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Year 1

Autumn 1
Digital Literacy
Animation and Film Making /
We are TV Chefs
C4, C5

Autumn 2
Digital Literacy
2sequence and compose world
Isle of tune
Garage Band
C4, C5

Year 2

Digital Literacy
Animation and Film Making
Create music for animation
linked to Titanic sinking
Stick in Action
I can Animate

Spring 1

Spring 2
Computer Science
Adventure games /
Focus on using Bee-bots
Include opportunities for UNPLUGGED computing
Bee-Bot App
C1, C2, C3
Computer Science
Programming and Control
Probot and Roamers
Unplugged computing Human Crane etc
Kodable, Move the Turtle, Tynker, Daisy the Dino

Year 4

Year 5

Digital literacy
Desktop publishing and
presenting research linked to
Life cards, PowerPoint, Wiki
C11, C12
Computer Science
Roamers and Apps (Yr 2)
C7, C8, C9

Digital Literacy
Multimedia Powerpoint
including graphs on Brazil

Digital Literacy

Computer Science


C7, C8, C9

Digital Literacy
DTP / internet
Rainforest Website including a
virtual map

Digital Literacy
Google Sketch Up

Computer Science
C7, C8, C9,

Computer Science
Digital Literacy / IT
How the Internet works and
Web Design
also cover e-safety
C11, C10, C12

Digital Literacy
We are Photographers
Color Splash
Pic Collage

Computer Science


Year 6

Computer Science
Maths Quiz
C7, C8, C9


Digital Literacy
Digital Photography
C4, C5

C1, C2, C3

C4, C5
Year 3

Summer 1
Digital Literacy
Graph Drawing
Link to weather topic


C12, C7, C8

Summer 2
Digital Literacy
Word processing
We are Storytellers
Producing a talking book linked
to seaside topic
2 create a super story
Puppet Pals app
Digital Literacy
Online Communication
Introduction to google apps and

Computer Science
adventure games and simulations /
Creating Games
2DIY app (new)
C7, C12,

Digital Literacy
Photography and photo
editing and arts
Link to plants topic
C12, C13

Digital Literacy
Music and Audio
Simple recording techniques
Adding music and effects

Computer Science

Computer Science
Slug Trail
Daisy the Dino
C7, C8, C9


Computer Science

Digital Literacy
Film Making?? Podcasts?
Year 6 children create a film
about their life at Wellstead

C12, C7, C8

Computer Science
Design a Game
Crab Maze
Disco lights
C7, C8,

I can animate
Digital Literacy
Online communication and Audio
Podcasting to Blog
We are Advertisers
C13, C12

2 code / Javascript
C7, C8, C9,


Autumn Key Skills

Year 1
Film Making

National Curriculum

Key Learning

Use technology purposefully to

create, organise, store,
manipulate and retrieve digital

That a digital video camera

allows you to point and shoot
digital video
Recognise digital content can
be represented in many forms.
Eg pictures, videos.
Can distinguish between
different forms and how they
can be used.
Uses suitable software to
create, store and edit digital
That videos can be taken using
different video cameras eg ipad
and handheld
That videos taken can be
imported to a computer

Year 1

use technology purposefully to

create, organise, store,
manipulate and retrieve digital

Uses simple tools to create

To organise sounds to create
and compose music
Adjusts the tempo and volume
To combine music samples and
to create my own piece
To play a tune using a virtual

Year 2

National Curriculum

Key Learning

Recognise common uses of

information technology beyond

To create a multimedia
animation by combining
animated objects.
That a variety of shots high and
low angles, long shot and close
up etc) are useful to show the
audience what they need to see
That the way elements are
arranged within the frame
constructs a focal point
That a series of images when
sequenced correctly can retell a
story or factual event

Year 3
Desktop Publishing

National Curriculum

Key Learning

Use technology purposefully to

create, organise, store,
manipulate and retrieve digital

To develop research skills for

searching information on the
To develop note taking skills
To present internet research
effectively in a document or
Use different font sizes, colour
and effect to communicate
That the internet contains fact,
fiction and opinion.
To understand that information
needs to be interpreted to
understand the information
To copy and paste images into a

Year 3

Use technology purposefully to

create, organise, store,
manipulate and retrieve digital

Design a database and add

Sort records and answer
To discuss which kind of graph
is best for different kinds of
To interpret and analyse
information in a graph
Can sort answers into groups

for a database

Year 4

National Curriculum

Key Learning

Design, write and debug

programs that accomplish
specific goals, including
controlling or simulating
physical systems; solve
problems by decomposing them
into smaller parts

To create a algorithm to instruct

an ICT turtle to move from A C
avoiding B
To plan for the best possible
route and shortest algorithm
To solve unfinished algorithms
To use the different controls eg
repeat function and degrees
Explain sequence and function
of commands on a program

Year 4
We are Travel Presenters

Use search technologies

effectively, appreciate how
results are selected and
ranked, and be discerning in
evaluating digital content

To compare website to check


use technology safely,

respectfully and responsibly;
behaviour; identify a range of
ways to report concerns about
content and contact

Filter search results to find

different types of media

Use an internet search engine

to find relevant facts

Find places using the search

and plan/zoom tools
Measure distances and explore
place marks
To create a page to contribute
to demonstrate understanding

of a topic

Year 5

National Curriculum

Key Learning

Use search technologies

effectively, appreciate how
results are selected and
ranked, and be discerning in
evaluating digital content

Compare website to check facts

Use an internet search engine
to find relevant facts
Filter search results to find
different types of media
That information on websites
should be: skimmed, sifted,
selected and checked for
inaccuracy before reading more
carefully to ensure
Move objects around to find the
best layout
Change the font style, size and
colour and re-size images
Insert graphs to represent data

Year 5
Computer Science

Use logical reasoning to explain

how some simple algorithms
work and to detect and correct
errors in algorithms and

To debug a program when

things go wrong
To give a object a set of
Begin to use the repeat
command as an instruction
To plan, test and review a
control program to customize a

Year 6

National Curriculum

Key Learning

Design, write and debug

programs that accomplish
specific goals

Solve problems by decomposing

them into smaller parts
Use sequence, selection, and
repetition in programs; work
Variables and various forms of
input and output
Detect and correct errors in
algorithms and programs
Can explain the sequence and
function of commands in a
Create a procedure (group of
commands) to do specific task

Year 6

Select, use and combine a

variety of software (including
internet services) on a range of
digital devices to design and
create a range of programs,
systems and content that
accomplish given goals,
including collecting, analysing,
evaluating and presenting data
and information

Understand the different

commands needed to produce
the game
To combine images into a
To change the background and
add text labels
Edit the images with, border,
crop and brightness tools
Can crop and edit photos to
improve them
Can edit the layout of my

Can combine images to create a
panoramic image

Spring Key Skills

Year 1
Computer Science

National Curriculum

Key Learning

Create and debug simple


To understand that a
programmable toy can be
controlled by a set of
Use a beebot to program a set
of instructions.
To record sequences of
instructions. (Unplugged and
To debug instructions to make
them correct.
To read a set of instructions and
predict a result.
To understand the term
To create a control (set of
instructions) for an onscreen

Year 2
Computer Science
Programming and Control

National Curriculum

Key Learning

Understand what algorithms

are, how they are implemented
as programs on digital devices,
and that programs execute by
following precise and
unambiguous instructions

That control technology is used

in a the wider world in range of
That control devices follow
instructions which contain
numerical data
That devices carry out repeated
actions following stored
That instructions can be
That instructions can be
recorded in a common format
and amended
To draw a trail with the beebots
using forward and turning
To develop a sequence of
numerical instructions to control
the beebots
To use the repeat key to
produce symmetrical shapes
with the beebots

Year 3
Computer Science

National Curriculum

Key Learning

Use sequence, selection, and

repetition in programs; work
with variables and various
forms of input and output

For students to understand the

concept of writing commands to
control movement on screen
To understand that different
commands mean different
To understand how to repeat
To be able to draw regular
polygons using a Logo tool
To be able to use simple tools
e.g. repeat

Year 3
Computer Science

Design, write and debug

programs that accomplish
specific goals, including
controlling or simulating
physical systems; solve
problems by decomposing them
into smaller parts

To make a simple game that has

a purpose to it
To edit my game to make
changes and to make it better
To play other games and say
what I like and what could be
done to improve it
To write a sequence of
instructions to control devices
for a planned outcome
To talk about how I made my
To include objects to collect,
enemies to avoid and animation
effects within a game

To create a time limit/ target


Year 4
Digital Literacy
Google Sketchup

National Curriculum

Key Learning

Select, use and combine a

variety of software (including
internet services) on a range of
digital devices to design and
create a range of programs,
systems and content that
accomplish given goals,
including collecting, analysing,
evaluating and presenting data
and information

Draw and combine prism

Draw 2D in sketchup and turn
into 3D shapes
Can draw and combine 3D
shapes to create a model e.g. a
Can alter the features of this
model e.g. the colour or size
Can measure the dimensions of
the models

Year 4
Computer Science

Design, write and debug

programs that accomplish
specific goals, including
controlling or simulating
physical systems; solve
problems by decomposing them
into smaller parts

Can make a simple game with a

Can edit my game to improve it
Can explain why I have included
certain features within my
Can evaluate other games and
explain how they could be

Year 5
Computer Science
How the Internet Works

National Curriculum Objective

Key Learning

Understand computer networks,

including the internet; how they
can provide multiple services,
such as the World Wide Web, and
the opportunities they offer for
communication and collaboration

To understand the internet cuts

data up into packets to transport
Internet servers are connected
by a web of wires carrying
information called data
To understand we can trace
where web sites are hosted
(computer they live on)

Year 5

Use logical reasoning to explain

how some simple algorithms
work and to detect and correct
errors in algorithms and

To debug a program when

things go wrong
Can design a maze with a start
and finish
Can make the game stop when
the crab touches the maze wall
Program the sprite to move
using the arrow keys

Year 6
Computer Science

National Curriculum

Key Learning

Design, write and debug

programs that accomplish
specific goals, including
controlling or simulating
physical systems; solve
problems by decomposing them
into smaller parts

Can edit existing code and

make predictions about what
will happen
Can test, edit and refine my
code independently
Can explain why I have included
certain features within my
Can evaluate other games and
explain how they could be
Can edit existing code and
make predictions about what
will happen

Summer Key Skills

Year 1
Digital Literacy
Graph drawing and

National Curriculum

Key Learning

recognise common uses of

information technology beyond

To sort item using ICT.

To create pictograms and bar
graphs to present findings.
To identify and correct obvious
errors in recorded information.
To understand a table to used to
store information.

Year 1
Digital Literacy
Word Processing

recognise common uses of

information technology beyond

to create a multimedia
presentation by combining
pages of: text, pictures,
animated objects and sounds
That text can be entered and
corrected after being typed.
That spaces can be used
between words and punctuation
to improve readability
To use the enter, backspace key
and understand what they do.
Change the colour of the text

Year 2
Digital Literacy

National Curriculum

Key Learning

Use technology purposefully to

create, organise, store,
manipulate and retrieve digital

To take a photograph using a

digital camera
To use the zoom buttons
To add effects to a photograph
That a variety of shots high and
low angles, long shot and close
up etc) are useful to show the
audience what they need to see

Year 2
Digital Literacy
Online Communication

Use technology safely and

respectfully, keeping personal
information private; identify
where to go for help and
support when they have
concerns about content or
contact on the internet or other
online technologies

That pictures can be imported

from a camera to computer
Name digital communication
Send an online message
Attach a file/link to an online
Explain how different messages
can be sent
Spot the difference between a
strong and weak password
and why they are needed.
Understand the history of
communication methods
Word process short texts
Know what to do and who to tell
if the see something
inappropriate online
Open and reply to an email
from a known person

Year 3
Digital Literacy

National Curriculum

Key Learning

Select, use and combine a

variety of software (including
internet services) on a range of
digital devices to design and
create a range of programs,
systems and content that
accomplish given goals,
including collecting, analysing,
evaluating and presenting data
and information

Use graphic software to edit

and manipulate images
To create a collage of photos
using ICT
To adjust the settings for the
image that is taken
To move, rotate and resize
graphic elements
Can talk about photo size and
resolution and the need to
resize some photographs

Year 3
Digital Literacy
Animation with script

select, use and combine a

variety of software (including
internet services) on a range of
digital devices to design and
create a range of programs,
systems and content that
accomplish given goals,
including collecting, analysing,
evaluating and presenting data
and information

To create stop motion animation

To understand how stop motion
animation works
To create a stop animation that
has smooth movements
Write and record a script using
Combine video and sound

Year 4
Computer Science

Year 4
Digital Literacy
Green screen animation

National Curriculum

Key Learning

Design, write and debug

programs that accomplish
specific goals, including
controlling or simulating
physical systems; solve
problems by decomposing them
into smaller parts

To debug a program when

things go wrong

Select, use and combine a

variety of software (including
internet services) on a range of
digital devices to design and
create a range of programs,
systems and content that
accomplish given goals,
including collecting, analysing,
evaluating and presenting data
and information

Can combine a number of

videos together

Can use different commands to

program a sprite
Understands the different
commands that can be used in

Can create a video using greenscreen effects

Year 5
Digital Literacy
Online Communication and

National Curriculum

Key Learning

Select, use and combine a

variety of software (including
internet services) on a range of
digital devices to design and
create a range of programs,
systems and content that
accomplish given goals,
including collecting, analysing,
evaluating and presenting data
and information

Can record audio using a

microphone or computer
Edit the audio using the
appropriate tool (Audacity)
Create a theme tune for the
To upload podcast to the
Wellstead Blog

Year 6
Computer Science

National Curriculum

Key Learning

Design, write and debug

programs that accomplish
specific goals, including
controlling or simulating
physical systems; solve
problems by decomposing them
into smaller parts

To debug a program when things go

To give a object a set of instructions
Begin to use the repeat command as an
To create a set of instructions which
uses conditional statements
(If then) to control an on-screen
To plan, test and review a control
program to customize a program
Independently: test, debug and modify
a game to improve it.
Begin to understand the commands in

Year 6
Digital Literacy
Film Making

Select, use and combine a

variety of software (including
internet services) on a range of
digital devices to design and
create a range of programs,
systems and content that
accomplish given goals,
including collecting, analysing,
evaluating and presenting data
and information

Can record video using a camera

Can delete unwanted videos from the
camera or iPad
Can upload photos to create a photo
Can add titles and credits to my video
Can add a soundtrack to my video
Can combine a number of videos
To create a storyboard
To create a pleasing/informative
animation/video for a specific audience
by: generating, manipulating and
combining multimedia elements

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