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Major Assignments for Intro to Literature

Assignment #1: Alienation (Based on thematic discussion of poems: “The

Panther” and “Those Winter Sundays”

Write a five paragraph personal essay that

explains a time when you felt boxed in,
trapped, alienated, isolated or lonely.

Body 1

Sample Intro
 Rainer Maria Rilke’s poem, “The Panther,”
depicts an image of isolation and loneliness.
Although the poem is about a large black
cat, it reminds me of a time when I, too, felt
isolated and lonely.

Assignment #2: My Neighborhood: A Descriptive Writing Exercise

Minimum = 2 pages typed double-spaced (at least five paragraphs).

For this assignment you need to brainstorm a list of as many things that you can
think of to help you write a descriptive essay about your neighborhood. To help
you write this assignment, think of a tall building or lamp post with a video
camera attached to it. What would it record? See? Hear? Etc. You must decide
how to sequence/order your essay. What should be included? What should be

Assignment #3: Hemingway’s Style (2-3 pages typed double-spaced)

 Very descriptive words/adjectives

 Plain and simple words
 Very visual
 Short sentences
 Changes up the sentence length (short sentences with long sentences…
but still keeps it plain)
 Mixes passages of dialogue with passages of narration

Write a two page story (autobiographical or fiction) that narrates a particular

experience (something that happened or happens) using a style like Hemingway.
Assignment #4: Choose one of the following topics based on our exploration of

What’s more important: Extreme wealth or happiness?

Describe a time in your life when you experienced irony.

What’s the single most important ingredient that goes into maintaining a healthy

Assignment #5: 2 page paper that uses quotes (will be announced on Monday,
March, 15th).

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