Edpr Application 1

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John Locke:

Philosopher influenced
the development of behavior
Study of
Development could be
contributed to our
genes or environment

Nature vs. Nurture

nature is result of
is not


individuals innate


qualities, without being


impacted by environment
Both nature and
Nurture are essential to
Individuals development

Outline: Chapter Introduction to Lifespan Development

A: The main three domains of Human Development
1. Physical
2. Cognitive
3. Socio-emotional
1a. Interindividual- human experience things at their own pace
1b. Intraindividual- changes within the same areas of life
B: The Nature versus Nurture Debate
1. Introduction- The debate has been around for many years
2. Nature- Most things are natural and hereditary
3. Nurture- Things are learned from a more environmental aspect
C: Childhood sets foundation for the rest of life?
1. No.
1a. People grow up and experience life. Things change and
happen during childhood and adulthood.
2. Yes.
2a. Depending on the factors and situation some things do
become adaptive.
D: John Locke:
1. 17th century philosopher who mostly influenced the
development of behaviorism emphasized the role of the environment. He
thought children were born as a blank state. Also known as tabula rasa,
meaning without any innate mental content.
2. Childrens knowledge come solely from their experiences in the
3. Children adapt very easily and their experiences can come
directly from the home not just the environment.

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