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Running head: EDPR 2111

EDPR 2111 Human Development

Nariah Fields
The University of Memphis


Long Legs
1. My topic is puberty. Not everyone has a pleasant experience, and sometimes the changes
occur over night like mine did!
1. Windsor, Murrell and Magun-Jackson define puberty as the beginning of
adolescence and the most significant physical change that occurs (2015).
2. Somatic development
3. Puberty matters because change matters. If we didnt change we wouldnt grow.
Puberty is that change that we all experience and mature from.
1. Being the tallest in elementary and middle school was traumatic.
1. Harassment, emotional decline, low self-esteem
2. Important related key terms
3. Process Explanation
4. Psychologists believe individuals develop a sense of self-image through specific
life events that include success, failures, and achievements (Mruk, C.J., 2006).
1. Low self-esteem does and can lead to depression, which sometimes causes suicide.
1. Type of Development


1. Somatic
2. How it connects to your story
3. How it changes over time
4. What else could be happening simultaneously

Windsor, D.L., MurreII, V.S., & Magun- Jackson, S. (2015). Lifespan development: An
educational psychology perspective. Boston, MA: Pearson Learning Solutions.
Mruk, C. J. (2006). Self-esteem research, theory, and practice : toward a positive
psychology of self-esteem. New York: Springer Publishing Company.

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