundtrack: Sam Airey Station Approach
Duration: 3 secs
28. He has a panic attack Mia reaches over to him but he hits
her off and runs away.
Narration: Because Im broken beyond repair
SFX: Car crash, Ambulance siren, cracking fire, muffled
Soundtrack: Sam Airey Station Approach
Duration: 4 secs
Text: Magazine rating (5 stars)
SFX: None
Soundtrack: Sam Airey Station Approach
Duration: 2 secs
30. Wide shot of the road opposite a cemetery and Bradley
standing inside with his back to the entrance and Mia
walks by not seeing him.
SFX: None
Soundtrack: Sam Airey Station Approach
Duration: 2 secs
31. Cut to Mia out stretching her hand to Bradley (close up)
Bradley takes her hand.
Dialogue: Bradley
SFX: Light rain

Soundtrack: Sam Airey Station Approach

Duration: 3 secs
Title: Lifeline
SFX: None
Soundtrack: Sam Airey Station Approach
Duration: 4 secs
Text: Coming Soon
SFX: None
Soundtrack: Sam Airey Station Approach
Duration: 2 secs
Duration: 3 secs


Total Time: - 1min 26 secs

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