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Bobby Lee Generic conventions

Codes and conventions of a thriller film

Throughout a thriller film the audience would expect to
hear non-diegetic music maybe of a slow pace and quite
eerie like the theme song in jaws. The slow pace of the
music not only creates tension within the audience but it
could also make the film more engaging for the audience
anticipating what is going to happen next. Although slow
paced music would work well, in a thriller film having the
music speed up as the scene progresses on is a good
technique to build suspense.
A range of different camera shots and angles can be used
to make the film more effective. For example jump cuts
would be crucial in a thriller film as they speed up the film
building suspense and evoking fear within the target
audience. This would work well with low-key lighting like
shadows as they conform to the sinister atmosphere you
would expect to be subjected to when watching a thriller
film. Shadows can also be used within the scenes of the
film as stereotypically in a thriller film the antagonist
would use these to hide from the protagonist. Using low
key, de-saturated lighting in thriller films is significant as it
connotes things like evil.
Particularly in horror and thriller films the weather in the
film is quite important when setting the scene. For
example stereotypically in a thriller film thunder, lightning
and rain could be used to contribute towards the spooky
atmosphere. It would also create suspense within the
audience, making them feel nervous. Shots of confined
spaces are something that is effective as it helps to
emphasise a sense of entrapment and could evoke
claustrophobia within an audience.
The editing in a thriller movie is important as it could help
to deepen the target audiences understanding on what
the genre is. For example in a thriller film the audience
would expect to see a lot of jump cuts and fade outs,
especially in the trailer. Much like jump cuts, fade outs add
to the eerie vibe and make it all the more engaging and
can help leave the audience on edge.

Bobby Lee Generic conventions

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