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Maharishi Parasara has described the following birth time to be inauspicious as it indicates
considerable turmoil for both the native and family. Irrespective of the fine yoga’s obtaining in the
chart, these moments are inauspicious for births as well as starting any activity. These are broadly
called Dosha (Flaw or fault in the quality of time) and include:
1. Tithi Dosha
2. Karanadi Dosha
3. Nakshatra Dosha
4. Surya Dosha
5. Upagraha Dosha
6. Gandanta Dosha

Tithi is the Vedic Lunar day reckoned from the Full Moon or New Moon wherein each day is
equal to a lunar transit of 12o from the Sun. The birth in Amavasya1[1], Krishna Chaturdasi2[2],
Soonya Tithi (Zero effect Tithi) and Dagdha Tithi (Combust Tithi) are considered inauspicious.

1.1 Amavasya
This Tithi is ruled by Rahu and is considered very inauspicious as it brings poverty on the person
born as well as the family. It rules hell and brings untold misfortunes. A lady born in this Tithi is
said to become a widow early. However, if suitable remedial measures are performed, then great
wealth is obtained through foreign connections & trade, or from mines etc. from below the
ground. A female born in such a combination also begets three sons after the remedial measures.
Since Rahu afflicts the Sun and Moon, the remedy lies in worshipping them in the direction of
Rahu (South-West).

1. 2 Krishna-Chaturdasi
The Krishna Paksha Chaturdasi Tithi occurs when the Moon is at a distance of 336o to 348o from
the Sun. it is also called Narka (Hell) Chaturdasi. This span of 12o is divided into six parts of 2o
each with the results as follows:

Part Extent (Moon-Sun) Results Remarks

1st 336-338 Auspicious and The effect is of the Rudra in the first house
good results

2nd 338-340 Destruction or death The effect is of the Rudra in the third house,
of Father being the seventh from the ninth house
causes death of father.

3rd 340-342 Death of Mother The effect is of the Rudra in the fifth house,
being the second from the fourth causes the
death of mother.

4th 342-344 Death of maternal The effect is of the Rudra in the seventh
uncle house. Being the second from the sixth
causes the death of maternal uncle.

5th 344-346 Destruction of the The effect is of the Rudra in the 11th house.
lineage Being the seventh from the 5th, it destroys
the lineage or progeny and next generation.

6th 346-348 Death or destruction The effect is of Rudra in the ninth house.
of the native

1. 3 Soonya & Dagdha Tithi/ Ghatak Chakra

The Tithi are classified on the basis of the Panchatatwa[8] as
 Nanda (1, 6 & 11) – Jala (Water)
 Bhadra (2, 7 & 12) – Prthvi (Earthy)
 Jaya (3, 8 & 13) – Agni (Fiery)
 Rikta (4, 9 & 14) – Vayu (Airy)
 Poorna (5, 10 & 15) – Akasha (Ethery)

 If the Tithi is Ghatak (afflicts) to the Moon sign then it is Soonya (Zero effect) Tithi,
 If it is Ghatak to the Sun sign, then it is Dagdha (Combust) Tithi.

For Illustration, we if someone is born in Cancer Lagna and the tithi of some event happens to be
Saptami, we can see that, Saptami which is a bhadra tithi is ghatak to the Moon sign in Cancer
and hence the tithi becomes Soonya. The result of such activity undertaken on such day becomes
fruitless. Similarly ghatak Rasi, Nakshatra, Day or Lagna can be avoided for any auspicious

Table: Ghatak Chakra

Ghatak/ Afflicting Transits
Moon sign at
Birth Moon Tithi Day Nakshatra Lagna

Aries Aries Nanda Sunday Makha Aries

Taurus Virgo Poorna Saturday Hasta Taurus
Gemini Aquarius Bhadra Monday Swati Cancer

Cancer Leo Bhadra Wednesday Anuradha Libra

Leo Capricorn Jaya Saturday Moola Capricorn

Virgo Gemini Poorna Saturday Sravana Pisces

Libra Sagittarius Rikta Thursday Satabhisaj Virgo

Scorpio Taurus Nanda Friday Revati Scorpio

Sagittarius Pisces Jaya Friday Dweja Dhanus

Capricorn Leo Rikta Tuesday Rohini Aquarius

Aquarius Sagittarius Jaya Thursday Ardra Gemini

Pisces Aquarius Poorna Friday Aslesha Leo

Birth in Bhadra (Visti) Karana is considered to be inauspicious.

Birth at the time of Vyatipata, Paridhi, Vajra etc. or in Yamaghantaka is inauspicious. Remedy lies
in the Parikrama (going around in the clockwise manner while reciting the Mantra) of the Pipal
tree 108 times for improving the Longevity, Yagya for Lord Vishnu or Rudrabhishek for Lord

Flaws associated with the Sun are called Surya dosha. This could be either due to birth at the time
of sankranti (Solar ingress into a sign) or due to birth during an eclipse. The eclipse can be seen
from association of nodes with the Sun on a new moon day. Thus whenever, one of the nodes is
with the Sun and Moon conjunction, the birth is supposed to have occurred on a day of eclipse.

4.1 Sankranti (Solar ingress)

Birth in Sankranti causes Surya dosha. Depending on the day of birth, the names of the seven
Sankranti are Ghora, Dhwanshi, Mahodari, Manda, Mandakini, Mishra and Rakshashi. Surya is
the significator of whatever support we get from this world as well as health and vitality. Thus,
Surya dosha causes poverty, loss of health and many troubles related to the profession.

4.2 Eclipse
Birth in a solar eclipse causes poverty and many hardships while that in a lunar eclipse causes
physical ailments and all kinds of health problems. The solar eclipse occur whenever one of the
node is placed with Sun and Moon conjunction and the lunar eclipse occur whenever one of the
node conjoin the luminaries in opposition.

Nakshatra deities
No. Constellation Deity No. Constellation Deity
1 Aswini Aswini Kumar 15 Swati Indra
2 Bharini Yama 16 Visakha Mitra
3 Krittika Agni 17 Anuradha Indra
4 Rohini Brahma 18 Jyestha Nirriti
5 Mrigasira C
handra[13] 19 Moola Varuna
6 Ardra Rudra 20 Poorvasadha Vishwa Deva
7 Punarvasu Aditi 21 Uttarasadha Brahma
8 Pusya B
rihaspati[14] 22 Sravana Vishnu
9 Aslesha arpa[15]
23 Dhanista Vasudeva
10 Makha A
ditya[16] 24 Satabhisaj Varuna

11 Poorva Phalguni Aryama 25 Poorvabhadrapad Ajapada

12 Uttara Phalguni Surya 26 Uttarabhadrapad Ahirbudhanya

13 Hasta Vishwa Karma 27 Revati Pooshan
14 Chitra Vayu Inter calaryAbhijit Hari

5.1. Ushna Ghatikas:

Ushna means warm of hot. Moon’s passage through certain parts of a nakshatra is called as ushna
ghatikas. Persons born during this time, suffer from many health hazards.

01d 40m - 03d 20m: of Ashwini, Rohini, Punarvasu, Makha, Hasta

12d 13m - 13d 20m: of Bharani, Mrgashira, Pushya, Purva-phalguni, Chitra
04d 40m - 06d 40m: of Krittika, Ardra, Aslesha, Uttara-phalguni, Svati
01d 20m - 01d 47m: of Vishakha, Moola , Sravana, Purva-bhadrapada
11d 34m - 13d 20m: of Ahuradha, Purva-ashadha, Dhanishtha, Uttarabhadrapada
04d 27m - 06d 40m: of Jyestha, Uttarashadha, Shatabhisaj, Revati

5.2. Visha Ghatikas

Visha ghatis In Degrees
Sl.No Nakshatras Start End Start End
1 Ashwini 50 54 11d 7m 7d 12m
2 Bharani 24 28 5d 20m 20d 6m
3 Krttika 30 34 6d 40m 40d 7m
4 Rohini 4 8 0d 53m 53d 1m
5 Mrgashira 14 18 3d 7m 7d 3m
6 Ardra 11 15 2d 27m 27d 3m
7 Punarvasu 30 34 6d 40m 40d 7m
8 Pushya 20 24 4d 27m 27d 5m
9 Ashlesha 32 36 7d 7m 7d 7m
10 Makha 30 34 6d 40m 40d 7m
11 Purva-phalguni 20 24 4d 27m 27d 5m
12 Uttara-Phalguni 18 22 3d 60m 60d 4m

13 Hasta 22 26 4d 53m 53d 5m
14 Chitra 20 24 4d 27m 27d 5m
15 Swati 14 18 3d 7m 7d 3m
16 Vishakha 14 18 3d 7m 7d 3m
17 Anuradha 10 14 2d 13m 13d 3m
18 Jyeshtha 14 18 3d 7m 7d 3m
19 Moola 20 24 4d 27m 27d 5m
20 Purva-Ashadha 24 28 5d 20m 20d 6m
21 Uttara-Ashadha 20 24 4d 27m 27d 5m
22 Sravana 10 14 2d 13m 13d 3m
23 Dhanistha 10 14 2d 13m 13d 3m
24 Shatabhisaj 18 22 3d 60m 60d 4m
25 Purva-Bhadrapada 16 20 3d 33m 33d 4m
26 Uttara-Bhadrapada 24 28 5d 20m 20d 6m
27 Revati 30 34 6d 40m 40d 7m

Gandanta Dosha is of three kinds. These are Lagna Gandanta, Rasi Gandanta and Tithi

5.1 Rasi Gandanta

Gandanta refers to the junction signifying end or a new beginning and in the Bha-Chakra
(Zodiac) the three points of Zero degree Aries, Leo and Sagittarius in the junction of the Fire and
Water signs shows the Gandanta. These are called Brahma Nabhi (Navel of Brahma the Creator).
The Gandanta stretches for 3o 20’ on either side of these points. Thus, the last quarter of Jyestha
Nakshatra and the first quarter of Moola Nakshatra are called Jyestha Gandanta and Moola
Gandanta or Abhukta Moola. The deities of these two constellations are Indra and Rakshas
respectively and are highly inimical to each other. Similarly the junction between Aslesha and
Makha constellations (last quarter of Aslesha in Cancer and first quarter of Makha in Leo) is very
inauspicious. These four quarters have been given the highest negative value requiring the
donation of three cows (or alms). The other junction between the last quarter of Revati in Pisces
and the first quarter of Aswini in Aries is also baneful, but has a lesser inauspiciousness value of
two cows.

More precisely, the three Ghatika (40 arc seconds) after the start of the first constellation of fiery
signs and five Ghatika (1d 6s) before the end of the last constellation of watery signs is called
Gandanta. If birth is in the daytime, it is called Pitri Gandanta while a night birth during
Gandanta is called Matri Gandanta. Another classification is that the birth in Revati (Pisces) –
Aswini (Aries) junction is called Swa-Gandanta, birth in Aslesha (Cancer) – Magha (Leo) junction
is called Matri Gandanta while that in the Jyestha (Scorpio) – Moola (Sagittarius) junction is
called Pitri Gandanta.

Lunar Transit as the measure of Time: Moon takes approximately 60 Ghatikas or 1 day to transit 1
nakshatra. With this principle 3 ghatikas would be 3/60th portion of one nakshatra duration
(13.333 deg) which is 40 arc secs.
5.2 Abhukta Gandanta
Narada Muni has stated that of these six constellations, the “Abhukta Moola Gandanta”
comprises the last two Ghatika (48 minutes) of Jyestha and first two Ghatika (48 minutes) of
Moola constellation. [The times given here are for the lunar transit and not degrees of the zodiac].
He adds that such a child should be abandoned (or given away) or any form of hope from him
should not be made. If the child survives, father should not see his face for 8 years after birth.
Other authorities indicate 27 days for this abstraction of father from seeing the face of the child,
which seems more practical in today’s context. Thereafter suitable remedial measures should be

5.3 Moola-Nivasa (Residence of Moola)

In the Vedic months of Margasira, phalgun, Vaisakha and Jyestha the residence of Moola is in
“Patala Loka” (the hell). In Sravana, Kartika, Chaitra and Pausa the residence of Moola is in
Martya Loka (the realm of Dead). In the four Vedic months of Ashada, Aswina, Bhadra and
Magha, the residence of Moola is in Swarga Loka (the Heavens)3[26].

If birth is in Gandanta and the residence of Moola is in the realm of the dead (Martya Loka) then
great evil is indicated. The evil is lesser for the other Loka. Movable fixed and dual signs in the
ascendant (Lagna) are said to give Moola residence of Swarga (Heaven), Patala (Hell) and Martya
loka (Death realm), respectively.

5.4 Lagna Gandanta

In the junction of water & fire signs Lagna Gandanta exists for duration of 1 Ghatika 15 Vighatika
each in the end/beginning respectively. [Note: 1 Ghatika 15 Vighatika is a duration of 1 hour. The
second half of water sign and first half of fire signs have this Gandanta (However, most
authorities agree that the Gandanta is in the related constellation).The Lagna falling in any of
these points causes Lagna Gandanta while the Moon in these quarters causes Rasi Gandanta.

5.5 Ganda Phala: (Results of birth in Gandanta).

Lagna Gandanta results in the loss of intelligence while Rasi Gandanta results in premature death
or loss of longevity. The remedy lies in worshipping the Lord of the Lagna/Moon constellation
depending on the type of Gandanta. This deity becomes the Devata (Deity-in-Chief). Since the
affliction comes from an adjoining sign, the lord of the nature of the sign becomes the Adhi-
Devata and the lord of the afflicting constellation becomes the Pratyadhi-Devata.

For example, let us determine the deities for Jyestha Gandanta. The Lord of the Jyestha
constellation (as per table 3.2) is Indra. So, Indra is the Devata or Chief deity. Jyestha is in Scorpio
and the junction affliction comes from the sign Sagittarius having the Moola constellation.
Sagittarius is a fiery sign and the God of fire Agni is the Adhi-Devata. Moola is the afflicting
constellation and the Lord of this constellation (as per table 3.2) is Rakshas who is the Pratyadhi-

Remedy of Gandanta:
The ritual is normally performed in the Eastern or Northern part of the house depending on
whether the Gandanta is in a fiery sign (East) or watery sign (North). The Kalasha (water pot)
containing Panchagavya, Shastaushadhi and Ganga water is installed. The idol of the Devata is

installed on another earthen pot adjoining the Kalasha or a gold coin can be used to represent the
deity. Similarly, the Adhi-devata and Pratyadhidevata are also installed and worshipped (For
more details refer to BPHS). This is followed by a Yagya (Fire sacrifice) & Abhishek (Ritual
bathing with Mritunjaya Mantra). The water from the two Kalash whould be poured on the head
of the parents and the child. Donations, Dakshina and breaking of fast ends the ritual.
Rudrabhishek as well as ceremonial bathing of the afflicted persons is necessary. For (1) day
Ganda dosha father and child (2) Night birth Ganda dosha Mother & child and (3) Sandhya
(Sunrise/ sunset) born Ganda dosha both father & mother and child are protected with Abhishek
using four vessels of water etc and Sahasraksha Mantra.

People who cannot afford these elaborate rituals should recite the Mahamritunjaya Mantra eight
thousand times within 40 days starting from the 12th day from the birth of the child. It maybe
noted that remedial measures cannot be performed for 11 days following birth.

Besides what has already been stated, there are other methods of determining the results of
gandanta. The number of the birth asterism (Janma Nakshtra) is multiplied by three (3). The
numbers of birth tithi (as recknoed from Sukla Paksha prati pada) and the day of birth (as
reckoned from Sunday) are added and the sum is divided by eight (8). The remainder indicates
the Ganda Dosh (Error/Evil) as given in the following table...
Table: Ganda Dosha
RemainderGanda Type Results

Mula Vinash: Complete destruction of

1 Moola Ganda ideals and personality/identity of the self
or death.

2 Stanwa Ganda Dhana Vinash: Destruction of wealth.

Matri Vinash: Destruction of mother (and

3 Twaccha Ganda
maternal relation).

Atma Shakti Vinash: Destruction of

4 Sakha Ganda
physical power and mental strength.

Matula Nasha: Destruction of maternal

5 Patra Ganda
grand father (also maternal relations).

6 Pushpa Ganda Bhratri Vinasha: Destruction of Co-born.

7 Phala Ganda Pitri Vinasha: Destruction of Father.

8 Sheeshna Ganda Sarva Vinasha: Complete destruction.

Example: Male born on 28 March 1962. Tithi: Saptami (7) Krisna Paksha (Dark fortnight) on
Wednesday. Moon in Jyestha constellation.
Jyestha is the 18th star counted from Aswini. Thus 18×3 = 54;
Birth Ththi is 7th lunar day of dark half = 7+15 = 22;
Birth day = Wednesday = 4
Sum = 54+22+4 = 80 Divided by 8, the remainder in 0/8, indicating Sheena Gandanta or complete
destruction. In the horoscope, the Moon is in the ninth houses ruling father and Dharma. The
native saw the complete destruction of his fathers business and status within two years of his
going abroad for higher studies (ninth house).

Results of birth in different quarters of the constellation causing Gandanta:
ASWINI: (1) Father Suffers (2) Destruction of wealth and happiness (3) Kingly status (4)respect
ASLESHA: (1) Kingdom (governor of a territory) (2) Loss of wealth (3) Loss of mother (4) Loss of
MAGHA: (1) Mother/relatives loss (2) Loss of Father (3) Loss of happiness and wealth (4) Loss of
JYESTHA: (1) Lost of eldest brother (2) Loss of younger brother (3) Loss of father (4) Early death.
REVATI: (1) kingly status (2) Ministerial status (3) Gain of happiness and wealth (4) Many

Abhijit Muhurta and good yoga’s obtaining at birth tend to nullify the adverse effect of birth in
Female birth in daytime and male birth at night are exempt from Ganda dosha. However, this
only reduces the extent of the evil and does not terminate it.
Chart 0.5 Male born on the 28th of March 1962 at 6:29’AM at 22N6, 85E17
In Chart 3-5, the Moon is in 29o 41’ in Scorpio in Jyestha Nakshatra (fourth Pada). This is Jyestha
Gandanta and since it is a Rasi (Moon) Gandanta, there will be danger to the life. The remedial
measures were performed and the Parents took the child to a Siddhapurusha Swami Mintoo
Maharaja. On seeing the child the Maharaja observed “ a storm will blow but the child will
survive” and gently patted the left eye of the child. In his sixth year while going to school, the bus
crashed on the mountain roads and miraculously the child survived. An iron rod had cut his left
eyebrow narrowly missing his left eye and his navel was swollen considerably. Yet he survived
the storm. The reasons can be seen from the exalted Venus4[27] in Vargottama in the Lagna.

Maharishi Parasara adds that if the child survives the Gandantaristha5[28], then he becomes very
strong and powerful and enjoys many Rajyoga. The point is that the Gandanta are akin to Rudra
(Shiva/Hanuman) and symbolizes the birth of a powerful individual. They are exceedingly brave
and fearless. It is also observed that like Hanumanji, these persons either stay bachelors/
Brahmachari throughout life or marry at a very late age. Thus, suitable remedial measures will
also have to be performed for marriage at a later date for them. Tulsidas the author of Ram
Charita Manas was born in Moola Gandanta. He lost his mother in childbirth and his father died
in a fire accident occurring within 12 days of his birth. Miraculously he survived the fire but was
abandoned. He was brought up by monkeys (Hanumanji) in the outskirts of the village! He was
fortunate in his Guru and his compositions like the Hanuman Chalisa are considered very

5.7 Tithi Gandanta

Tithi Gandanta: The junction between Poorna6[29] and Nanda Tithi are called Tithi Gandanta.
Here the junction in defined as four Ghatika (two Ghatika in the end of Poorna Tithi and two
Ghatika in the beginning of Nanda Tithi).
Just like the Rasi and Lagna Gandanta occurred at the junction between two groups of signs
having the four Tatwa7[30], the Tithi Gandanta occurs in the junction of the Tithi when one group
of the five elements ends and another begins. Thus, the junction is always between Poorna (5, 10
& 15) Tithi and Nanda (6, 11 & 1) Tithi. These junctions are between Amavasya (K-15) and Sukla-
Pratipada (S-1); Panchami and Shasti (S-5 & S-6 or K-5 & K-6); Dasami & Ekadasi (S-10 & s-11 or
K-10 & K-11) and Poornima and Krusna Pratipada (S-15 & K-1). The Gandanta extends for 1o

(One Degree) on either side of the junction. This is not a very serious Dosha. However, the
remedy lies in worshipping the Luminaries.

Gulika is the son of Saturn and stands for evils and misfortune. The time which it rises is
inauspicious. Their rising time each day is as follows:
Weekday Day(Ghatikas after Sunrise) Night(Ghatika after Sunset)
Sunday 26 10
Monday 22 06
Tuesday 18 02
Wednesday 14 26
Thursday 10 22
Friday 06 18
Saturday 02 14

The above ghatikas are given with the assumption that the day and night length are 30 Ghatikas
(1 hr = 2.5 Ghatika) each. However in real practice this is not so. Hence, to ascertain the real time
of their rising, we must proportionally change the rising ghatika.

For example, if the day length is 28 ghatikas on a Sunday. Then the Gulikodaya kala would be
28/30*26 =24.267 ghatikas after sunrise.

The vyatipata falls in the following nakshatras in the corresponding solar months:
Solar Months : Nakshatra
Aries / Libra : Makha and Shatabhisaj
Taurus/ Scorpio : Sravana and Pushyami
Gemini/ Sagittarius : Purva-asadha and Ardra
Cancer/ Capricorn : Rohini and Jyestha
Leo / Aquarius : Bharani and Swati
Virgo / Pisces : Revati and Swati


The days coinciding with a particular nakshatra give rise to this yogas. They are as follows:

Mrityu Yoga: Association of Day and Nakshatra

Sunday : Magha
Monday : Vishakha
Tuesday : Ardra
Wednesday: Moola
Thurday : Shatabhisaj
Friday : Rohini
Saturday : Purva-asadha

Dagdha Yoga: Association of Day and Tithi

Sunday : Dwadasi (12)
Monday : Ekadasi (11)
Tuesday : Panchami (5)
Wednesday: Dwitiya (2)
Thurday : Shasthi (6)
Friday : Astami (8)
Saturday : Navami (9)

In the Navatara chakra, the 27 Constellations are distibuted into three groups of 9 each. The each
groups of nine is known as Navatara (Nava-9; Tara- star). The order repeat in the following
Parama Mitra
If the Moon is stronger than Lagna (more planets in quadrant to Moon), then the navatara chakra
is stated from the Lagna nakshatra and vice versa. Excluding the 9th star, all the odd taras are

10. Astama Lagna:

The Muhurtha Lagna should not be in the 8th from the Janma Lagna.

11. Astama Chandra:

The Muhurtha Rasi should not be in the 8th from the Janma Rasi.

[1] Amavasya: 15th day of the waning phase when the Moon is between 348o to 360o from the
[2] Krishna-Chaturdasi: 14th day of the waning phase when the Moon is between 336o to 348o
from the Sun.
[3] Leaves of the five plants Goolar (wild fig), Vata (Banyan), Pipal, Mango & Neem.
[4] Fire sacrifice where prescribed fuels are thrown into a small copper vessel containing the
holy fire.
[5] This particular form of Lord Shiva is most adored by the Brahmins and is popularly known
as the Jyotirlinga SOMANATH.
[6] Holy bathing with the recitation of Mantra

[7] Nine Planets
[8] Five elements or states of matter/energy.
[9] Ghatak refers to days and times when bodily affliction can occur. Hence, this is studied from
the Chandra (Moon) Lagna Chart i.e. treating the Moon sign as ascendant.
[10] Day of ingress of the Sun into a sign.
[11] Saptamrittika is the seven Rasa as given under Saptamsa in the previous chapter.
[12] Six fundamental medicinal herbs
[13] Moon
[14] Jupiter
[15] Snakes ruled by Rahu
[16] Surya or Sun
[17] Inter Calary Constellation occurring in Capricorn
[18] The idol of the deity of the birth constellation can also be made of the wood of Pipal tree.
Alternatively, the idol of Sri Jagannath (Sri Krishna as Lord and teacher of the Universe) can be
used for all constellations for removing any form of blemish on the Moon, its sign or
constellation. These idols are always made of wood and nails are not used. The arms are made
with dovetail joints and the wood is of the Neem tree. The carpenter is required to recite the
Bhagavat Gita at the time of preparation of the idol.
[19] This is the Vedic Mantra of the Sun and has been provided in Chapter V.
[20] This is the Vedic Mantra of the Moon and has been provided in Chapter V.
[21] This is the Vedic Mantra of the Rahu and has been provided in Chapter V.
[22] A token of gratitude in the form of alms, clothes, rice etc. Some people offer cows.
[23] Pitri- Father or father related
[24] Matri- Mother or mother related
[25] Swa- Self or self afflicting

[26] Maharshi Gargi has a divergent view on the allocation of months for the loka. He gives
Vaisakh, Sravana, Kartika & Magha for Swarga Loka; Ashada, Pausa, Margasira, Jyestha for
Martya loka and Aswina, Chaitra, Phalguna and Bhadra for Patala loka residence of Moola.
[27] Venus rules the Mritunjaya mantra and has the power to give a second life. As the 8th Lord,
it showed the danger from vehicle (Venus) accident as it is also placed in the third from the
Arudha Lagna in Capricorn. In the natural order of the planets as per weekdays starting from the
Sun, Venus rules the sixth year.
[28] Evil of death due to Gandanta Dosha
[29] Nanda Tithi are 1, 6 & 11 while Poorna Tithi are 5, 10 &15 in both fortnights
[30] Basic elements of Agni (Energy/Light), Prithvi (Solid/Earth), Vayu (Gas/Air) and Jala


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