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Tatum Green

Comprehensive School
PPE 310
September 13, 2015

What are two strengths and weaknesses of your school?

Strengths: Offering healthy lunches with a quality recess time
and After school programs from students to continue to be active.
Weaknesses: Curriculum and During School activity
Describe each strength and weakness based on your
observation/experience as well as your results from the School
Assessment Tool.
1. Based on my observations of the school and the school
assessment done, I agree that they do offer a balanced meal for
the students.
2. Based on my experiences at the school, the after school
activities I have seen have only been the sport teams students
can try out for. I have heard of programs offered but have not
had the chance to experience them personally.
1. From my experiences I have seen a flaw in the health program at
this school. The students are only taking health education for one
quarter, if they selected it for their elective. If they do not select
it for any of the four quarters then they do not have any health
education. I think including it in the classroom more would be a
great way to combat this lack of health education in the school.
2. The second weakness is during school activity. I have noticed
that in class there is not a lot of physical activity. Most of the
time students are sitting at their desk doing work.
What are at least two ways to improve the policies in place at
your school? Explain detailed information for each way and
what you expect from each way.
One way to improve the policies at my school could be to show this
data to my principal and propose that health education be promoted
and taught in every class instead of as an optional elective that
students may or may not have. Another option could be to promote
that health education is not an elective. They could change the policy
so that every student must take health education at least one quarter
during the year.
What are at least two ways that you can use this information
to engage administration, teachers, parents, students and the

community in promoting more healthful behaviors? Include a

specific description for how to use the results from the School
Assessment Tool as well as your ideas for improvement.
I could use this information to engage administration by showing my
principal this data and getting his support in the ideas I have to better
this schools health education. I could also send a news letter to the
families to show them how much their students are missing out on,
with the plan of action to fix the problem and offer them ways to get
involved both at school and at home. According to the assessment, the
after school results were well on their way to succeeding. By getting
families involved we can help raise that number. Also, by showing my
principal the information about our school I have a higher chance of
change actually being made. By getting the principal on board, we can
come up with an implemental solution to the lack of health education
during the school day.
How can the information obtained be used to support your
potential topic for the Signature Assignment?
This information can be helpful for my signature assignment because I
can see areas in regards to help education that are lacking at my
school and focus on those instead of an area that we are already doing
well in.

Assessment Results
Overall Grade: CDuring School: 60%
Keep going! You're already well on your way to an Active & Healthy Schools environment. Get teachers and
staff involved, perhaps introduce some additional activities, and you'll be looking great!

Curriculum: 60%
Looking good in some key areas. Keep up the great work!

Recess / Lunch: 75%

Great potential! How about some more nutritional education? A little more activity? Together, these key
Active & Healthy areas can deliver outstanding results.

After School: 80%

Outstanding! Adding one or two after-school activities or a take-home newsletter can make your school an
Active & Healthy center in your neighborhood!

All information below is from and is

based off the 2014 school year.
1. School Name and District
-Country Place Elementary - Littleton Elementary School District
2. % free/reduced lunch 85.1%
3. Enrollment 1008 students
4. Proportion ELLs - N/A
5. Average class size and grade levels Class Size: 18.1 students
per teacher
6. Urban/rural/suburban - Suburban
7. Ethnic makeup and any demographic information of the
surrounding community infrastructure
White: 72
African American: 122
Asian: 15
Hispanic: 759
American Indian: 18
Pacific Islander: 7
Two or more Races: 15
8. The School Letter Grade (A,B,C etc) or AYP status if
-This is a B school.
9. Title 1 (Yes/No)
-Yes, this is a Title 1 school.
-Country Place is a public school

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