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TION 32,347,179 members: the wo JONUS SiG PETITIONS CAUSES HEALTHY LIVING — REWARDS share story: . rs sayos HEALTH LOVE « Ex NATURE Pers seit MORE oo - 204en comments "73 comes "35 comments — aaa ze scmbee — AURErCakeennediis — RowioGargenmen ties Gre Famiys Voyene arma? Body Wont Bend eo he Word on #34 ic Uses for Baking Soda 4 Carez avers by Matsa Bryer | 1428 comments 34,708 A 9 Daily Cuto: Cat Treats Pit Bull Liko One 20488 of Her Own 29 128 name@emailcom | dont mean te sound sedtous here, But havea rebelious plan to combs the is that many corporations are perpetrating in the name of fighting grime and germs. My main ripe is about the ‘enviconmental pollutants from clearing and porsonal care products that we wash down our drains and Into our water systems, resulting in stuatons tke the chemical riclosan (a pesticide added to mary products as an antbacterial agent) being found in dolphins. ‘So the simple plan eto encourage everyone to use baking soda in any ofthese 61 applcations, Besides showing kindness to aquatic Me, we can also protect ourselves from the array of toxins in household (ops, thie-party extension has Bloces acces cleaning products. Conventional cleansers can expose us to multiple chemical inkea to asthma, cancer © Sie webnane 1087728 pepe ens. ° lo makes a perl! standin lor many parson care pro fe adaing thelr ovm sable exenson ‘nist othe toxic tangle of poltants and personal heath (mainly in he frm of synthetic fragrances (and ‘ts almost al symhetc), sodium laurel sufate, and parabens). ‘So exactly how does baking Soda ftinto my scheme to make the word a better place? Baking soda, aka tof Sodium bicarbonate, helps regulate pH_keeping a substance nether too acidic nor too alkaline. When ‘baking soda comes n contact wih ether an aide or an alkane substance, ts natural effect sto My BFF Has Genital ‘neutralize that pH. Beyond that, baking soda has the abily to retard further changes inthe pH balance Heepar known as butlering. Ths dual capabily of reulralzing and butlering alows baking soda fo do things . ‘such as neutralize acidic odor (Ike inthe rerigeratr) as well as maintain neutral pH (ik in your laundry water, which helps boost your detergents power. I’ a simple reacton, but one that has far- ie Sreting Fave ‘reaching effects fora number of cleaning and deadorzing tasks, And so without furler ado, ll remove Good tor You? ny seems cap, put on my rebelious housekeepers cap, and get ths folkwssdom revolution roling. § aay fq,“ Howto Powor Through a Workday "My Attora Gad Night's “S sieep ally Cute: cat ‘Troats Pit Bull Like ‘One of Her Own, Personal Care 4. Make Toothpaste ‘paste made trom baking soda and a3 percent hydrogen peroxide soi can be used as an _atterative to commercial nor-lurie toothpastes. (Or here's a formula fora minty version) You can also ust cp your toothbrush with tootnpase into baking soda for an extra boost, 2. Freshen Your Mouth ut one teaspoon in haifa glass of water, swish, sit and nse. Odors are neuiralized, not just covered op. 43. Soak Oral Appliance ‘Soak oral appliances, ke retainers, moutnpleces and dentures, ina soliton of2 teaspoons baking soda desolved in a glass or small Bow! of warm war. The baking soda loosens food particles and neutaizes odors to Keep appliances es, You can also brush appliances clean using baking Soda, 4.Uso as a Facial Scrub and Body Exfotiant Give yourself an invigorating facial and body scrub. Make a paste of2 parts baking soda te‘ part water. Rub in a genie cxcular motion to exfoliate the skin, Rinse clean. Ths fs gene enough for daily use, (For a stronger exfolan, try one of these great 5 Homemade Sugar Scrubs) ‘5. Skip Harsh Deodorant at baking soda onto your underarms to netvalze body odor. 6.Use as an Antacid ‘Baking sodas a safe and effective antacia to releve heartburn, sour stomach andlor acid indigestion Refer to baking soda package for instructions. 17. Treat Insect Bites & Itchy Skin For insect bites, make a paste out of baking soda and water, and apply 3s a salve ono affected skin, To ‘ease the itch, shake some baking soda into your hand and rub tino damp skin after bath or shower. For specie ips on bee sings, see Bee Sings: Prevention and Treatment ‘Skip harsh soaps and gently scrub away ground-in dirt and neutralize odors on hands wih a paste of 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water, or 3 parts baking soda to gentle lquid hand Soap. Then rinse clean. ‘You can try this honey and cornmeal scrub for hands too. 9. Holp YourHair Vinegars amazing for your har, but baking soda has ts place inthe shower too. Sprnie a small ‘amount of baking soda into your palm along wth your favorite shampoo. Shampoo as usual and rinse ‘thoroughy-baking soda helps remove the resdve tat styling products eave behind so your hal i ‘leaner and more manageable, 410. Clean Brushes and Combs For ustious hair with more shine, keep brushes and combs clean. Remove natural ol built-up and hair product residue by soaking combs and brushes in a solution af 1 teaspoon of baking soda ina small ‘basin of warm water, Ringe and allow to dry. 111, Make a Bath Soak ‘Ada 112 cup of baking soda to your bath to neutralize acids onthe skin ana help wash away oll and perspiration i also makes your skin feo very soft. Epsom salls are prety miraculous forthe bath too ‘read about the hestth benefits of epsom salt baths. 12. Soothe Your Foot DissoWe 3 tablespoons of baking toda in a tub of warm water and soak feet. Gently scxub, You can also ‘make a a soak for your fet, ‘The Role of Diet in Declining Sporm counts (ops, thie. gary extension has Blocks cress Dasble ecenson vis rae thanks: Joy ne sete Cau repr Sin fe ay UO Crop e@ae.nteresing. nevert BBS e nin My Doberman lara, # 100% alpha dog does so well Butt does alot ‘of other crazy things, ye should nw Yr Os eg eck Her Hes? | was been suffering hardship from HIVIAIDS since 8yrs now. and | hhappen to have 2 kids fr my usa ‘7 SHunane Ways to Gt ieee Cleaning 13, Make a Surfaco Soft Serub For safe, effective cleaning of bathroom tubs, tle and sinks-even fiberglass and glossy tiles-sprinle baking soda Ighy ona clean damp sponge and scrub as usual. Rinse thoroughly and wipe dry. For ‘extra clearing power, make a paste with baking Soda, course salt and Iquid dish soap—let it sit then scour of 114, Handwash Dishes and Pots & Pans ‘Ada 2 heaping tablespoons baking soda (along with your regular dish detergent tothe dish water to help cut grease and foods left on dishes, pots and pans. For eooked.on foods let them soakin the baking soda and detergent wih water fs, then use cry baking soda on a clean damp sponge or cath a a scratchloss scouring powder. Using a dishwasher? Try these energy saving tips. 16. Froshon Sponges ‘Soak sale-smeling sponges in song baking soda solution to get rid ofthe mess (4 tablespoons of baking soda aissolved in t quart of warm water). For more thorough dsinfecting, use the microwave. 416. Clean the Microwave ‘Baking soda on a clean damp sponge cleans gent inside and outside the microwave and never leaves ‘a harsh chemical smell, Rinse wel wth water. 417 Polish Silver Flatware Use a baking soda paste mage vith 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water. Rub onto the stver witha clean ‘loth or sponge. Ringe thoroughly and dy for shining sterling and slver-pate serving pices. Remove cote and tea stains and eliminate biter of-tastes by washing mugs and coffee makers in a Solution of 14 cup baking soda in quart of warm water. For stubbom stains, ty soaking overnight in the baking soda solution and detergent or scrubbing with baking soda on a clean damp sponge, 49, Clean the Oven ‘Sprinkle baking soda onto the bottom ofthe oven. Spray with water to dampen the baking soda. Let sit ‘overnight In the morning, scr, scoop the baking soda and grime outwith a sponge, or vacuum, and 20. Clean Floors ‘Remove dit and grime (witout unwanted geratch marks) fom no wax and be Noors using 1/2 cup ‘baking soda in a bucket of warm water-mop and rinse clean for a sparting floor. For scuff mars, use baking soda on a clean damp sponge, then thse, Read Natural Floor Claning or more tps on avoing toxe floor lesners. 21, Clean Fumiture ‘You can make @ homemade lamon future polish, o you can clean and remove marks (even crayon) ‘rom walls and painted furniture by applying baking soda toa damp sponge and rubbing ight. Wipe off witha clean, dry clot, 22, Clean Shower Curtains (Clean and deodorize your vinyl shower curtain by sprinking baking soda directly on a clean damp sponge or brush, Scrub the shower eurtain and rine clean Hang up to dry 23, Boost Your Liquid Laundry Detergent {Give your laundry @ boost by adding 1/2 cup of baking Soda to your laundry to make liquid detergent work harder. Abetler balance of pH in the wash gels clothes cleaner, fresher and brighter. 24. Gently Clean Baby Clothes Baby skin requices the most gente of cleansers, whch are increasingly avaliable, but odor and stain fighters are often harsh. For tough stains add 1/2 cup of baking soda to your liquid laundry datergent, or £12 cup inthe rinse cycle for deodorization 25, Clean Cloth Diapers Dissolve 12 cup of baking soda in 2 quarts of water and soak diapers thoroughly 26, Clean and Freshen Sports Gear Use a baking soda soluion (¢ tablespoons baking soda in 1 quart warm water) to clean and deodorize ‘mally sports equipment. Sprinkle baking soda into gof bags and gym bags to deodorae, clean gol rons (without scratching tem) wh a baking soda paste (3 parts baking soda to 1 part water) and a brush, Rinse thoroughly 27. Remove Olland Grease Stains Use baking soda to clean up Ight-duty oll and grease spills on your garage floor or in your driveway. ‘Sprinkle baking soda on the spet and scrub witha wet brush 28. Clean Battorios Baking soda can be used fo neutralize battery ac cortosion on cars, mowers, et. because isa mils alal Be sure to dlsconnect the battery terminals before cleaning. Make a paste of 3 pars baking soda {01 part wate, apply witha damp cloth to scrub corrosion fam the baler terminal. ltr cleaning and re-connecting the terminals, wipe them with petroleum jello prevent future corrosion. Please be caret when working around a battry-they contain a song acl 28, Clean Cars Use baking soda to clean your car igh, ehvome, vindows, tres, vinyl seats and flor mats without worrying about unwanted scratch marks. Use a baking soda solution of 14 cup baking soda in 1 quart of warm water. Apply with a sponge or sof cloth to remove road grime, ir sap, bugs and tar, For ‘stubborn stains, use baking soda sprinkled on a damp sponge or soft brush. Here's how Sustainable Dave washes his cr. Deodorizing 130, Deodorize Your Refrigerator Place an open boxin the back of the fridge to neualze odor, 31. Doodorize the Cutting Board Sprinkle the cuting board wih baking soda, ser, rinse, For how o more thoroughly clean your cuting board, see How To Clean Your Cuting Boards. 32, Deodorize Trasheans ‘Sprinkle baking soda on the bottom of your trashcan to keep stinky trash smells at bay 132, Daodorize Recyclabet Sprinkle baking Soda on top as you add othe container. Aso, clean your recyclable container periodically by sprinkling baking soda on @ damp sponge. Wipe clean and rinse. Learn about howto recycle everything. 34, Deodorize Drains ‘To deoderize your sink and tub drains, and keep ingering odors from resurfacing, pour 1/2 cup of aking soda down the drain white running warm tap water willneuvalze both acié and basic odors for 2 fresh ¢rain. (This a good way to dispose of baking soda thats belng retired from your reigerator) Do you know what you're net supposed to put down your drains? 36, Deodorize and Clean Dishwashors Use baking soda to deadorze before you run the dishwasher and then as a gentle cleanser in he wash ove 36. Deodorize Garbage Disposals ‘To deoderize your dlsposal, and keep lingering odors from resurfacing, pour baking soda down the Grain white running warm tap water. Baking soda will neutralize both acid and basic odors for a tesh rain 37. Deodorize Lunch Boxes Betwoen uses, place a spil-proof box of baking soda in everyone's lunch box o absorb link Read bout sate lunch boxes here ing odors. 38, Remove Odor From Carpets Liberally sprinkle baking soda on the carpet, Let set overnight, or as long as possible (the longer it sets the better it works). Sweep up the larger amounts of baking 8oda, and vacuum up the rest, (Note that your vacuum cleaner bag wll ge! full and heavy.) 138, Remove Odor From Vacuum Cl By using the method above for carpets, you willalso deedorize your vacuum cleaner 40. Freshen Closets Place @ box onthe shelfto keep the closet smeling fresh, then folow these tips to organize your closet In an eco-ienaly way. 41, Deodorizing Care ‘Odors settle into car upholstery and carpet, so each time you step in and st down, they are released into the air al over again. Eliminate these odors by sprinkling baking soda drecly on fabric car seals ‘and carpets, Wait 15 minutes (or longer for strong odors) and vacuum up the baking soda, 42, Deodorize the Cat Box Cover the botlom ofthe pan with baking soda, ten fillas usual wih Iter. To freshen between changes, ‘prinkle baking Soda on top af the iter ater a thorough cleaning. You can also use green tea fortis purpose! 42, Daodorize Pet Bedding Etminate odors from your pets bedding by sprinkling Herat vith baking sod, wal 15 minutes (or longer for stronger odors) then vacuum up. 44. Deodorize Sneakers Keep odors from spreacing in smely sneakers by shaking baking soda ito them viten notin use. ‘Shake out before wearing. When theyre no longer wearable, make sure to donate your old sneakers. 45, Freshen Linens. ‘Add 12 cup of baking soda tothe rinse cycle for fresher sheets and towels. You can also make homemade lavender nen water wth this formula, 46, Deodorize Your Wash {Gym clothes af ether edorferous clothing can be neutralized witha 1/2 cup of baking soda in the rinse oye 47, Froshon Stutfod Animals Keep favorite cucdly toys fesn with a dry shower of baking sada, Sprinkle baking soda on and let it sit {or 15 minutes before brushing of 48, camping Curo-all Baking soda is @ must-nave for your next camping tip. tsa dish washer, pot scrubber, hand cleanser, eodorant,tootipase, fre extinguisher and many other uses. 49, Extingulsh Fites Baking soda can help in the intial handling of minor grease or electrical ktchen fires, because when baking soda is heated, gives off carbon dioxide, wbich helps fo smather the flames. For small cooking fires (ring pans, bros, ovens, gill), tur ofthe gas or electri ifyou can safely do so. Stand back ‘and bow hanafuls of baking soda at the base ofthe flame te help pu ou the fear call the Fre Department just to be safe, (And, you should nave afr extinguisher on hand anyway, here's why. 50. Soptic Care Regular use of baking soda in your drains can help keep your septic system flowing freely. One cup of baking soda per week will help maintain a favorable pH n your septic tank 51, Fruit and Vegetable Serub Baking soda isthe food safe way to clean dit and residue of fresh frut and vegetables. Just sprinkle a Ile on a clean damp sponge, scrub and rinse, Here's another way to clean your vegetables as well (OK so tere are my 51 suggestions (witha ite help ftom the Arm & Hammer baking soda st, thank you), Bo you have any tips ar rick that | missea? Please share inthe comments Related: 23 Ingenious Uses for Vinegar 46 Bllant Uses for Toothpaste 14 Lovely Uses for Lemons SET MORE STUFF LIKE S IN YOUR INBOX enter your email WOO HOO! TAKE ACTION NOW! Tell Ellen DeGeneres to Remove Leather From Her Clothing Line! # same@onaieom Related updates trom Care Heathy Living and area author: Chris Sosa target: Ellen DeGeneres ‘signatures: 122,005 ead ful petition Unies Ses woe cass wsmcncsansanontots Recommendations from Tho Power of Semen From Around the Web 9 Things You Didn't 6 Ways Not to Use Know About Men and Baking Soda Sex More From + 5 Things You Didn't Know About Masturbation + Baking Soda and Vinegar Together? + How to Clean Your Cutting Boards + § Reasons You Should Nevar Share Your ed With Your cat + Tho Honitying Truth About Avocados + Update: Dog Abandoned at Scottish Train Station with Sultease of His Belongings Read more: General Health, Green Kitchen Tip, Heath, Hoste Beauty, Home, Natural Remecies, Non-Toaie Cleaning, Pets, Surprising uses for. baking soda, sideshow have you shared this story yet? 0 ahead, give ta tle ove | tata reer ny. also by Melissa Beyer ‘9 Physical Symptoms of Depression ‘Milk Altomatives: 8 Recipes 412 Top Vogan Iron Sources roe 1428 comments Like a swiss knife substance for the house! And heathy too! Need to try the tps dit know SEND "Naomi, te reason for changing the box, s because it gets salurated ‘ith the stuff it absoros from the fridge. luse the spent baking soda box to pour it down the drain, adda bit of vinegar, cover it up ight ‘away. few hours later! pour Boling water anc Help clean drains Hand-washing? I would dissolve some baking soda in warm water, soak clothes for abi ang then rinse or use some detergent needed. Stains come out fs SEND Great tps! “Anyone know why the box of baking soda in the reigerater needs to be changea or stops working? What about hand washing clothes - how to get socks white again? SEND ‘Thank you fr sharing this great data. am realy so happy o see this, ost, Nice atte! Concrete Vacuum Seno don tke using ton my teth, a8 I dont tke the taste oft SEND ‘Trank you Melissa SEND another use for baking soda... make a weak solution for you alkaline loving plans. mix 1 tablespoon to 1 gallon of water. French lavender. gerarium, hydrangea, Love alkaline soll of ph 7.0 SEND another use for baking sod... make a weak soliton for you akaine loving plans. mix tablespoon to 1 gallon of water. French lavender. geranium, hydrangea, Love alkaline soll of ph 7.0 ner and ear wi acearund insisting ning epeiazngin‘ooe, sien sigh. Shes Me o-auhr of Tue Food (Natonal Gegrapie ang Nes eed an ten gine! ‘nd ininras onal ooks en prods, ncucng The Now York Times Magazine. Melisa in Bead, SEND ‘nother use for baking soda... make @ weak solution for you alkaline loving plans. mix 1 tablespoon to 1 gallon of water. French lavender. geranium, hydranges, Love alkaline sll of ph 7.0 Seno thats nice SEND view all 1428 comments » password see on fe on ‘wetlonnectyour {gt comment replies via email Receive Care? 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