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What were the expectations of each party

the owner, trade union, workersfrom the

other parties

Found Workers demands unjust
Wanted to have a control over the workers
Wanted to super ordinate the workers
Wanted to extract maximum from workers in
return of minimal benfits
Felt bargaining with the worker and
accepting their demand will lead to further
empowerment of the workers and union
Ego Clashes

What were the expectations of each party

the owner, trade union, workersfrom the
other parties

Trade union
Rohit Singh leader of trade union
wanted to bask into the unrest and fulfill
his personal benefits using the ulterior
Wanted to gain the hold and power in
the region
Trade union found the new source of
income by instigating the workers of
TESCO cranes.

What were the expectations of each party

the owner, trade union, workersfrom the
other parties

Workers were instigated by the trade
union leader Rohit Singh
They wanted the 100% wage hike , 16%
bonus and 6 new uniforms every year
They wanted the say in deciding the
production targets
They felt they were being exploited and
were unjustly treated due to high
production targets and low wages.

What power in IR did different actors in the

case have, how did they derive it, and how
did they use it?
Being the owner of the company Gera had the control
over deciding the production targets and overall
industrial relations matter
He exploited his power by not bending to the demands
of the workers which were justified in terms of low wages
and high production targets
Suspended the workers
He used the unfair means like bribing the conciliation
Enforced the lockdown
Finally closed down the plant leading to the
unemployment of the workers

What power in IR did different actors in the

case have, how did they derive it, and how
did they use it?
Workers & Trade unions
Trade unions used the unfair means to influence and
instigate the workers
By overly believing in the leader of union workers put
forward exaggerated demands like 100% hike in wages
They were not ready to bend and negotiate with the
Negotiations would have lead to the resolution of the
Furthermore the 6 workers filed the case against the
management after the closure of the plant without
accepting the closure compensation which has made
the matter even worse

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