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Fuzzy Set Theory—and lis Applications, Second, Revised Edition Contents Pele ort Revised Eaton = Inyoduction to Fuzzy Ste 1 hy Eisen Vaguarae, Pures, Une : Poe 32 np Sat Tony 4 Part One: Fuzzy Mathraice ° aes 2, fuer seuc tne oto ® “EepSigeeeree ort 22° an Sor Tec Opersone tr Fay ate = | enene 2 See | 3s Bag sas 3 ae Bh Cams ry so 3 i 3, Scene 5 HEL SERS a corto ean a | 325 She bora ogee vues 5 ethene 4, faz Weneres ad Mensur of ues * oie ty Bacgacaser $ Senaosiose | ERAS as o Se 5, Re etre 8 eee rhe soe 8 BESS 3 emusemucrete, , SENSES Rarmemineran ate ne : ‘reper fet ax Composition z UE nto te ae r onan 2 began of Fay Pus as % Isbin oa (orep) Rew Vaued Fancnoveraruzry 101 rewire emeteit—19 Sen : Teena tm : suey a Frome oe say Evert a «Sel He Smeaton g SaaS z sop T4 * vengea tenement . St rane 3 SERRE comet iH eames 7 Seer : ‘Stor Hom Cuoe Loge Repetition 138 Reem 8 cena % separernersae x asoee ater i Sit ta le EB ian g ie ogietore of Faray Cont ad Pater Space, Clastcalon and Caetcson Saoce ity using ste Vay Ejmmactersay Flay LP wh ip Ogee Funct Fuszyhtnicene Aas Ni Osjecve Bec Hakrg us atv Groson Mes Fuzzy Set Model in Operations Research Flay St odes in Lagtce ly Ase oe Fart rove Fussy Se Magen Prosiclon Conta and Senecung ‘Riayat Bacon to! ae Ggiraaon eran SoeShty Sermon mh Expo Systems Shits 9 Contec Hana Sytoms ‘ogra Bocuten a Inert Plsing {ity Matta yong be Maman ‘Simo Cours Insc, wd eos Empirical Reseach In Fury Sel Theory Fal Tore Farol Posrisv. Decsion basin Operations Resear ant Management Sconce ‘Eh iseten on Momoorhip Farce Eo nach on Angers reer = 9 List of Figures owe 1-4 guest Fae 5-3 Faure 5 Fauos-1 Favre os Fe a# Fureos Concept rary ol ostworinas. zy, robes ses [plage Phome, tne and averaging operas. Peconic, ‘Graph tha a ace, Punshyosunedtonat Probab ot zz vet ee a acca Stent nome stro Fue 10-2 Paws 10-17 Face 10-18 nomi ai fei met peer deren erie eee rem Unguiatie vanables for currence and canterabily. Scene emcees, Combination o! two two-dimensional porta. Seicaceaeatates Sirageuntenee eenteencae igerenaeein Becca, Seeeane Bee a amayemenan ton er Posse da sucues inne lane Peamange ouster tara, Bencagamarienel ust. Pezey ach ecg er geohtert tters Genco house. Sikhs orns tae ‘Guster 2et bat. {Guster 28 ste orm=2 Sidon as maxing deco, ro [Base srurture oa dani programming mode. Fa stress woot olnes Polat faematne 2 ver altas ‘Tomer functon of etary one The cosoral a umarslsrono Figure 13-8, sek igure 4-4 Fave 16-7 Fare a8 Fao 4-9 Fae 4-11 gee 1-12 Fae 1a=13 Fue ease Fw 14-35 pe 446 Merbuati uncon COs ah seta ty stsing ea Undrneentan orzavers touts ecatieaueeen! oe See Ee corm eee ae See BE ee veto ieee tee Se Ree eect veyron ‘Product operator Onseved serpcted grades Feet oemte tee eerste: Le a ee cman eericcsatetereeme Seciooieesmees List of Tables Saas conpeatn ansonemema Cessticatonctaggegaon operates eis eee rantan orate ane Propartesottizz ations oper eve Komogoof probate Filson Bsa oo nt, ns Suppor par. ‘000 tons. Fussy Conol i etngsand wai! lematvo goa. optcatensot tz set nay oparatons reouch, ‘etloal te prametivarapoaton pion. Saito anesoratin penien Nemvarsipgrae sles ear wang tie. Henan i codsoripoor ta i Betton ol nga varie. Compara of petormanca. ‘rare otnscton pre easy olmciucor ‘ray wears. eSweosraschease Bateman haus btcecson ‘Emu sad rege of membership Enprea!ts edcog rade tombe S ae Foreword ‘As its name ines the theory of funy sts busca, a theory of faded concepts theory in which eveything isa mater of degre of, 0 putt guratvely, everything hae ese. Inte two decides since i ncopion, the theory hs matured into 2 widesanping election ‘of concept and techniques Tor dealing with Complex phenonena which dona end themselves fo analy by easel ‘methods based on probability theory and bivalent loge. Nevedtheles, a (question chat i requeatl raised by the skeptics: Ate there, fc, any "gical problem renin whi thease of the theory of fay stead te etl that could not be obtained by easel methods? Professor Zinmermanns treatise provides an afrmatve answer otis question. His comprehensive exposition of both the theory and is {pplations explains in le tor the baie concept that undetethe theory ar! how they late to their asic counterparts: He hors through wealth of examples the way in whieh dhe theory ean be aplcd tothe solution of rate problems pvticaley inthe team of decison inalys and motte the teary By spinon im hi oy see play tn exentl role counterpart in the tory of eis ste caer to he combination of fuzzy Sets through disjunction nd conjunction or, equivalent. union and intersection, Profesor Zimmermann and his asoctes tthe Technic University of Aachen have made many important contributions (9 this problem ad were the fst ointtoduce the concept ofa parametric fay St coaneates which can Be chosen cf a parteulrappieation. In eent ers this iste he given ree fo an eatenve lertare dealing. ith ‘ors an etd eoeept which ink some apts fhe teary fey sets 10 the theory of probabilitic metre spaces developed by Katt Menger ‘Another imporlan ise added e Profesor Zimmerman’ eis roller to. the distinction ‘between the conpts of pata and ‘ossibiity, with the later concept having a close connection wih that of ‘membership in fozy se. Te concep of possibilty lays a partiuny Important role in the representation of meaning, inthe mandgement of Sneersinty i expert systems, and in appetions ofthe theory of fey fete io deci analy "As one ofthe ledingcontibuors to and practioner ofthe we of fuzzy sets in decison analysis, Profesor Zimmermann Samguely qualied to adress the complex sus arising in fuzzy optimization probes am, especialy, uzzy mathematalprosramming and mulueriteson decison ‘making ina furry envroament His treatment of these topes Compeahersive,aptodste, and lumina Taum, Profesor Zimmermann’ rete 3 major contribution tthe ‘trate’ of fzzy Sts and decision nals. presents many oni esis and ince analyses. Aad, most importanly, it succes in Drovidiog an excelent intrdcton to the theory of fuziy sean Inedueion that makes it possible for an uninitiated reader to obtain » ‘lear iw ofthe theory and learn about sapiens in a wide vty ot elds. ‘The wong of this book was a lieu undertaking. Profesor Zimmermann eserves tbe conratlited on hit onsansing accom Pishment and thanked for cntibting so much over the pst dere 0 the advancement of the theory of fuzzy sets 26 sie, educator ‘smiistator and organise, La, Zadeh Preface Sioe ts ncetlon 20 yeas go he hey fay es hat adeace 3 vores of aye and nan sipines. Appin of hs tory sta be {ound for example, in atic ntligence, computer sinc, contol Cngineering, dean theory expe seme, lope agent ee penton este, gator esgnon, an oboe Tere a sss have ben de many Sectors, tfc ketene ct tora newcomer tote Sido or somebody who wants to app ur) o ‘Terre, suny appesions ws Ay fet ea on 1 much neve slementry lee tan appropriate and heer. athe other han, theoreti pulcatons re lea 30 speilued and assme sich ¢ ‘Sekgroundn taps thor tht thy a an fo anderstnd The more ‘Mes and in many uray Exsigboks need chun contng tpeslaed contons or nonogphsthat ac ony on peti sect ‘hays, sch a pate ecogton [Bene Iwi unctons {Kandla tee Top) or con mating Riker 17H) Even the [Scent suey book by Duan Ponerinae ‘revere compendun ores er ana ogo oun set thoory ors textbook This lack of emprehensve and mode eX Faria recogned y newcomers othe eld and by those wh mat 0 "Ihe pany aol hs bok to help tocloe thi gap—to provide a textbook for cousin uy at theory an book tat can Be wed st tm otto ec fhe esi which fry sets hev been apd mest xteniay ine modlag for manga daaaon sang hero, ho es hat eon selected for more deed considerition. The information has een 0. Example 2-2 Lets consider example 21a again: The support of (A) = (1, 2,345, 6} te hmens pe nou) 78,91 ar not a he Pn oat ‘A more general and even more sol notions that ofan weve Definition 2-3 “The (rsp) st of elements that belong tothe fury set at est the degree aed the lve! se Ags (eeX|n@=0) Aim (ee X|ujG)>6) i called “song aleve set" oF “stone Example 2-3 We refer again to example 2-1 and ist possible aleve sets gn 2.3,4,5,6) As= Ane. 4) Ants) “The strong elevel et or a= Bis A's (4) convexity also plays tle in fay se theory. By contrast to asia set Theory, however, convey eondlons ate defined with reference Lo (he membership function rather han the support of faz st FUZZY SETS—BASICDEFINTIONS 1s Defaition 2-4 A tury sot is conver if hay (1-292 min (ayn), pyle eee Re. I) Alternatively, a fey sets convex if all evel sets ae conven Fee2-24 Convaxtuny st Fawe2-20, Noneoweetzeys6 w FUZZY SET THEORY-—ANDETS APPLICATIONS Example 2-4 igure 2-2a dpi convex fury se, whereas figure 2-20 states oncom fy ‘ne inal enue of Guy ast which we will ase frequcny i ter chapters nts arial ot * omer” [2adch 181). Definition 2-5 ora finite fay set the ennai i dined as Palm Bate wa is cole the relave cardinal of A. bout the relative cardinality of fz set depends onthe cary ihe niere, So you have to choose the same universe I yOH wa (0 home fury sete by tei relative earn Brame 2-5 For the fury set “comfortable type of house for «4 perton fail” fom fale 2a the ermal s l= 24 5484s 743035 1 lative cardinality i 3s 0 ap 38038 ‘The eltiye cada canbe interpreted asthe fraction of elements of Ihang in 2 weighted by tel degree of membership in A. For infite X the early Seiated by [AT fata)ds. OF course [A] dees wot slays ex 22 Basle Sot Theoretic Operations for Fuzzy Sets ne mentenip function wobvowsy th cai componeat oa riser tang topes wih uy ets are defied ws the ocr faraons. We tal it present he ences sugested ty wash 168 [eadeh 1965p. IO). They consi» coment Pet or he ery fy ste Tey ae, however, nt oly Fuzzyse1s—pasieberintrioss ” posible way to extend classi se theory consistently Zadeh and other Suthors have suggested. alternative or dona denon To et theoretic aperations whi wil he ese in chap Definition 2-6 ‘The membership Fnetion ys) a the deraeton Astin by AT ispoinwise ne) intus(Dangl), xeX Defiitn 2-7 Tre membership function yas) of the union B= 7 vB is pointwise deine by vals)=moxi00 ml}. rex Definition 2-8 “he mente ation ofthe compen fa zy st i dated by . Awe) bald=tpyle rex! Example 2-6 Let the fuzzy set “zomvortable ype of house for 8 perso fiy™ ton example Tad be the azz se "are type of house defined as Ba (5,-2.5... (6.8 DBD) ‘The iterscetion C= 0 His then T=18..2.4, .65,.9).66,.91 ‘The ion =A vB B= 4129.51.18, 9, 6,195.1) (66 De BD) oe complement 0 whieh ih be ister “not ge pe of B= (1,2... 9. 4, 8)... (629.9. 19, (10, ample 2-7 Let ue asus that =x considerable larger than 10" Ber approximately 1," characterized by =U vslodxex) where xs10 de@-19) > and B~ (ix. my(on rex) wo) +e “Ten saat finte +6109) 1419-4 sated = [p> (4 considraby larger than 10 and approximately 11) sult) =man{Cl + (2 10)-)°1, +(e 17 Figure 2-3 dpi the above Faveo2-9. Unonandhtecion tty st fors>10 aex Fuzzy Se15BASIC DEFINITIONS » Ie os alveay been mentioned that min and max are mot the oly ‘operators thn colt Rave hoor chee to model the intesetion a ution ‘funy ste especie. The question aries, why thos and not thers? Bellnun and Gisse addressed this question n 173 astomatealy [Bellman find Gierte 1973, p. ISI] They ares from 2 lapel plat of wew, interpreting the ifersection as "loll and,” the union as “gia or, fn the fray et ste statement "The clement belongs se A™ can ‘easter Se nore oy ee te. is very native to flow the ine of Srpunent, which an excl example for an aomati juseaton of {pee mathematical models. We shall erefore sketch their reasoning ‘Gonsder wo statements, Sand for which he th vals se ay, Fespetvely. sie [0, I]. The troth value of the "and and "or ‘ombination ofthese statements, p(S and T) and (Sor 7). bot rom the intereal 0r1) ae interpreted he values of the membersip functions of the ntesction and unio, respectively, of § and T. Weare nom looking, Fortwo real-valued functions fand g sh hat sant Sls) iw mathe) Ballnan and Gierte fe thatthe following eesctions are ceasonably imposed on fn i, and re nndecsesing ana contiauous ins and i Pand are symmetric hal, fas) = flr vs) hn) = B07 3) H.-J) and ge) ave trl increasing 15. 7g. Be) ni) ad its) = a yy). Tha implies {hat accepting the teh ofthe semen" and 7” egultes more fd accepting the uh of the statement "Soe Tess than acepting Sor Talon as woe vfs =taed 6,0) =0, i. Lngcly equentratments must Rave equal truth values and fy sets with the same coments must have he same membership Function, that Sy and (S; 0°55) is equiatent 0 (5, and 5, 0 (5; and 8) tnd eherofre ast be equally ue 0 Zz Ser IEORY—ANDETS APPLICA TONS Betinan and Giertz now formalize the above assemptins 3s follows ‘Using te symbols for ana” (~intersceton) and V fr“ (= urion) {hs aunts fo the fllowing 7 restrictions, to be imposed on th 140 ommuatv (ei) ad stove (6s (ui) binary ompositions hand ‘Vem he cone interval [0 which are motually distbutve (2 (7) sth eet fo one athe, Le were tre 2 Gigi A nas Gy Ae) GeV DY he eV eV 8) 3. He GV d= Ge HY Gas Ae) POY Gir Ae) = (bs VN) A Ge ta) 4. FOAIOL and hyve continous and nondecreasing in each Eemponent S. jae andy Vit ar ti 6 NEAt= min Gin bi) vers man te (i) 2 tatat BVO=0 Gee) Selinan and Girt then prove mathematical [sce Bellman and Giertz 1973, p14) that arin) aR ser = MOG snereasing ine i) For the complement it would be resonable 1 asume that if tatment "Sh is tue ty complement "nn Sm be, of y= 1 Ken Haas =O and ice versa ‘The funtion fi (or complement in analogy to and g for Inteecton and union) should ko be continuous and monotony Alecrmsing and we would ike the complement of he complement ob the ‘nga atement Cn order to bein line ith traditional ogc ad set thea}. These requirements, however, are nol enough (0 deternine tnaqely the mthsmatial form of fe complement. Blinan and Gierz Fee in adion, tat (2) = 12. Omer assumptions are esily posible and plese 1. Model te foiowing expressions 3 fz sts a Large integers. 1 Very smal numbers Mesumsied men {4 Numbers apeosimately Between 10 snd 20 High spc forcing ats Detzrnine aleve sete andl rong evel set fr the following fay set BH EUG. 1. Cb 2515, (6A 1s 68s HAI. (2 8 14.09) b. B= (Gn) = (C+ 1077 8 olre Rt {2b orv=10 1 WY" for 10 Pe 2, Which ot any so of ekercne 2 ae convex and whch arena? AH teen (te 2. HO}, Determine the cardnaities and relative ‘dines of he Flowing fray sts: ora fiom exoree 2a Hata... 9. (4 (8. (6, 80, 9), AE (2, 4). (4, 81.8... 6) 5. Determine the inrsetons ad unions of the ftlowing fz st 2. The fugy sei MB and C fom exercise 1h Brand € from excree 2 6. Determine de ntenestion andthe union af the complements of fuzzy seis Band C from exerted 3 EXTENSIONS 34 Types ofFuzzy Sets In chapter 2th bs defnon of fuzzy etwas given and the rind theoretic operations were discussed. The membarhip space, was {sumed to be the space of el numbers, memberahp fonctions were rsp functions, nl he operations corresponded essentially othe operations af {al lope or Doolean alge, ‘ilterent extension ofthe base concept dicused in chapter 2 are posi They may concern the definition of 4 fuay se or they ay [once the persons wah zy ses. With respect the definition of fey et differen stutures may be imposed onthe membership space tnd siren assamplions may be made eneeraing the membership function These exenson will be tected la section 31 Te wos sumed in ehpter 2 tht te ogel “and” coresponds othe sethoovttcinfrscton hich in rn ie modeled by the mi-opeatr. The sume type of rlaonship wae ame forthe lapel", he umn, andthe matcoperator. Deparing fom he well-established stems of dul Topic and Boolean alge, alternative and aadionalJfalions fr tems ‘sth elatergcion apd union, for thee intorpretation as “an” andor." 2 % FUZZYSETTHEORY —AND TS APPLICATIONS and fo their mathemsie modes ca be conceived. These concep wil ‘cused in secton 3.2. ‘Soar we have considered zy sts with erly defined nemberstip| sunetion or dices of anembership It x doubler, for nse ran beings ve or ean havea chap image of mamibertip fnctins therminds Zach [1973p 2] therefore suggested the nation aay {St who membership futon Haste frny set If we el Taz 8, Sc comiro so for ype Tryst then ype fez se rm Be tine ae follows. Definition 1 [Ainpe2 fuze ets a fray et whose membership values te ype Luzzy sstton (Ik “Te operations nesetion, son, and complemen ined so fara 90 Toga for pe 2 ay at We wil ower, peg te {Tacusins ot adequae pettors en secon 5.2, that uni we have resented the extension principe, wich ball prove very wel fr his Furpone By the sme foken by which we introduced type 2 fz eit mul be gucd tat tere fe vo obvious reason why the membership functions of ype 2fuzy st should be esp. A natural estenson of hese typed funy st therefore the defn of type fy sets Defi 3-2 ‘ype m fuzzy se Gay set in X whose membership values ae type enim fay set on [0 1) From practical point of view, such type Guay st for large even fon) oe ber deal wih and wl Ge sntremaly ial on even impossible to measure them ort nse them. We wil therefore, not te ry fo define the ul operations them. “There have bec ser ater och vagueness going beyond the fuzrines of ordinary type | fanz sts, One example isthe "stocase {ery model” of Norwich and Tarksn (1581, 1984) These authors were Insn}y concer withthe measurement ad the scale vel of member functions. They view a fuzy set a a family of random variables hose epsity functions are estnned by that stochastic [Norwich and Tarksen 1388, p21 EXTENSIONS a Hiro [1981] sho considers foxy sels for whidh the “value of remierhip fenton es rand vara Definion 3-3 [eo 1981, p35) A probabilistic se on X done by 2 defining fnetion i, NH Cs wal 0 Me where pts) the (2, measurable fonetion for ech Bred eX: For Hirota apoio A with the defnng funtion wa 2) ontained ina probabilistic st with gto) For exth Ye there fs 8 Be which stisies P(E) Und pals w) Salt 0) Fe EE. {0 B, P) scaled the parameter space (One of te main advantages ofthe notion of probabilistic asin modeling futay and stochastic fentre of system ss aserted 1 be the applies ot moment sali, at the pest of eomputing moments such ‘xpectation, vance. Figure 31 indiates the ference betwen the Sppearane of fay set and poobabli set [rots 1981, p33). OF ure he mathematel properties of probit set ie ro these tt fanz sets and so do the matematieal models for intersection, unin td 30 on ‘A ore general definition of zy se than gven in deiiton 2-1 is that ofan Ltiny st [Goquen 1967: De Lees and Termini 97. By Contato te above dation, te mewbership function of an Luz. fet maps ita a partaly ordered set, L. Since the interval (0 1 iva ose (uly orderad et the fey se in deiiion 2-1 isa spoil Ctuny se. Further attempts at eereseting vague and uncertuin dat, wih dierent iypes of azay set were made by Atanasow and loses {tension nd Stova 183; Atanas 186), who defined & ener tin ofthe notion of fey see—the inane furry sets—and Dy Panik [Povink 1982, who developed the theory of rough sts, where trades of membership are expres ya concept of approximation. Defwiton 3-4 (Nanasow and Stoo 1983) Given an underlying Xo objects, a intioninic zsy se (HFS) Aa fet of ordered tps. 2% Faz steve raabite sate Fea Tensions » A= Kena len bee X) whore as) and (are fnetions mapping fom Xt 0]. or each ‘rex, pa(s) represents the degree of membership ofthe element 10 {he subset A of X(t ves the degre of nonmembers For the une os) an 2) manging io] he onton Ol) a) Cndnaey fray ses over X muy be viewed 8 spec ituitoitie fry sett wi the soomesnberahip funtion vs) 1p) Inthe sme way 1 funy see, intltonitic Lazy sete were defined by mapping the membership furtins into ® panial ordered set L (Atonasov nd Stace 188) Definion 3-5 [Pawlak 1985, p99; Pawlak etal. 1988] Let U denote st of objects called unverie and let Re UU be a squialnce relation on U. The pair A= (Us ealled an approximation fpoce, Fore Uand(u 9), wand vbolng othe same equivalence elas and we say that they ar indiningitable nA, Therefore the elation Risealled an nicer renin, Let [ey denote an equivalence case (elementary st of A) off containing element x, then lower and upper approximations for a suber XU in A—denoted ACK) and ACL) respectvey~—are defined as follows else) AUX)» (reU| fale #9) I an object «belongs tothe lower approximation space of X in A then vy surely belongs o.X in A."x'@A(X) moans that "x posibly Belongs © Xina For the subet XU representing concep of interes, the apps mation spae A= (U, 8) ean be characterized with tree distie eons Of X in A the 20 called positive region A(X), the boundary region AG)” A(X). andthe negative region U ~ AC. "The chaacteraton of ebecs in bythe nascent raion Ris not reise cnough f the boundary repion A(X) A (X) ot empy Foe Ihisene it may be posse to say whether an object Belongs Yo Or ot Sw the wet X's To Be nondeiable a Aad Xia vough st 8 FUZZY SEP MIEORY—ANDITS APPLICATIONS Powlok [965] shove thatthe concept af approximation given by the ‘utalenee elton Rand the approximation space may nol sm ger, ‘repnced ys membership funtion sna to that troduced by Ze Intonr to take probit informations cul to nondtermisic cnsiation problems into secount a natural probate extension of {he rouge model hasbeen proposed [Paes sa 1555 122 Further Operations on Fuzzy Sots For the time bring we retur ordinary zy aes (type 1 faz sets) and omider addtional operations on thm which have teen defied the Inert and which wil be well oF even ncesay for ater chaps. 3.21 Algebraic Operations Defiition 6 “The cartesian produc of ory sets isdeined as lows: Lets. ube fay st in iy sons Ny Tie eatin prodact then a fz sel the Product space 2 5¢X, wit he membersip fenton ate imi ia) = Booed A) Definition 3-7 “Theimth power ozzy set Tia Gury st wit the membership fusion mete) = IA, eX Aitional algebraic operations ae defied as follows: Defition 3-8 “The algebraic sn (Grobabiisie sum) C= A+ i dined as C= (Os tase X) where at) Hs) C8)~ HDHD exTENsions » Definition 5-9 “The hounded sun C =A OW is defined as T= (C4 taalD DEX galt) = in (1 p90 HOD Defiton 3-10 “The hwnd ference A @ Bis defined (nied eX) where ag) m0 {0 (0)-+P42)= 1h Defiion 3-11 “Tre algebraic produc of two fuzzy ses C (e100) vy Co 7X) Bs defined as Beample 3-1 La A()= 1G., Bu) = 1G. 0.65. 9} “The above definitions sre then iateated by the following resus (8:3). 51. (553 HO: 3). 6) 16:9). SLI. 1.055. 61 (8, 29).6.1).0, 38) FAB ~(G. ZOB=(G. 9) ( HG9.6.9} 422 Set Theoret Operations In chapter 2the inersetion of azz sts, intepeted asthe lial and twos mdeed ts the minopertor and the union interred “or,” &s 0 FUZEY SET THEORY —AND TS APPLICATIONS the maxapertr. Other operators have aso besn sugested. These sugesions vary with respect tthe generality or adapty of the fopeators aswell as tothe degree fo which and tow they are josie. $isieaton ranges from ite argumentation to empl or axiomatic jssieation. Asaptability ranges ‘rom uniquely defied), for example, onadapabie, concepts via parametrized "families" of operators 10 eneral elses of opeatrs which satiety certain proertis, ‘We sal nvestiate the two basic castes of operator! operators forthe inertetion and union of fz sets—retrred to ay tanger nor and onorns—and the eas of averaging operator, which model connectives for fuzzy els between Forme and Fomor. Eat clss contains Parametied as well as noaparametzed operas {cnorms. For the intersection of fuzzy sets Zadeh [Zadeh 1965] suggested ‘the min-operator andthe algebraic product AB. The "bold intersection" [Gites 1776] was modeled bythe “bounded sum" ss deined above. The ‘nin, product, and’ toundedsum opertor: belong 10 the socalled ‘angular oF norms. Operators belonging oti class have Jamal of Ingerest in the recent past. They can be caracteiaod as follows Definition 3-12 [Dubois a Prade 1980, p. 17) ‘enorms are two-valued functions fom [01] (0. which sats the folowing conditions: 1 40,0)=05 4300), A, 14) 2 ye), me) =H W969) ituyte) Sel) a0 Ha8) = Hols) 3. Mga). n)) = ile ta) eg C0. ise). He) = Ang), le) Bele) i rex {monotniciy) (commatatity) (Gnoeiatiy) ‘Te functions # define a gener clase of intersection operators for fuzey sets. The operators belonging to ths clas of norms men portale! ‘ssocative (se 4) and tereore it posible o compute tie membership Values forthe intersection of more’ than two fuzzy set by securely applying a esorm operator [Bonssone and Decker 1986, p, 22 ‘conorms fr snorms). For the union of fry sts the man-perato, the algebraic sum [Zadeh 1965] nd the "Dold unin [Ge 1979] movled by the "bounded suny"—have been suggested. EXTENSIONS 3 Cocesponing othe clas of intersection operators, genera of| aggregation operators forthe eon of uy ete calle iar conor for reonorms (sometimes efered Io ax norms) defined sooguoualy {Dubois and Prade 1985, p. 90: Mizumoto 1969, p. 22). The max operator, algebraic wom and bounded um considered above belong to Deintion 3-13 [Dubois ad Peade 1985, . 90 conorme or snorms are msosintve, commutative, and monotonic two Paced futons, which map from (Oy I] (0. i] nt [0,1]. Those Properties are font wih the fallowingconions. 1 af, D=15 say60, 0)= 10, ny(0)=Hybe), re 2 stated wy stn) ta) ituac=He0) and ay) SRol0) us). ws) atu ed) sgt bg) we) = stg Cs aD Heed) ‘norms and reonorms are cela in 3 ante of logic diy. Akins [Alin 1985] defined reanorm ata tworplac funtion + mapping fram [0.11% (0, 1] (0, I} sch ha he function redefined os 2) nC = 13H 60), Hb) Isa raoem. So any tenorm x ean be generated fom a nor # hough ths tansormation. More general, Bonisone and Decker [186] showed, that or suitable ngation operators ike the complement operator fr foxy sels—Uefned asst) = 1~ (0) (se chapter 2}—pais of norms? nd reonorms# sty the fllouing generalization of DeMorpans lw [Bonissone and Decker 1986 p. 220 suse). Hula) = gD) mag) and ag ng) = mee), HAE), eX “Typical dul prs nonparametized orm and conor at compiled telow [Bonstone and Desker 136, p22; Mizu 189, p. 20 (monotonicity) (commutaiviy) ‘essocitvy) ‘tnshsnen = fg ae ema aan =1 dae sd ig) {28 COA i nse =1 die 2 22 SP THIEORY-—AND IS APPLICATIONS yeh, yl) =n (0 16+ le) vounies ‘ieece (we) =n (wu) +0) oun ott) std tests =F TREY (= HG HAOTT—_rOEE t+) Ensen sen nt) = BB = ab sae = AC: Hl) athe edu 40). 190) 6) #4460 — 4-H) aleshaic TCT (etl) Hamcter tbo) = a prose 0 y= 2a) red Hamster see), (= = Be bs ‘ned n= min 6). HD} ini sa) (=m. a4) maxima These operators are ordered a Follows We notice tht this order implies that for any fay sets Hand Bia X with Inemersip vas between and | any ftrsetion operator tha is 2 {aoe is bounds y he min opertor and te operator A conv bounded by the maw-operte tad the operator, rexpetivy, [Debs tnd Pade 1828, ph ung gD). Hy) Sin G0, Hy) an (ne il} Sag He) SID. wyle). EX 1 may be sible 19 extend the range of the previously deseibed ‘parators in oder to apt tem othe context in which they are use To ths end fren thor suggested parametrized Tamils of enon and [Fenris often saning te sete proper For illstraion purposes We review some imeresing parame operators, Some of thee operators and their equivalence f the acl EXTENSIONS a “and and “or” respectively has en jstifed sionally. We shall sete the aon on wach the Hamacher operator esis cede 10 sve the reader the pprtnity to compare the ssomatie system of Belan snd Grete (infmas) on ne hand wh that a the Hamacher operator (bi essentially Tau of product operators) oa the other Defnion 3-14 (Namacr 178 “he merci of zy Sets Han is dened as HB (stoaCsdleeX) where nce) =F) + wal) =A) Halt Hamacher wants ta derive» mathemati moe! for he “ed pert Ho bo enema AL. The operator is sci, hats, A (HAC) = ABYAC. 182) The operstor A is continue {35. The operator A nthe cick ramet tha GABA) =B=C GaD= Care (isis the essential iferecebtwoen the Hamaher-oprator snd {he Bello Gers son). Mo MOe te meeel Me hen proves tht» fanton 2-0 1 xis with olen +7 ted Uf rational anton n (ay) hen he onl pose operator ‘fat down in detasson 31 for feted oe pea Pret Notice that he Hamasheroperator the oly H tit oem th an bepress rains con [sumo 19,25) al Dafinion 3-15 [Harsch 198] “The ion ofr funy ss and Hs deine AUB = 1G ngalm leet » FUZEYSET THEORY —AND IS APPLICATIONS whore (= Dtadgl-+ 54004140 yo ee Ty es) For y #0 the Hamacheranionaperator eos to the algebraic sum "Yenc [19] defined another tranglar fay of operator eftion 3-16 Yoest 150] “The intersection of ry ats Xa i dined a8 FH nB= (er pase |veX) where agGt)= 1 min (1, (OH += HCY], peL “The nono fay sets is ined at AU B= (Us gals lex) where Hal) = min ay EO), EL is intersection-operator converges to the mi-opeator for p+ and his tion operator fo the max operator for p> For p= the Yagersnercton becomes the “bol-ntersetion” of efntion 3-10, The union operator converges othe masimm-operatar for p= and tothe bol toion for p=. Bot operators stty the DeMforgan laws, an are commutative, aociatve fo lp, monoroncally pondecteasing Ia yl, and inode the casi eases of Gua ogc. They te, however aot dstbutve ‘ulbois and Prade 1980, 1982] ao proposed 2 commutative and ssocative pramsized fly of agsezation operators Definition 3-17 {Dubois and Prade 1980, 19823} he imerection of two fuzzy es Hand B is Sete as Hn B= ((sstugl) 1X) EXTENSIONS 35 where ste) ny manta steay SEM 1 alt=: This intesction-operatr is decreasing with respect tow and fis between risk (ig) He) (wie i the enaing operation for «= 0) ad the nlgebrate product fy(2)-py(e (lor e= 1). The parameter isa hind of threshold tice the lowing lationship ol for he dened interection ‘operation [Dubois and Prade 19823, . 7) for wyte)wslete 1 0) =i yD) BEM egal) ato 3-18 ntl nd Pde te, Home tnaldilee gl + nee) — Hy) pylt) = min (ag. yD. =) ‘mac ((=H5G)), = #8) 8) eal All the operators mentioned so far include the case of dual logic as special ase, The question may aie: Why are there unique defnions for Intersection (~ and) and union (=f in dal logic and traditional set theory and so many soggested defitons in fezy el Theory? The answer Simply thit many operator (for snatance product and mn-opeato) perform in excly the sume way i the dices of membership ate Fesrced to te valu Dor II thie not longer requested they lend To tiferent sexu, “This lags yet another question: Are the only ways © “combine” or aggegute fuzzy sete the ilereection or union--or the Joie! "and oF "oe." fespectiely, ofa tere othr pests of aggregation? The tnsweriothis question definitely er There are ater ways of eombining fuazy ste to fray statements; “and” and “or” are only iting special fees. Generalized mols or the logical "and and “or” ae given bythe “tury and and “fuzzy or” [Werner 198). Furthermore, 3 number of thors have suggested gneral connectives, which ae (0 fa) of particular 36 2 SEP MIEORY-ANDITS APALICATIONS importance lor dessin analysis 2nd for other application of tz set theory. These operators sre general inthe sense that they dot ising betwee the intersection and unin of fuzzy 2. Here we shal only mention some of these general connectes. A decid deste of hem andthe description of til ers can Defound involume Doth cones of desson making fizy enviconmens. Aeing Ovation ech ete ay sTTrhstinc nth coment of Scon aking wold bet ne he “Sveaating procedures tegen sed in why theory of mle IEEE they. Tyrese the idea of tadrals bcween conn. is when compensation is slowed, and the rene res he fives ine mos optim ower bound ond themes pesmi urret tune that typ beeen the minimum ad the maxi dere tkmerbertpof he agsegted ets Terfore they are called ging Saraors, Opcttns sachs the weight an snipe sine of ftoncuic mean ave comes of nonarameteavering operat. In hay e adequate mods for human agteston, procter In tecionaavonmerts an hve empiny prtrmed qe wel [Tole immernan, and Zyen0 TB], Prsedies an result of epic ‘neath nein te content of human Soon making are ested 9 ston 143, “Te foayagpreguion operators “fay an and “foxy ot” sugested ty "Wma (aH) contin the minimum and-maximem epeator Tepecvly, th the amc mean. The combination of ese ‘purrs ads to vey” gad reat with respect to cmd data {Einmermann and Zyevo 1 and slows compensation Dewees the frembership vale ofthe ggreated ses, Definition 3-19 [Were 1888, p 297] el wl) =n, ye) + TAD eX. yel0. 1] “The “zy ot” opertor is defined a tg. a= -man e+ = AEA BaD seX.76(05 1] ‘The parameter 7 indiates the degree of nearest tothe sti lia es nk and een Fe j= he ey ‘perstor 70 pce for both the athmetie mean “dso avis ngepion rceerae yr amnion Indicate some degree of compensation but in contrast to the latter are not ssocative. Examples symmetrie summation operators are the operators dillerences, respetively. Here the aggregation of two fuzy sets A and Bis pointwise defined a follows “Mednsrs ney =a EEA =) 800) (mA) DT G5) + y= 8) He y(n TRG) = 2050 HAO mas (ug). ny) Bmoeral in (460 Db T=Tagte) = A dalled desripton of the propetes of nonparametic averaging operator i reported in [Dubois an Prade 198). Por further deta of ‘mete summation operators the reader eferred to [vert 197}, "The aovermantioned averting operator indicate 4"Rx™ compensa: tion ketwees the loge “and” and Ihe lpi "or" In oder to deserbe 2 arity of phenomena in dedson situations, several operators with diferent compensations are neosary An operator thas move general a the sete that the compensation between ‘ntereetion and union fxprssed by 4 parameter y van suggested and empiraly teed by Zimmermann and Zysbo [1980] under the name "compensatory aed M00) 6 Gnd Cue. HO) = Defiton 3-20 [Ziewermann and Zys00 1980) The “compensatory and operators defined as flows 1f0=( flo)" fos “Thin “yopertor” is obviously 2 combination of the algebraic product (crodting the logis “and) andthe algebraic sum made “1 ay. rexeast 8 FUZZY SEY THEORY ANDITS APPLICATIONS | pints injective (except a 20 and one. continuous, monotonous, ‘sn commutative. It lasts the DeMorgn laws an sim ccc ‘wk the Wath Tables of dul lope. The parameter ints re the {etal operator i loeated between the logeal “and and “or.” ‘Other operator following the dea of parametized! compensation are ened by taking linear convex, combinations of noneompensatory operators modeling the logical "and and or" The aggrepation of two fay ses A and BF by the convex combination between the min: nd ‘max operator defined as 6) Hls)) = in (8) Cs) +1) ma 4), aC) e(0. 1) [Combining the algebrake product and algebraic sum we obtain the following operation a. ye aed) +09) mdm This els of operator is again im accordance with the do loge truth lables. But Zimmermann and Zysnoshowed tht the “coriperstory and” ‘Operator i more adequate ip human decison making than are these ‘operators [Zimmermann and Zysno 1980, p50) "The felatonships between diferent aggregation operators for aggregat= Jing eno fay sets A and B with eset othe thee eles of norms, ‘norms, and averaging operators ae represented in gue 3-2 8 99 Fqwe3-2 Mappigot toms eonoms, and aeragng opr. EXTENSIONS » Compentny raya compensatory a {A taxonomic wit respect to the compensatory property of dsting ishing operators, which dferentte between the infrection and usion ot fzzy set, and general operators prevented in tale 3-1. Tale 3-2 ummarizes the else of aggreiton operator for ey sos reported a this chapter and compiles some references Table 3-3 represents the relationship between parametrized Tames of operators athe presented ‘Emorms and conor with expect special wales of thee parameters 929. Cite for Selecting Arpropsiate Aggregation Sports The variely of opertors forthe Sgeropstion of fuzzy sets might be onfsing And might make deat To decide which one 10 use in 3 ‘Specie moe! or stuton. Which ales can be wa for ach a deion? “The following eight important erternaccrdng to which operators can be eased are aot gute junc: hopeful They may BE helped fa sclecting the appropriate connective 1. Aone Strength. We hve tse the axioms that Belina- iene ‘nd Hamacher respectively, wanted tes operators satsy, Obviously. ‘perineal on epertar be bter he an ig a 2 22 SEY THEORY-—ANDITS APPLICATIONS 2 mpi FI fzzy set theory used as a modeling language for Fea stuationsorsptems, ts not only important that the operates satity ‘rian sioms or have certain formal goat (sch ease on ‘multi, which are certainly of portance Irom 3 mathemati! point Sa view, bu the operators mus aso be appropriate model of real-atem Tuhavor and thi ean oemally be proven only by empirical esting 24. Adapabtiy 1 i ater unity thatthe type of agen i indepenent of the sntrt ad omni nterpretston at wheter the agregation ofan sts ude s hun decison aay covet» ‘mcd got ystnor speci ference ren fry lage Hone rant ose a very smal nmi of operators to model many stations, then hese operators have to be adapable tothe specie contet Tica, trina be acre fy preratn,Tis and a i hey Hand wader oo ator crewman (Ol sous, they have Sir sévaotages, sich ot numerical een). By contest agers ‘operators or the operator can be adap to cern contents by sting theory's appropiate 44 Numerical Etcieney. Comparing the min-operator with, for in ance, Yager intersection opernor or the operator t becomes quite Iris, thatthe Ilr two require consideaiy more computations fHfor than the former. In practice, ths might be quite important, 0 Pacular when large problems have tobe solved. 45. Compensation. The logical and” des not allow fo compensation at fil that ly an element of te inlrecton of wo sets cannot compensate 4 Tow degre of belonging to ane ofthe interacted st bya higher degree of ‘elonging to another of them in (al) loge one can not compensite by higher truth of ene statement for lower trth of another satement when combining them by “and.” By compensation in the contest of pgreation ‘operator for fry st, me metn he following: Given that the dsee of ‘membership tothe agerepned fay sa ingen) faye lta = {is compensatory it aga) = is obaiable fora itferen y(t) bya ‘honge in igi). Ths the min-operatr isnot compensatory wie the ‘oduct operator, the operator, ano Forth are EXTENSIONS 7 6. Range of Compensation. If one would use a conven combination of ins and max-eperter. compensation eauld obousty wearin the feng {etween min and max. The poduet operator allows compensation in the ‘open intzral (0.1). In goer, the Largest range of competion the beter the compensatory opertor 7. Aggregating Hehavor. Considering nora or subnonml fizzy sis the degre ofmemershi inthe agregate et depeads very iequsy ov the number of set combined. Combining fry tte by the proest ‘operator. for inane, each adinalfuxy set “added” wil nova ‘eerease the resuliag agrogmte degrees of teribership. Thi MEN Be 2 aesiable feature. might, However, alo be ot adequnte. Gopten, for intanee, args that for formal renons the esiking deee of ‘membersip shoul be noninresing | Gogucn 1967) 5. Required Seale Level of Membership Functions. Tie scle level (Gominay interval ati, of absolute) un whieh membership nfrmation ‘in be biainea depends ona number a ators ifercnt epertor may require cient seis levcs of membership information to be admis (or instance, the min-opeatr i sil admis for ordinal information hile the product epeatr, stay speaking, nt!) agence apn ll ‘lhe being equal, the operator that reqies the lowest sale evel i the ‘most preferable fom the pot we a inormation gtheing |. The product andthe bounded ference have both been suggested as modes forthe intersection. Compute the intersection of fuey sets and C from exerie of chapter 2 and compare the thee ale ative medals fr the intersection: Minimo, product, and bounded Aierene 2 The bounded sam andthe algebraic sum fave been sugested sx slirmtive models orth Union of fuxy sts. Comput the on of he tury acts Band C of eketcae’ 4 of chapter 2 wing the sbovermeatined model, and compare the rest withthe res of verse #chaper 2 3. Determine the inerscaton of B and Cin exerci 4 chapter 2 by sng he a Hamacher opertoe with 7.25: 5.75 3. Yager operator wth p= 15,10. “ Which of the interstion opertors mentioned in chapter 3 are Sonpensony and which no Arete "compensatory" opeaors Smpenstory forte em range (0, 1] and for the ene demain Grne parameter (7 Pele). Mf a0, what ae the its of rove te following props testis by Yager's ion 2st Ha) For yl) =0 B pakeg=t tor mt) Eee Hgc) mOD a) ; BEE a the ager unt operon ces to (dase sm) Siow for the paramere amis of foxy union defied by Humachr, Yager an abo th fhe ing anton te ‘pets decreas wih any ercae fn the partes 4 FUZZY MEASURES AND MEASURES OF FUZZINESS 41 Fuzzy Measures ln order 10 prevent confusion shout foray measures and mesures of Fezznes we sal fist ily deste the meaning a ears of fz rmeasres Tn the lite 19705, Sugeno defined a fussy measure a alot Sugeno [1977] is Borel field af the arieary st (unter) X Defiion -1 ‘Act funetion defined on. which she following properties scaled esp mean 1 a(6)=0, g(4)=1 2. 1A, Ben and Az B, thon eA) Sa(0), 3. Wale, Ave Ave. the tin (A) = @( lin Ay ‘geno’ measre fers fom th lsc measure eset by elaxing "he adiity property [Murotush and Sugeno 198). p. 20, A dilesnt 4% FU22Y SEFTHEORYANDITS APALICATIONS spproach, however, ix wed by Klement and Schwyhla [1982]. The inferestd ender i refered to thei ate ‘Banon [981] shows ha very many measures wih fie universe bch spotty measures, Dele futons, pousity measures, and soon, Se fay measures inte sense of Sugeno. Fo his book ove measure psy of particular interes (ve Dubois and Pade SSS. 7) Tn the framework of fm sot theory Zadeh introduced the ation of 2 possibilty distribution andthe concep ofa posbiymeasue, whith i feciltype ofthe fury measure proposed by Sugeno. A possibilty Imeasie i defined ss follows [Zadeh 17; Higashi and Kr 182) Definition 4-2 Let P(X) be the power set of set ‘A possbtiy metre sa func Mi: P(X)-»[0, 1} withthe properties 1. m(9)=0, t139=1 2 Ae pemmay-208) 3. TU, a)=sup (A) with an inde set 1 can be uniquely determined by 2 pasibity dstbution function f X-=[0, I] by A) = sen f), AX. Ke follows divecty that Fs “eine yf) = 4 (a)) re X [le and Folger 1988, p22) ‘A posits no abaye uzty messi [Por and Rats 1982) 1s, bomorers azz mesure i Xi ite anf hepsi sation thats a mapping ot [0,1 ample 4-1 Let x= (0,1, 10) T(a)):= Posy thot close 8 “fret Mx) way tet 0 als (A), = Posty that A conti a integer clse to 8. Alexa) =p FCI) For A (2, 5,9} we compote: A) = sup Ht) = dip (nay) ACIS). GBD) su (0.1, 8) © 42. Monsuros of Fuzziness Measures of frenes by contrat to fuzzy menses try to inte the bogie of fzzines of fzay set A numer of approseeatothsend hate ‘became kno. Same autor, sang ifucned bythe Shanon eneopy Se measure of information, and following de Lica and Teri [173 onder amexsue of fuzaines 831 mapping fom the ower set P(X) 10 [0.2 satsting 2 nomber of conditions Others (Kaufmann 1975] Suggested a indo ofazaness a pormalid distance, anders [Yager 1999; Higashi and Kir 1982] bse their concept of a mesure of aceiness ‘on the degree of distinction belwen the fuzy set andi complement, ‘We sal sa ktation, ies twa of those messes. Suppose for both cases iat the support of is aie The fst Let y(t) be the membership fantion ofthe fray et 7 oe eX, X finite I scm plausible thatthe measire of foziness dl) ‘oud then have the flowing properties [de Luca and Termini 1972 1. d(H) 018A is crap etn X 2. aA) assumes a unique maximum if ws) =$ Ve X. 3. AUADEaUA) WAT Ie erage” thar Ay A. nye) SH) fr a(S) {and pyCO)= no) foe ytd 4. (GA) = CA) where Gi the complement of De Luca and Termini suggest a a measure of fazines he “entropy fa zy set [de Luca and Termin! 1972, p. 315, which they defined 1 follow Dfuton se “he enya cre of fet se = (0) etd at dA)= H+ GA), rex Hay=-KZaibao se) where m isthe numberof elements nthe support of and Ks pstve Using Shannon fnetion (2) = lax (Is) In (1-3) they simply Iie chpresion in Sctaion 4-0 ative a: Detniton 4-36 The enopy a6 8 mesure of fursnes of funy set A (4, yl) is dined KB suc ut vintegers close o 10" ce example 2-14) A= UM (Be Sh, 8), (0, 1), CH, 8). (12,59. (13, La Kelso AG) = 35+ 6884 501 +04 501+ 034.325 Let furternoce B= “nage sit lose 10 10 B= (65-1), (7, 3) (8, A) BoM (1, 1, (8) (12, 9) 18. 3), ep} AQ) ~ 3254611 + 673+ 611 40%.S01+ 60+ 611+ 305 Daas ‘The second measure i. Kooptaber [1975], Loo [1877]. Gorwald Lisro ar others bated ther contbutions on de Lacs and Temin's Neston i some respects TEat ise ay stn X and (is complement, then by contast 6 2 Heaven Gis) | | | | | ‘THEEXTENSION PRINCILE AND APPLICATIONS 0 Erample5o4 fis )=<+y isan neeasingopsrton. Be )=<-y isan increasing operation on Re fey)=~Ge+y) ea decreasing operation the normal algebraic operations +, ae extended to operations on fuzzy numbers they shall be denoted by 6, ©, 0. ©. Theorem 5-1 [See Dubos a Prade 1980, 9.44} IW ft and Nace fazzy numbers whose membership Fnctions ar continuous ‘and surjective from Rt [lI] and = 4 contincous‘netensing (creasing) bintey operation, thon MON’ is lusy number whose ‘membership function & continuous spl surjective fom Rta [0 Dubois and Prade (ISK] present procedures 10 determine the membership functions ng om the bats fg a Theorem $-2 1B, Nee AR) with yy) and pf) continuous membership functions, then by spplieaon ef te extension principle for the binary operation SRG R the membership function of the fuzz) sumer HOW ‘ven by Hoga) pint wD) Properties of he Extended Operation © Remark $1 [Dubois and Pra 1980, p 5] 1. Bor any commultive operation + the extended operation @ is also 2, For any ssoctive operation © the extended operation © is aso 53.1. Special Extended Operations For unaty operation: ¥,X =; (ge definitions 5-1) the extension pnp reduces for all Pe F(R) to « Fuzzy SEP TEORY-—ANDITS APRLICATIONS ya = sip 969 ample 5-5 1. For f(s) = the opposite of fuzzy number Bs gven with SHE (Ge ncaCe lee). where Hcl = Hal Inverse ofa fuxy numer Ms given with para 6X), where 15-2) = Hal 3. Forde RA(0} and fa) =. «thea the scalar mulipiation of fuzzy umber inven by l= (Cage Xe Sul) Ha) In the flowing we shall apply the extension pencple to. inary Cperntions A geeraliaion fo ary operations talgh forward Extended ation. Since aston is an increasing operation acoding to theorem S-1, me et forthe extended addon © of fazy nunibers that fe A)" NOM, N, Merl) i a fuzzy mumber—tht is, Nom eRR) Properties of ®, 1 emem) 2B iscommotaine 3 @ isanocatve 4. Gee AUR) W the neutral clement for ©, that i, A BC= A, vitent®, 5. For @ there docs not exit an iaverse clement, that is Vite ARAB AM OOM) #OER, ‘One ofthe consequences {Yager 1980] that fuzzy equation ae very Aitclt to sive because the Yarsbles cannot be causa a St Extended Product, Muliptiation san incteasing operation on Rand a ‘eereasng operation om FC. Hence, according to theorem $1, the Pod of postive lazy numbers or of negative zz amber sus ita Pstve fay number. Let bea postive and a nepative fz nde ‘Then © A isso negative nd HON = OCOM ON) esulisin a nepatve fey number Properties of © 1. (MOR -ecHOR, (BOI te REAR) the owt skment for ©. sa motcm vine) 5. ForOihr docs exi an ines clans hats 8 € AF MOM 41 oa ‘Theorem $3 [or pro see Dubois and rade 19805, . $1] I iseiher a postive ora negative fey number and Wan Pare both ithe postive or nezitive fuzzy numbers then RaWer)-—OR@Gor Extended Subtraction. Slaton iste nntesing nora dees ingopratin.Thercore theorem 3-1 nt immedi apis The eno HOW con. Howes ahs be wen HOR ‘(om ‘Aging le exemion princi [Dot and Pade 157] ys sp in. Ha) i ns aC) min (ig #409) ‘Thus 7 OW is fuzzy number whenever H and ar. Extended Dian. Division als aiher an neresing nora dsereasing Operation. IAT and Hate stay postive Tanzy numbers, that elt) =O and pyle) = Ye, however, we obi Ia analogy 10 he stoned sbieastion oosl2)= sup min ys Ha) = A min Gy. HAD spin iY) o FUZZY SET THEORY AND IS APLICATIONS [R~e posive frzy number. Hence theorem 5-1 can now be apple. “The same tro an NY are bot tly meat fey number Simdar rns can be oblained by esi other than the mmx operations, for istance those of definitions 3-7, though 3-11 ‘Extended operitons with fszry nhmbers ‘involve rather extensive ompttons a long n retro are pt onthe type of membership function lomed. Dubos and Pre [1979] propose a genera lgntin far perfoming extended operations, Por prac purposes, however, i wil genraly be more appropiate to resort to soci hinds of zy umber as they are dteribed inthe next section The geneity i not limited considerably by Imiting extended operation to arr numero LURsepreenttion or ever to ‘sang frzy numbers [van Latshoven spa Pedryes 183] and the computational eo! every much decreased The reader shoul ala realize tat extended operations on the basis of sminmax cannot be dicelly applied to “fuzy numbers” with discrete Supports. As ilestated by example 5-6, the resulting fuzy se may no longer be convex and therefore no Tonge considered a5 fzey numbers. Example $6 Le H={0, 3,2, 9,09) R=(@. 7.6.0, .2) MON = (2,3. (8, 3), (4,7 (6.1, 23, B.AC02, 2) 58.2. Exiondod Operations forLF-Ropresentation of Fuzzy Sete ‘Computations effiency sof partir portance when wing fuzy set theory to solve eal problems, hat, problems of reali size. We shall Uherofore considerate following in deal the LR-representaion ozzy ‘ts, whi ncessex computational eicency without iting the genera iy beyond acceptabie Ti: Dubos and Pre [1979] sagged a speci ype of representation for fuzzy mamiers ofthe following type: They ell (and), eich ap RP [o amd are decreasing, shape functions if L(O)= 1. Ls) <1 for ¥505£(=)>U for Var Ll) 0 0 [LG >0, Ye and L(+) =) TE EXTENSION PINCILE AND APPLICATIONS 6 Fea. Rreorsanaion tuzy number Definition 5-6 {A fuzzy number is of LR-ype if here exist erence fanesions 1 (or {ci R (for ight), and esler «> 0, 0 9th vata [e) rem f(25*) exam 7 ‘nal he mean ae of Mi. el mamber an and 9 are ale he Ieand ght spreads, especies. Symbol i denoted By (ht lag (See Faure 3) or L() ferent functions canbe ehosen. Dubois and Prade [1988 1. 30) mention, for instance, Lis) may(0. I~)". L(e)=ma (0, 12"), witi>0, Le) =e" or La) =e". These examples aca ave nimpresion ofthe wide seope of L(2) One problem, of eure sto nd ‘he appropriate functions aspect conten! Bxample 5-7 Ls rs Uuz2Y SEP TIEORY—ANDITS APPLICATIONS ‘Then the avs not sal munis ba am interval [i then he faz eM is rots fsny number but a fz strial. cooing. fuzzy irl in {repuseatation can be defined ss follows: Definition $6 Duos and Prag 1986, p45) ‘fuze inert Lye i thee exit shape fonctions Land and four parameters (, )e RU {= +2). 0, B and the membership fanedon of i (24) toe xm wi-Jt te arses 152) os “Tae ey neal he etd by = (or, ft, a, Bux “This dofriton i very general and allows quatifeation of quite diferent types of information; for instance, if Mf supposed to bea real csp umber forme Fy FE= (00, 0.0.9, LVR 1 is rip itera, (0,8 0, Dns Ea VR and if AT is a “uapenoidal fazxy number (se deiition 5-3). 2a) = a) = mas. T=) pid For LR fay numbers the computations #seesay forthe shove ‘mentioned operations ae ennsielysmplied Dubois sid Ponte [1973] showed that exact formats eam be given fr © and Q. They san Suggested apposinsteoxpresson for © an [Duo nd Pee 3) ‘which approximate helt when the spread are smler compared othe Theorem $4 Let TA W be two fizzy numbers of LRsype B= (08. Baa BECO. Be0 ‘Then 1. (m4. Pl OH 1. Bw OHM EY, BAB 2 ta Bg= (om, Bead 3. (ae Ba. 7 Bn = OU~H, a4 8, BY Dae unsere Bot. She ren ane ie ‘Theorem 5-5 [Dubois and Prade 198, p. 58] {Lex he fay nubs as in defiion$-3, shen 8, Bue OU. YBa, no, mB + AP for BK psitive (on OU ¥ =n m= mB, A — Jor ¥ postive, BY negative and (Blan O14, Brg, = B= 8, = MD for SB negative ‘The following example shows an application of theorem 5-5 Esple 3-9 Le f=2,.2.Den WoO. 3he be fuzzy numbers of LRsype with reference futons 1 -tsest raema={) ais Wve were interested in the Li-repreentaton of ION we prow the ‘ondiions of theorem 55 sed apply st Thus, wih wf) Bh -t it folios that BY positive ore pe 7 “bo ouee shows that Ws positive, Tollowing there SS for the case in which Mand Ware pote, we ebtain MOW=(23,2-.143:2,2.343-Mia= (68 Mew “THEEXTENSION PRINCIPLE AND APPLICATIONS a Exercises 1. LetX= NN 10s 8) 896, D. (4, 8) (0, 5). 04.79, 9),6.105 6, 49) FNS Nbe defined by Fa y=2.ceKy yee Determine the image (M1) by the extension pipe Compute ng and ig for A. B asin example 5-2 Which ofthe flowing zy ses are fuzzy numbers a Am ((engGo) |e R) shore 6 Bolen mcireR*) aa relat) mine(, 1 Eel per Fe3] «T= (0.41.92) 44 Which ofthe folowing fanetions are eference Fenton for xR a fia)= br Tl cats cy 5. LeU, La), Ls) be dined asin example -8. N= (4,1, Bh Compte ON. 6 Let. be defied asin example $-B. Compute 2107 3. Develop an approximate formula to compute MON, = (mn, e, Blue: N= (oy. aq (Remember how the formula wis derived for {he genera extended division ) 6 FUZZY RELATIONS AND FUZZY GRAPHS {64 Fuzzy Relations on Sets and Fuzzy Sts Fozzy rltions are fey soe of 4 Y, thts, mappings fom XY “They have Been sade by a numberof aithors, in patel by Zadeh (1988, 1911}, Kavlmann (1973), and Rovenfels [1975] Applatons of fuzzy tltions ae widespread and important, We sal consider some of them and point to more posible wes the end ofthis chaps We sal templar consider only Bory relations. A pencraetion Io ary Felons is stagh fora Deion 6-1 Let x, Ye Robe ives sts, then He (e.erglesDICo EXXY) 2, is cal a fussy eatin on Lat X= ¥-= R and He="consderably larger than” The membership fancion ofthe fez elation which eo course a fuzy ston X Fea thon be @ » YS MEDRE ANOS ooo wéeir=|G2? foyer ty 1 7 for x> ly {A diferent membership fneion fr this elation could be forrsy far mtn-(i siya Forde upon; fy elon on so fed by tis. Example 6-2 La X= fyancas} and Y= (yi verroand nnn »fpLp “cconsiderblyrgerthany”: =» fo | [0 [0 and -yveryaloe tox": | 9| al 5] 7 afalo [als {In dfiition 6-1 was asm hat was a mapping fom XY 0 (0. Uta mins to each pat, # degree of membership in he unit interval ta some nsanes, such a in graph theory itis weal 0 cnsier fz elation hat ap fom zy rts contained a The universal sts ito the anit interval Then deiton 6-1 has to be generalized [Rosenfeld 1995} FUZZY RELATIONS AND FUZZY GRAS ” Definition 6-2 Let, Ye Rand An (emenleex), Be (ema Miye¥) wo fuzy ss. Tea camel 1 8 fray ean on an ute 010), WOE De Y and byGe 9) Sm), Wee yd EH, “This dofinon wl be partury asa when defining fzzy graphs: et the elements ofthe fy relton of denition 8-2 be the nodes of fray raph hich is represented by this frzy reion The degrest of Irombersip af the elements of the cated ary sets define thetrength ‘of or the flow in the respective edges ofthe graph, wile the degrees of remberhip ofthe cowesponding pls in the elation are the “ows” or "expats ofthe graph. The additonal regucemen of dtition 6-2 (le) =n (48). 0)) then ensues thatthe "ows ia the edges fof he graph can never exoed the flows inthe respective node (= pair of ede) Fuzzy rlaons are obviously fuzzy sets in product spaces. Therefore settheoretic an serie operation an be defied or tem in analogy to the definitions in chapters? and 3 by aang the extension ponepe Definition 6-3 Lat Rand Z be two fuzay relations inthe same product space: The taiontieraction of R with Zs hen defined by als 9) = a lt. ase Ih acaCts 9) = min its 99 68 9) (sexe, (eyexxy, Beampte 6-3 Let and be the fare rclations defined in example 6-2. The union Df and 2, which eam be fterpeeted as "e considerably larger or very lose i" then given by nh hom noz:n [9] a[ s| 7 sop [als “The intercton of F and Zs vepresented by nnn x[a)o | al « So (ar “min” nd “min have boon sed to define intersection aon Sine fuzz reltions are fuzzy se, operations ean ao be defined wing. ‘he alernatiedeintons in secion3.2 Some aditona concep, sch as ‘he projection and the eyinial extension af azy cations, have been sown to be wall Defnin 6-4 Let R= (5, le «27 dea yay elation The {it projecuon off ten defied as ROO = (esmpnayts DIG ID EX) “The second projeatons ined as "= (ypu oles DUC DEY) andthe ol projeion as RO ge mas (y(t C89) XY) suz2y RELATIONS AND FUZZY GRAMS n ramp 6o4 Let Fe forty enon define by the following elaiona mati. “he int second, a oa proesione te then sow tthe ponte Be Ye Thwt 2nd projection Tvae(h e595 00 5 1 oral projection “The elton reiting fom apne an operation of projection another Featon i to elle a"shadow” [Zadeh 19733). Let ur now consider 4 Trove general space: X= Ay" MGs and lt Ry bet projection on Koen Ne here (oe n a) asubsequenee of (Lr eS ‘tous hat dnt fz estan inthe sme univer ci Rave the ame frojcetin, There mist, however, he a unigely define largest elation Retin Xe) Wi fgets t) foreach pejecion. This ages rslaton iecaled the evn extension ofthe proetion rao, Definition 6-5 RyceX is the lorgest ation in X the projection of which is Fp Ray is then calle the linc extension of, ana Ry he base of Ry Example 6-5 “The eyindical extension of RE! xample 6-4) i nw em alelepl [+ tenlalsfifrla[s ol«fefefefs[s ESTE Definition 6-6 Let R be a fzzy elation on X~ A --- eX, and and Rs be two fay projections on X, ">and X, 2." -X, respectively ithe 71 nd Ry Ry thse reapective cynical extension. a Tet tH an 5 em Sete 9H 1 a tir me 6.1.1 Compostions of Fuzzy elatons Fuzzy rolution in diferent proguct spaces can be combined with each ster by the operation “composition.” Difeentversons of “compos: tion” have Been uggeted whch ifr in her els ard aso wih expel to their mathemati props. The max-min composition his Become the best known and the mest frequently used ene. However, often the {scaled mat product or max verge composition esd wreath se mote appeaing Detnton 5-7 Macmixcompostion: Let Ris, 7). eXXY and Rely 3). 2) P% Ze wo fay intone The makin sompostion Ry mem Reahon the foray st Beam fe 2, pe 39 4 AINE. ye. 62) ay, gan the meet union of» fy tlio 8 zy se (Sation 6-2) ‘A move general defnion of empositon i the "max composition, FUZEY RELATIONS AN FUZZY CRAMS 1 Defi 6-8 et and be dete a in ion 6-7. The mat empoton of Ry and R, is then defined as. asin Rta ts 2). mpxtonls ren(y. hl leeXs ye ¥, 202) 1 n sive operon with i monooaynondocesig a cach ugumen then he ae compostonconeonds sensi e ‘mavmin compotion Two ogee ses he mar compton ie Propose in th et defo Detnton 6-9 {Rosenfeld 1975]: Let Ry and Rept, be dined a in dtton 6-1. The macprod composon Rr an the macy congestion Fin Ry at thcn dete a flows RisRs.2)~ 3). mautnn (9) ay Ne, ye 262) Reale 2)= Ul 2) Vomanagts a) 490 seek, ye, Example 6-6 Let (ey) and Ry, 2) be define bythe following relational mates [Kaufmann 1935, p 3) nm nn om nfo] ala afofi [a »| afi] alo sfe| afr Rew [apo [afi CEB] n[ al 2] alo nfo [i [ofa compute the mina composition Bye, 2). We shall, [Blinc dterminaion for x= ===) an leave ihe reader tt rout shown nthe mat atthe end of the deta "We ra perfor the min operation the mina racks of nin 1 970s Bae 2D) mn 1, Ih = in 92) Qa 2) =n (2,2) = 2 tin (099) 0. 29) ein (0, 6) =O ri (80), Hs 9) = ein (1 A) mine, Hass 20) = min (7, 0) =O RoRls 39) = (le 20s Hage 2D) SEG ede REN, 2,0, 4,0)= C20) In analogy to the above computation we now determine the grades of Iemiership forall ps (3s fly ove BoP Dyes ad ree at afa[a[s Fer the maxprod we obtain gerd Warr 2) bie) gO ef da Ih, 2 asi) yOu 201 99) (0s 2) Hence By Res 21) = (le 2s als 29) (sie: mae 08,04, 0,4, 0)) (en). 4) “The max-ay composition ally yeas 2 | or dnt 20 Yost 4 99+ Pa 2 5] 05] 75 s [sf -s[ asf 6.1.2. Propets ofthe Min Max Composition (For profs and more detis 2, or insane, Rosenfeld 1975) saci “The macnn composition f soca, that, MyoR)oT = Ryo. Hence By+R+H1= 25 the 3 power of fuzy relation x fine, * rozzv sc rcoRY AKO HS APFICATIONS etsy Deion 6-10 Let be aay elation in 2X 1. vce rflxve deh 171 i¢ vals oh Ye 2 Hive enfete Yoh 175 hale de Vee 3, Hist wooly lei (Yeh 197] if MODEM vase movesatea) sample 6-7 Let X= (5, 4 554) a4 Y= (Ye Jodo I ‘The folowing relation ys lose to i eee: nm mM aft fo [2[s Ra fo ft [alr alot [aft 11 eam Rs ate selesve ferzy relations then the max-in composition ys aso reesive, Symetry Pefiniion 6-11 ‘A tazay telation Ri called symmetric it Re, 9) = Ry, Defition 6-12 | tolaion called antynmari for wy cither Hye) 4 nly.) oe eR haa) ree [Kaufmann 1975, p. 105) [elation scaled perfect antymmer for xy whenever va yex Pale 9920 then ay(rs (ade 1971. Beample 6-8 Rex fo [1 | 9| 6] Ren {alt | of 2 » Fuzz SP TEORY-—ANDITS PLICATIONS iva perfectly annynmetric relation wile Bis an antsy, buttot precy ansymmeti relation. Ry is @nonsymmetrc elation. That here ext te ye wih gt, J)#40 +, we nok ntsymmetic and therfore ls no perfely anya (One could certsily define other concepts, such a6 an a-antnymnetty (gts 9) gla] Be We, ye X). Mese concepts would probably be {note fine with bebidas of faye theory Since we sal est {his type of denon for ou farther considerations, we wil abstain om ny frcerdefinon inthis dection Brample 6-9 Let X and ¥ be defined as in example 6-8. The following eaton shen a sync elation nom alo [apo [a Raora| afr | 2[ 3 Remark 6-1 1-17 reflesive an Ris a bite fry ration thn oP 2 tnd Reefs 2, If Risrelsve then Re RoR 3. WR and sae ellesive relations, so RoR TR and Ry are symmetic, thea Ryo Ruka RoR. 5. Ris symmetric, i each power off is symmenic if FUZZY RELATIONS AND FUZZY ORAS 8 Definition 6-13 ‘A tony relation Rs ale (mami) ramitie i etek Example 6-10 Let he zy sation be defined sap] [a Bale alo s [a alo aL sy ‘Thon RoR i n [alsa] « {o [ sf afo Nowe ea ely 68a g(t 29H 3) lds rallye Combinations of the above properties give some intrtng reals fr sin composition: 1. UR se symmetric ad tansive thn pyle 99S #) fr all yex. a Fuzzy Ser MIEORY—ANDITS APPLICATIONS 2. UR isrefesive and tanstve, then Ref =. BIER, ad Ry are transtive and BoP Rook, then Ry The properties mentioned in smacks 6-1 and 62 old forthe marin Camposiion, For the max-rod compotion property 3 of remark 6-2 i “tote bt not properties | and 3 of remark 6-1 oF property Tot remark 6°.For the mara composition properties 1 and Sof remark 6-1 holds Stellas popes {and 3 of remark 6-2. Property Sof remark 6-1 iste {or any commutative operator. 62 Fuzzy Graphs 1 was alteady mentioned that definitions 6-1 and 6-2 of fz relation malo be interpreted as defining izy graph fo ode to tay in Kine ‘ith the terminology of tadiinal graph theory me shall se the owing Ustinion of fae grap Definition 6-18 Let Ee the (ers) set of nodes, A fazy graph is then dened by Bn 4) = {nD Hot] 5) CY WE is a fuay st a fuzzy graph would have tobe defined in analogy to Sefntion 52. Example 6-11 a Let E= (4, B.C). Considering niy tee pssibe degres of membership, a graph cou te eseribed follow, (Se gure 61.) be Lat B= (aye) them fay grap could be exer Stang) fs 2 Hh ea. ML. ens te [lesen al tena, 2 fane30, Hen) 8b Example 6-Ha shows dee fray binary graphs. Graphs can of course, ns De defied in ighersimensoned produc spaces, We shal, however, FU22Y RELATIONS AND FUZZY GRAS s Pawes-1, Pury athe focus our attention on ite undected binary graphs, tat i, we shall eime in te following that the fuzzy relation topeseting & graph ‘symmetric. The ares ca thea be comsidored a wotdered pars of des. Inaalogy of rational graph theory az graph theorette concep can be defined. Definition 6-15 Wises) ta fusy subgraph of Glen x) alti) Holt) WEG DENN Fis.) spons graph ss) tbe node sts fF (x) and Ga) ae aun that i hey for oly i her ave weighs Example 6-12 Let G4) be defined an example 611, A spaningsibgraph of Gu) then Fens) (G43) 2. areas AD Wena. 1) 4. Defnton 6-16 A path in a fay aro T(r) sequence of sinc nodes, Xt “Kuch hat fo a ys) Belts) >. The sheng of the pat ti es} for al modes coniainc in the path The engi of path “ U2 SET THEORY-—ANDETS APPLICATIONS n> Oise numberof noes contained in the path Each pi of nas “heph se) >O sealed at eg (ar) ofthe graph A path scaled eid som ty and n= 3, Ie wou be snphiforvad ol the length of the shortest path bowen to nodes of he graph te distance between these nodes. Tis ein, however, ansome deadvantages. Ii therefore more resonable to eine {he dates between two ner se follows [Rosenfeld 1975, p. 58 Defiton 6-17 “The plongtof a path p=, 4 equal to u=% Lite ea “The pence d(x) etween to nodes isthe mallet length of any path from 0.585 46 OC. aan hen be sot oe Revel 1975p. 8 hat asx) a mete Gin undieted graph) Definition 6-18 Two nodes that are joined by a path are called connected nodes, "Connects tlton which i abo team Definition 6-1 [A tuzey pap sa forest iit bas no cys, that fii am aye fry tpaph Hine fz forest sconbected teal re, (Afra aap that wa OS \f 7 nue 0-2. Fuay rete FUR2Y RELATIONS AND FUZZY GRAPHS 8s Fqu06-3. Grphsiatsrncttoest, isa forest hat to be distinguished rom a fuzzy graph tha faz ores. “Th ater shall note due ere [ce Rosenfeld 1995, p92) Example 5-13, he fuzzy graphs shown i gure 6-2 are forests. The graphs shown in figure 6-3 ae noe 63. Specia Fuzzy Relations Relations that re of particular interest 10 us ate fuzzy relations that potato dhe smi zy sts and those tht order fuzzy sete All of fe tlationegisued below are rellosve, thai y(t #) = ce [Zadsh 971}, ana they are mami tsnstive, that &. Week or Hts =) 20 (te a) pg 2} Wes yee X- i shoul be note that ‘ther Kins of tance hve boon defined [se Beadck and Hari {ons There wit however, nt be ncosed here. The mann diterence tetmeen simianiy relaions and" order relations the property syeacey or amishmmctey espetely Defton 6-20 A sina reltion fay raion) whi seesve,symmetie Sid mein rate 86 uzay ser TEORY—ANDETS APPLICATIONS ample 6-14 “Te following relation i sma elation [Zadeh 1971} afi [2h [s]2]« sfalt [2falal2 rn{i | 2fr [sf als xfs 2[ sh [al ‘Asimiaity relation of ite number of cements can aloe represented it ainiaryie, sar to 8 dendogram, In tha tee cach level represents an feet (level et) ofthe sini relation For the above Silo relation th ily toe shown below. The st of elements fn spot levels an be cosired a sma lasses of eleve. ny Fs X35 Hay Xs Xe) Roo Cay Te tx/on tui fated toby 0 Oa fda The propesties ofa similar lation such as defined in df father retritive and mot quite ia accordance with fuzyset thinking Reflritviy could be conudered.a¢ being too receive and hence svcakened by subttuing these requirements by elle oF weak Tetexitvty (4 defiaton 6-10) The max-min transi can Be placed Torany mons tant lated in definition 6-10 or i remark 6-1 ‘We sall now tutt to fuzzy order relations: As already mentioned Sino sation and order relations are primal tinguished by thei Clgree of symmetry. Rovghly speaking, simlanty relations are fazzy FUZZY RELATIONS AND FUZZY GRATIS o pon ht ae ese, oi) vane nym one ‘tern kind yo tons dies yee ogee ney Defnton 6-21 {A fuzzy relation which is (max-min) transitive and refexive is called a Jucsy preorder reanion, Defnion 6-22 ‘A fuzzy lation tat is in-ax) transitive, reflexive, and antisymeti fale say onder retain ete elation prt ntisymmetia ti fallen perfect fszy onder elation [Kaufman 1975, p13]. 108 a0 fale facoy pd onder rt (Zadeh 1971) Depnion 6-25, [A total fusy order raion [Katana 197, p12] oF 3 Jessy lina ‘ordering [Dubois and Prace 198. p. $2; Zadeh 1971] 1s 2 fwexy oder Felaon such that Vs, pe 2-ty iter yey) 200" Hy6y 2) 20. ‘Any weet of fay ner cede sa erp linear order ample 6-18 x [0 Wigs toa ary order elation ery order elation ply very important role in model fo decision snaking in fucey environment. We ill therefore chborate on rome [telly intresting properties he second vom and mesh 39 ss FURZYSETTIEORY—ANDITSAPPLICATIONS ———«,—=—_=FUZZY RELATIONSANDFUZZY GRATIS » atl 1. Propare fzzy tr au ae afspe ft [oy Aeksty Testy Snery Sen Lnwty Srmery ma [obabatata Pay Te XO nf al alo [al « ssmiety . wes Oo x u[alapale fo ‘hie XX Give he ist andthe cond proscton with ys) a a) and ee ey the ejndrcal extensions othe projection rons a, - x » 4 Ciipse te ftoning wo fry relations Rs an Ry ing the ta S"mneminsomposton. a mmoepod omposton and es Ron mo me =p]? 3] 7 sis sme aon conesps in this coment. Some ofthe progres Titate . the speci fozy telson tied oth hope re summarsed ie ele p fe n[o[ 3[ a tablet giles Exorises : njofe fo 1. Gren an example for he member unton ofthe zy reaton 5. ics he retenviy popes af te flowing faze ction ‘E-= "coasierably smaller than” in HR. Restrict co the fist ten es sda? foveal numbers and deine he rsliag mat non sy 3, Lavin tw faye toed Be do a a Ha (0.2). (1, 362,460.39) : B={O.5,. 0,9. 2.9.0, 0). lt Ea Is the following st a fray relation on X and B? (00), 23 (0.2). 3}.(@, 0), 29) Give an example of 2 fzzy tlation on A and 1. Give an example for refeive trative tion an verity remark 3 Gomis the flowing matix defining frzy rekation B on AB. ore. ' afalsf 0 U2 SEP TEORY —ANDITS APRLICATIONS 7. Consider the following fuzy graph xy ke 4 {Give an example for «spanning subgraph of T! {Give al pat Irom fot a determine tei strengths and thei y Tenet. Fee above graph forest or es? 1 Iheramplc 6-2, to relations re dened without spectying for which rumen vaoes of {)() the relations ate good inepretation of the verbal elaions. Give examples of mame vectors for (x) and {pe} seh tat the relations Rand Z, respectively, (nthe mates) woul! expen he verbal description. 7 FUZZY ANALYSIS 74. Fuzzy Functions on Fuzzy Sets ‘A tua function sa geneaiation of the concep of asc function. A lasse! function fi mapping (orrexpendenes) fom the domain D of (tinon ofthe onion into a space f(D) = 9 ald the range a Differcn caturs othe iste concep ofa foeton ean be consdered {o be funy eather than csp Therefore diferent "depres" of fzaieaton (fe ca notion a function ae cones 1. There cam beers mapping fom 2 fez Set which cries slong the fac he dom ad heefore generate fz sot. THe age ‘ta crapsegovent would again be cp, 2. The mopping ll can be zr, thar Birelag the image ofa erisp Srgument This we shall els fuzzy fancion, These are called azayng functions” by Dubos and Pade [196 p16), 3. Ondinaty faetons can have fuzzy properties or be constined by fuzzy constants [Naturally hybrid types canbe considered, We shall focus our consider ‘ns, however ony on requealy sed pre eases, o 2 FUZZY SEP TEORY.—ANDTS APPLICATIONS Defintion 7-1 [Debois and Peade 1940s; Negoita and Ralescu 1975) ‘class functon f.X—=¥ map om fussy doo Xin X ino afuzzy sage Bio Yt Vere xX, wo FD = C8) Given a classical tunetion FX» ¥ and a fey domain Zin X the xtnrion principle (ehapet 51} yields the fzy range Bid the ‘nomen fnetion raG9= sap el) ence fis function according to definon 7-1 Example 7-1 Late the set of temperature and ¥ the posible demands for energy of wets. Ab the fuzzy st “low temperatures” and B the zy set high energy demands.” The asgnment “iow tengeratres’—"high eneigy demands" is then u fazy function, andthe adltona conarait In definition 7-1 meins "the tower the temperatares, the higher the energy demands: ‘The correspondence between a fuzzy function and a fuzzy ration ‘povomes even more ofvtus when looking te following dfn, Definition 7-2 et and ¥ be vs ad FOP) het a fy etn ¥ Comer FP) fa mapping Toa yursy cron nt Win) wale yh WOE DEX whore us») the membership funtion ofa fy relaon. sample 7-2 1. Let thet et fll workers of pln, he daly output, ane y the umber of processed work pecs. A fui) funtion could then be Tory bm Be/Ry wer Free Fe toy fonction T= possi cord tine, Fea) (yy: seieved second ine. 72. Extrema ot Furey Functions ‘Trastonally. an esteemum (mesinu a minim) of rs Funston f lover a given damn is tained ata precise pont yl the function f Tappens to be the cbjectiveTuneion of a decison model, poss onnrained ty a tof other funtion, then the point xy at wich tHe fonedon stains the optimum general ale the optimal deeson, tht '5in cused theory thee isan amos! unique reationship hetwecn he "trem ofthe objective fenion and the pein ofthe optimal decison ft deesion mode In models in which fuziness involved, this unique celaonship no longer exits. Extrema of function optim of deeson mol can Ie interpreted in 3 numer of nj In docsion mode the “optimal ‘ecson "en considered to be the erp st, Da, hich contain those ements of the fuzzy set "dsesion”allaaing the maximum depos of Imeniership[Belinan and Zadeh 1970p. 80), We shall Carus the ‘once in tote dln hapter 12 “Te tion ofa “eptinal doesn” a mentioned above corresponds 0 ‘he concept of mexinzing se" when considering fection ingens. Pefintion 7-3 [aden 1979) Let fbe a reabvalued fenton in. Let f be bounded fom blow by inf (J) and trom above by sup( J}. The fey Set B= (Cy ng(s eX fe) =i Pal) Spc CC ‘then called the maining * u22Y SEVTHEORY—AND NS APPLICATIONS fs)=sine = ing none = saptany ten) T=) SEL dened el) In defition 7-3 f im erisp reals! function, sie 10 the rerberhip function ofthe ery st "derision," and the maximizing st [ovis information about the eighbourhood ofthe extemum of the Function he domain of which aso esp. The casein which the domain ‘off so fozy wil be considered in ehaper 12 Lat i now consider the extrema of forzy functions according 10 etntion 7-2, which are dened over 3 tsp domain Since fuzzy Function fs iy st, ny the makin il geerally not be Pont in Eu alos funy set wich we shal call the “ozzy maxim of Fla) Asttigtforwad approach to define an extended mx operation in avalogy tothe other extended operations define in chapter Max nd mia are increasing operations in R. The maximum oF misma, fespecivey, ohn fey mumcrn, denoted by mix(By. By) and ‘nin (ify ~My) agaia'a fay number. Dubos and Pra (0 1] presen us for computing ras and min and ao comment onthe ropes fic and min. The fader rofered tote above releence for further deta Defation 7-4 Lax Tl) be a fuzzy fonction from 2 to B, defined overs crap and ite domain D. The zsy sit of fle) i ben deine Br mga) = (ple vf 2€D} For [D|=1 the membership function of max7(x) is given by alin nj) ED 4 Fawe7-2 Atuzytncten 36 Fuzzy SEPTHEORY—ANDITS APPLICATIONS FUZzy ANALYSIS ” Fqua7-9. THonglr trey umber rpresening auzy hneton Beanple 74 [Dubois Pra 98, p 105 LarJe be a fzytucion tom wy Ruch ha fr any 2s 2 ‘gaa aay nner. The domsin D= (stays) iat 2 sitchen sucha freon ty showing for he dma D“irceata of Ta fthecrve formic i) = cand for feand freely al A) = nF) “Te angular zy mombers representing te futon) a= ny ate son gee 13. Sn make tne flowing observation: ice he leehcuve in fe 7-2ine palo cach ther hi masinn sessed at iret ss) and asf) fle). Ta ong othe maximum ff). We ean est deerme thetuzey se smexina ofa) on dled denition 1-4 by ooking ot figure 7-4 serving ta or Fgue7-4, Tha maxim ot za ncn, ne erkM-Gd=/ae) Vi aslo thSGs) fated Ve veel" IES *Ca)=/sla) WE vee [O. o£) a) YE ie” and a” such that fos) = fle) and fate) The maximo of f(s) therefore te), respectively. M1 (G50). Dera oD) “Thin st inden in igure T= by the dashed ine ‘Dui and Prade [1800 pH] suggest kona possible interpre taons of fuzzy extrema, hich might be very appropriate ia conan "Suntions, We shal, weve, abt dese hem here nd rater proceed to consider pose notions othe integral oa fzzy sto a Tozy fete, 98 [UIZY SET THEORY AND TS APLICATIONS “72. Integration of Fuzzy Functions Quite siren supgesions have becm mad to deine fay integrals Integrals of fry faneion, sd integrals of esp Tanctins over fara lms or wl Tazy ange, ‘One ofthe fist concepts of fuzy itera was put forward by Sugeno [19721977] whe considered fuzzy measures and suggested a definition of Fazy integral which 8 generation of Lebesgue integral "From the ewpeint of fntionals fizzy itgrals are merely Kind of nonin futons (precely speaking, monotonous funciona. whe Lebesgue intoprts re Tne oe [Sugeno 1977, p92). "We sal foes our ateain on appreaches along te line of Riemann interalsThe main releeaces forthe folowing are Dubos and Prade [Heat 19820), Aumann (1965), and Nguyen (1978. The lassi! concept of iteration of efeabvalued function over 2 slosed interval an be generaled i four way: The fanetion cm be fz) Faction that to be tegrated overs rsp interval, oitcan be intcgrted fver fanz interval {tht isan interval ‘ith fszy foundations) [Aitemaively we may conser iterating fry fonction 36 defied in Akintions 7-1 or 7-2 overs eaep or fxy itera, 78.1 Inegraon ofa Fuzzy uncon overa Crisp ner) We stall now considera fray function according to defition 7-2 ied shal be iterate over the esp intra a, The fuzy function fs) 5 Supposed to bea fuzy number, that ia piecewise continuous convex oraie azy set on ‘We shal further suum, that the alevelcrves (te definition 2.3) ygy(9) =e forall], T) apd wand xs parameters have exe too linuows solutions = fle) and y= fate) for es ad only ae for ear faand fate defined such hat 22/02/0212 he “The integral of any continuous adevel curve of J over [eb] alvays ‘One may now define the integral a, 6) fF) over a) a fz et ‘which the degree of memberships assigned to the snegrl of ny titel curve offs) ov [a Definition 7-5 ets) be a aay funtion fom | to Rauch that Ws 67) ipa fuzzy numer and fs) and fs) ee weve eres as deine above ‘The meget of Fs) over [a then dene to be te azz et {({{raendes [r204e0)} “This definition consistent with the extension principle according to which Te. iyo) ap ial eset. ye R 34 fey (0 t-> Pineal) (es at and Pde 8p 10 a ps The delermiaton of he itera Te b) becomes somewhat easier i ‘ne fu2yfeation i assumed o eof the LR ype (se deiiton 5-6). We shall hereore asume that Js) ~ (Js), st). fa) i fuzzy aumbe n LER representation forall ree]. f.8, and rare sumed tobe positive Integrable funetions on [, 6) Duboir and Prat [980,103] have shown tht under these conditions rar=({'noa. [eee [ene _tisthen see to inegrat the msn value and the peed anton of Fs) over [ff andthe reval wll ain be an faezy mabe Beampte 7-5 Consider the fozy tuetion Js) = (fe), 8), )).n wih the mean function fl) the send functions 43) =a and wi uneps m0) According 1 the above frmula we compute 100 [FUZZY SETTHEORY AND IS APPLICATIONS [roe five This ils the fizzy number Te, the tans itera Some Properties of Ineral of Fray Functions. Let Aye the wer set tthe fay set A. The support (A) oF A then SC) Ac The fax st can now he written A= them 9 (le hag IAD) ms fa forse forreas se nen 97 9.36) eeepc ey tga tat, J7-aue(l), ~atuel 7) Detnion 7-6 [Dabs nt rade 98, 6 [fostses be consmainiy condition savaete.u({7),=[7. Dios ad Prade (19822, pp 6] ave proved the following properties of (ary integrals, which are para stag forward analogy of esp anys. FUZZY ANALISS a Theorem 7-1 LetT bes fay fansion then W-Lr le here the fzay integrase ary ote with the membership fantions| led Theorem 7-2 Let 1 and be tw ajaent intervals [a Bl, =(, el and fuzzy funtion fla e[->PCR}, Then [i- [707 Iiibgy woth bacion ot uy numbers eer 9) tet Fond fey cons. Then FOF spine tae by Ton =Smw. vex Sieh) Theorem 7 Let and be fz fonctions who suport ae hound, Then Jirone {refx on |iron= 70 fx an It the commmtaivty condition i suse tor fant fu 7.32 Inegraton ofa (isp) Rest Valued Function over We now cont a ite for which Dubois and Pade (19825, p. 16) Propo a uit intersting soliton: A foay dain ofthe elie Fe 1m FUZZY SEP THEORY—ANDITS APPLICATIONS Fqwo7-5. Fuzay bondedintoval is assumed 10 be bounded by two noemalied convex fuzzy sts ¢he membership Tuncions of which are (2) and ys(2), respectively. (See figure 7-5). u(t) andy) can be interpreted a the degrees. Col Confidence) to which ean fe considered a Tower or ups boul of Ih 1) 3nd yar the lomehuper limits othe supports of ror then yor Be re roated to each other by ayn ST) = 4p S15) Definition 7-7 Letfbe seal value function which integrable inthe eral = [ab] ‘hen according tothe extension peincpe the membership funtion ofthe Integral [8 gen by su) spin 0) Is Lat Fla) = ef). (atidrivative of). hen wing he extension Prince gain the membaip uncon of a), 3c BUR. nen nal pw) uazy anaLysts ws Propotion 71 (Dubois and Pra 19529, p16) Lr whore © denotes the extended sutrston of fuzzy sts Proofs of proposition 7-1 and ofthe fling propostions can be found in Dubois pd Pride [982 pp. 107-103], “ ‘A pose sntrpretaion of prpesiion 7-1 i iC 7 and Fare noemazed coves fury ses then fn the interal between "worst find “best” values for diferent level of confidence indeted by the respective degrees of membership (se aio [Dubois and Prade 1988, pp 3#-36)) BORE ample 7-6 Let 1.91.6, 0.66.9) (6.99.7. 1), (8.29) “The dete computational ess are (0) fee mint nt fy 4 Henge choosing the maxim ofthe membership values for och valve ofthe itera its [f= (0 4p 2. 9) oD. (. 8) (8. 2) 1 Fu22ySertHEORY ano ns ArmLtcatIONs Some properties ofthe nga escussed ave ae sted in propos tions 722 to Pol below. Theteprools a wall ar deerpions SE oer Spproiches to fay integration” en apn be foun in Dubos and rade (iia pp. 107108), Proposition 7-2 Let and be two uneions fg» R, integrable on. Then [lorne [fe where © denotes the extended akition (se chapter 5), sample 7-7 wet fiay= 2-3, aia ze F=((,. BG AAG. DH so [Tra=te- faa [no seerar-tont In analogy to example 7-6 we obtain 24st P= Ye Tey) (5D (39,12, 3) fi ‘Applying the formals forthe extended addition aecondingt the exten principe (se secon $73) yas Dal-2 DO, 8). (5,34 fieffes[fuen Propesiion 7-3 MW fs1-oR* 06 fg to [uvo-fiefe ee equality hols Proposition 74 Let 7 = (RB), 7 =H, 2 and 9" [refaels 03 frfrols mn on 74 Furzy Diferemiation © BY Then the following In analogy to integration difremiation can be extended ‘0 fuzzy “The reals wil of course. depend onthe type of function considered Intermeofsetion 71 we wil fous our atlenion on fancion that ae not {xy themselves bat which only "erry" the posible Turis of thir tune Differentiation of fry futon i comsidred by Dubs and Prade 19809. 116 and 19520, p27) Here we shal coster only dfteniation of a éiterentable function {Refer bon Reacs “uzyy pine” A "fozry poin™ Ny [Dabo and Prove HGH, 225] conver fry suet of he Fal lne Roce Shon 2-9), Tt oloing, 22 points wl be comsidered foe which he supports comin i heir [that (2) 106 FUZZYSETTHEORY—AND ITS APPLICATIONS Such faz pint can be interpreted asthe psibiity dstbuton ofa pat whose pret lection i only approximately known, The uncerlanty ofthe knoedge about the pros lation ofthe pot Indes an uncrtuity about the dsivative |e) a unetion f(s) a he Pont. The desivative mgt be the same for several x belonging [2 ‘The possbilty of JR) i therefore dened [Zadeh 1978] toe the supremo ofthe values ofthe posits off (2) = 4 «(4 "The "derivative of a reabvaled function at a funy pola can be inerpreted as the fuzzy set J"URa, the membership futon of which express the depos to which 8 specie f(x) the fst derivative of futon fat pint Xo Definition 7-8 ‘The membersip function of the fy set “devvaive of a reakvalued function at fzzy point Ry” is defined by the extension principe ss Hs 0 Ha) where Rp is he fuzy number that charactories the fay loeaton Example 7-8 tat fae Roa {bs Ae Os Ne (ly -6)) be a ary locaton Because off (x) = 3 we obtain "(= (01), (ya devatve ofa real-valued fenton atthe fuzzy pit, Proposion 7-5 “The extended sum © of the derivatives of two real-valued fantions and atthe tury point Ry dfn by rnnayQ)™,, 24 lt) LRN Oe Ra +e Ry Fuzzy aways 19 Proposition 74 {Dubois ad Prade 9K, p. 27] IEF" and ate conus and both nondecreasing or aaineeasng £HIOCRI= 0 +R Propotion 7-7 (Chain rae feifferenition) Le Rid= U's ID elf HJOa RI] OLR) OH'T] 2. lifgss'-andgavecontuous, fond ae both positv,andf and ue bth noting (fg bea aa f= veri) eae (RIOT [ARO] 1. Determine the maximizing et of 2 Show that computing fy ascrtingto the exteson principle is {Bul egal ffs ep ton 3. LEO) = U0 2) adie with fa)mne Determine Te) expisly for x= 5, icp te. 4 Lets) =e (e= By= (C19. 0,9)... 2,-1.8) Compute fe). Verity that propostion 7-6 hails Compute the 108 FUZZY SET THEORY —AND IS APPLICATIONS 5. at Ret, fay=242 ghe)=2043 Compute JC). Vey thax propston 7-6 ok. 8 POSSIBILITY THEORY, PROBABILITY THEORY, AND FUZZY SET THEORY Since L. Zach proposed the concept of a fazzy set in 1955 the relationships hotncen probably theory an Szyk theney have Been ‘iscussed. Bah theo soem to be smi nthe sense that both ae oncered with sme type of ureertiny an both ete I terval fr {heir ensure asthe cange of heir especie Tunetions (Cleat ons sone considers normalized fuzz ses ony!) Other uncertainty messes, Shieh were already mentioned m chapter 4, also Tosa on uncertain nd could therefore be included in soch a dkcussion. The compacion tetween preity Meory snd fay set theory ie ict pinay fe 1. The comparison could be made on very diferent levels that i smatiematicaly. semana ngusticly nd 9 9, Fozzy sel theo soto io longer a unigucy dened thom structure, suc 34 Boolean algebra of dit log Iti ater avrg Eeneal family of theories (cone, fr snsanc, all the posse {pcrtions defined in chapter 3 or te differen types ef membership Iietons) ths respect fzzy sel theory coud ater be compare ws the diferent exiting tenis of mula og ™ 10 FUZZY SEP THEORY ANDES APALICATIONS Further, there dos nt yet exis and probably never wl xs, 2 unigue Context independent dftion of wht fzzinese realy meas On the ‘ther ban, neither ie probability theory uniquely defined. There ate herent dentin a erent hagas appearances of “probably In recent year some specifi interpretations of fuzzy set theory have been suggested. One of them. possibilty theory, uel to correspon, Fouehly speaking, o the minsmax version of fry set thee, tat. 10 Faz et teary im which he intersections modoled by the min-pertor tnd the union By the mancopeator. This incerpetation of poslity theory however, fsa longer coer. Rather thas been developed ito Welbfounded and comprehensive tory. ARer the base artes by L. Zadeh (Zadeh 197, HHS] most ofthe Advances im pony Theory are ‘Sve to Dubois and Pade, (Se, for anes, ther ekealent book oF this topic [Dubois and Prade 1985), We shal fet dosrbe the exentals of possibility theory and then compare it with ocr tories of uncertainty. ‘84 Possibly Theory 0.1.1. Fuzzy SetsandPosstily Disbuions Posilty theory foes primary on impreion, which is nasi in Futura! hinguages and i assmed to be rather “possbiisie™ than Probable ‘Thereore the term rails very often eed in a more Argus sense than instr mathematical one. This one reason hy the terminology and the symbol of possiblity hoor dlflers in some tpt om tha of fy hyn ore 9 fate he Say of possiy theory, we vil therefore we the common posible {Erminlogy bu vay show the correspondence to fz sc hey Suppo, for nance, we want o cmd he propositon “ts F ure isthe mame of an objet variable, oF proposition. For instance in isasmal integer" X ithe name ofa variable In “John Joung"John isthe name ofa objet Fe. "anal neg” oyoung") Pita set character by ts menbershi unions ‘One of te ermal coneps of posbty theory ht ofa ponsily Aisrbution es oppoted to probabiity dition) In order fo deine & possi Ustiution, tis convenient fre to stroduce the nation of & Fezyvesicton. To vou a ey rect the reader shoul imagine an cla Suleaie which acts onthe posible volume of i contents a8 strain, Fora hardcover riteae, the volume i esp umber. For 3 FOSSILITYTHEORY,FROBABILITY THEORY &Uzz2¥SermIEORY IL sof vale, the volume of ks contents depen to eernn degree on the Strength tht i soto seth i. The vail hice Would be the Solume ofthe vais; the values this arabe ean seme may bee U, and the degree Io which the variable (X) can assune diferent values of wi ‘expressed By py). Zadeh [1975 0th, ps 2s Zadeh TR, p 5 dines these relationships follows Definition 8-1 Let Fbe 2 fuzzy se ofthe universe U characterized by 3 membership function we). Fis a fussy reecton on the variable i rate ta laste conta on the values hat maybe ase to. nthe ene at {he assignment of the values 10 has the form wn (0) isthe degree 0 wbich the constant represented by F i sntied then is signed co X. Equivalently, this implies that 1p) i he Azgre to which the constraint fifo be etethe In dee lw the ssigamen! ofthe valves w tothe variable X ‘Whether fuzy set can he consisred asa furzy restriction of not obviously depends ts ntrpetation: This ron te ace at ae Eonetraint onthe vals of 2 varahe, which might tke the frm of 4 Tings tems a lial variable Lt R(X) he fury restriction ssscinte with X sich as defied in etition BL. Then RQ) =F welled a relationlasfgimentequion hich asians the funy set Fo the fray rexrieson BX). Tet ts now assume that A) isan implied attebute ofthe varia X For instance, AGU) = "age of Jack and isthe fanz set "young" The pronto ek yong tere fk sng hs Raum) =F Example 8-1 [se Zadeh 1978, p. 5] Let be the proposition “abn it young” in which young i fay st of| ‘he Universe U= [0,10] characte hy the membership fancion a 2, 30,40) rant where wis the numeral age and the Suction i dined by 1 FUEZY SET MIEORY —ANDITS APALICATIONS forwza forasush Stu Bo forbsusy foruzy In chiscae the pled attute A(X) is Age Goha) andthe transla on of ota young” has the frm Join is young (Age (Jobe) = young Zaseh (1978) related the concept of «fuzzy restretion 10 that of @ Fsbiliy distbution a allows Considers moi ages 428, who re of meter nh ay freon “oh youn ctr fhe meaning of 07 row tbe dees of Empty of 38 win young he degrer of pote Jon 2 pen tne popstn loa Youre lnsort he empty of ole of wi You somes comes sepa ft ae enon ik Jou" fadeb 37 p 6) the concep oa posiliydatibution can now be defined as fo lows Definition 8-2 [Zadeh 1978 p. 6] Let F be a fuzzy stn universe of dncourse U whieh i haretesid by itsmembership function jlo) which interpreted asthe compat of tre U mi the concept eed Lek bea variable fokng vas i U and act a2 fuzzy resto, R(X), associated with X. Then the proposion "Xi." whi tastes into RGty=F ssocates « poiblty darbution, my, wilh X wich postulated tobe equa to K(X), "The posbiliydsribtin onetion, (1), characterizing the posiiy| distibaton gi defned to be aumerically equal 10 the menbsrhip function ya) of that, FOSSIDLITY THEORY, PRONABILIFY THEORY &FuEZYSEFTHIEORY U3 ‘The symbol = wil always sland for “denotes” or “is defined tobe." In ‘order ost ne th the comma syn of pity tory we wil {pote posit tition with, ater tan with even tow tina hg a Bcample 8-2 [Zadeh 1978, 7} Ler Ube the universe of psitve intgsrs and Fe the zy se sa Integers defined ty (0. D2 D. B.A. 81.8). (6.29) “Then the proposiion “A is u smi ineger™ ascites with X the posiitydistbation ¥ in wich tex such s 3,8) soils thatthe possiblity thats 3. even that asl ieger Even though defiriton 8-2 does not ast that our intuition of wht we ‘mean by possibilty agrees with the mina ery set heoy. might help to realize their common origin. It might ao make more obveus the Aierence between posi dsibuton aed probability dstiuton Zadeh 1978, ps} isiates this ference by = simple but Example 8-3 Consider the statment “Hans se ¥ eng for breaks." X= (1 2.) {8 posibiliy disibution ax wel as 4 probably dstributon maybe Seated with X. Te possiblity dition) can be sintered {he depre of eae ith which Hans con et cea while te baby tlsribution might have been Uetermincd by observing Has at oreahfa {or 100 dys. The vals of (0) amd ,) might be ae shown In he faloming tbe: a T 3S a Pao) x ee We observe that high degree of pouty doesnot imply a high degre of potuy f howevers an even not pose, saa improbable, “Tis ina yay he posbliy san upper bound fr te probably. A moxe tae dreasion ofthis “psebtyprobably conssency pinite tae fund in Zale [1978 "This principe snot intended aa crisp principle, from which exit robbie nr ssbiiies eam be computed hut rather 0-2 esrnc rl, eapeing te pice rina. ees pois 81.2. Possiittyand Nocossty Measures In chapter possibilty memare wat sendy defied (fin 4-2) for thee that Ain ep el I Aina xy seta more eneraldcinion of 5 posit measure hast be piven [Zadeh 107, p.9 Deiniion 5-3 Let A be a fury set inthe universe U and, 2 possi sociated wih a vavable © whih takes valles in U. ‘measure, (4), of As then dlined by (A) Supmin {wa CD he possi poss (X's A) Example 8 (Zadeh 1973] {Lexus consider the possiblity dstrbuton induce by the proposition “Xs «small nteger” (2 example 8-2), y= (C1), 1), Gs 8). (4, 4, 4), (6.29) andthe esp set A= (3,43). “rhe posity measre (4) 6 then HA) = max 8, 6,.8)= 8 1% onthe other hand is assumed be he fuzzy set “integers which A=(G.2D. 4M, 6,-9).0.D. 0) ‘en the possiiy measure of fs ot asm integer ie sss mot a smal integer) me .2, 4 Silat probability theory there exit lo conditions! posible. Such ‘condiional poslty tition ton be defied ay allows [Zadeh Iostb, p- 8 Definition $4 st X ond Y be variables inthe universes Wand, respectively, The conditional positiy dsbuion af X given 9 thew duced by 9 proposition of the form "Il X is F hen Yi G” and is denoted by Fit). Propstion 8-1 Lely Be the conditional posi dsribtion fnctions of X and, resptvely. The jit potty atbationFanton of X nd Ys then given by Bu a= min (40). Fae ed) [Not guite sete yet seems 10 be the question of how to derive the fonditonal possiblity datbution funtion from the joint posi ‘Satbution fonction. Dillerent ews on ths guestion af preseated by Zadeh [19810, p32], Hida [107], and Nguyen [1978 Funsy measures a defined in deiton 4-2 express the degree to which a ‘ton suet ofa unveres or an evant posible, Hone. we have (0) =0 ana (0) =1 [Asa consequence of condition 2 of defisiton 42, that, Ac Baa) saa) we have (4 UB)Emax(g(A), g(0)) and an H(A NB)Sminig(A). (8) for A, BEM 2) he zz SEPTHEORYANDETS APPLICATIONS Possibility measures (fnion 42) ee defined fr the iting eases {A UB) max (a(A), x8)) ws {4 0B) = min(o(A),n()) co) 1A ie the complement of Ain, then (A VGA) =m (A) (CA) which express the fot that either or © is completely possi In posit theory sncher addtional messie i dstied, wbich wet the conjunctive slationship and, in» sense, iS dual the fosty measure! ws) MA 9) = ming, NBD) wo) ical the necessty measure. N(A)= inate that A i neve iy toe (At sure) The dual relationship of posibity and neesty HAYWI= MEA VASO «6 Necessity messes sty the condition min (A), PAY) = 0 69 “The relationships between possibility measures and necesity measures satiny ako the folowing conditions [Dubos and Prade 198, pI): HAVEN), ¥AEo 69) a1) Here is always nsumed to be fit. ample 8-5 ‘Let as ase that me know, from past experience the performance of 6 Sudents ia witten examinations. Tabi 8-1 exh the posty functions for he grades A through E and students I through 6 Fist we observe tht the menbership funtion fr she rads of dent 4s not x posit funtion, ioe (0) #1 ‘We cin now ask iflernt questions 1. How eile she statement of student hate wil obtla a Bin is Inthiseme “A” b (B} and “GA is (4, €, DB) POSSIILITY THEORY, PROBABILITY THEORY 4 FuzzYsErnAcORY 117 “ee got. Pons hn Hence, afa)= Na} min (te) Sma (2, Se = 2 Hence, the possibility of tem 1 geting 3 we wat to ow the (ath af he satment “Either student for 2 wil achive an A ae a B,” our haste e defined diferent. 10 ontins the element ofthe fis two rows. The result would Be (A) = x(sudeat 1 A or Bor Student 2 or 8) =1 Malo. te necessiy 3. Lets nay determine the ereibity of he statement atdent | wll mec 1 this case x(A) = 7 Bua) = 82 Probability o Fuzzy Events peo tate ater ind furan. as now assume that en event not cpl dined except by & possiblity distin (uy se) and that eae casa tution of Sochaxieuncriny, hat ta he happening of thie dseives) ven iol certin and hit we won expres the probably of i appening. Two views cn thie probability an be sdopte: Either this rab shoud be 9 salar (measure) or this probability canbe ‘sidered aa uy st sho, We sal consider both views bri. 825 Probably ofa Fuzzy Event as a Scalar In casical probability theory an event, isa member of an eld, of sses ofa sample space 8. A probably measure isu normalized east over a measurable spac (02) tat i, Psa reab-aled Function ‘which asigns o every ina a proba. P(A) such shat | najee Ace £m BMC te re None cin en myay= Zan 1 rina, ude ngs nd he el of Bors Peis aepttaaay ces spat nay [an Ie pa(s) denote he characteristic function of rsp st ofA ad 6) the expectation of p(s) then nave [eer tly Baa ec es ch aa Hn) Defition 8-5 Let(RY, a, P) bea probability spe in which ais the eel of Borel sets in Rand Pisa probaity measute over RY. Then aftzzyeventin isa Furzy st in Te whose membership Function 1x) s Borel measurable ‘The probly of «fussy event A is then defined by the Lebexe Stites imcegea Pa -[feroea ‘In Zadeh [196] the sniaity ofthe probability of a2 events and the Drobaliiy of ep evens is Hlstatd. Hie suggestions, though very plusble were not yet axomatialy justified in 1968. Siets [196] Showed, however, tht an axiomatic jstieaton ean be given forthe eae ‘tens probaiis of fay events within aonfunzy envionment, Os Sutbrs consider other eases, such ss fez probes, which wl not lnvestiate in this book. ‘We sal ater tre io the defition ofthe probability of fray event sa fz st, which eoeesponds quite well 1 some approaches we Have ‘iscussed. for example, fr fury ines. 82.2. Probabity of Fuzzy Event as. Fuzzy Set Inthe following we shal onside Sots wth finite number of elements. Let usassume ta there exists a probaiity measure P defied on the eof all rap robot of (he uverse) X,the Borel set. Px) shall denote the Probability of element se Let AG) = (CecpuGl eX) be a are et epresening a fury event “The degree of membership of element s,€ i denoted by yl), eve sets orauts suchas lead defied in fintion 2-3 shal be denoted by as "Yager [1579 1984] sugsas hat it is quite natural to define the probity ofan eve set 28 P(A.) = EP), On the bass oF this he rout ofa azey event i define as lio [Yager 184 Deftin 8-6 Let be the ateel set oa fuzzy set representing a fara event Thea the prabiiy ofa fuzy event A canbe defined 3s PAA) = AD. 0914210, 11) with the incerpetaton “he probability of at least an a degree of “efston fo the eondtion ‘The subscript ¥of Py indiates that Pia defiaton of probability doe to Yager which fers rom Zades definition which dented by P. 1 ‘ould be very lear that Yager considers, which ese ae the depree of ‘membecsip ofthe prise PUA) ithe fury set Py) asa kind of Sigicane level forthe probably fury event ‘On the bass of private communicatlon with Klement, Yager alo suggests another deiton for the probably ofa fuzzy event, which ‘erved 3 follows, 10 Fuzzy SEPTEORY-—ANDETS APPLICATIONS Definition 8-7 “The rath of the propa “he probability 7 iat est wis eed as the fury se P5{7 wth the memberstip fection PAANw) =H (21 PAY= 9), we (1) The reader shou elize that ow the “indicator” of sigifcance ofthe [obsbiisy measure fw and no lnger a The reader should als be sare rie fat that we have ased Yager terminology denoting the values of the membership fonction by Pr). This il atte reading Yagers ‘work [1984 Te denote the complement of by GA = ( the wtevel sets of €A by (64), then PEAY eas the truth of te proposizon “ie pk Leyte ee) and supe) =). Tatas define Pet) = t— Pr). ME Pew) i erred the truth of he proposition “probably of sat most," hep we can argue Un fotioys: The "and combination of “the probability ofA ia est nl "ihe probability of A sat most might be considered as "the probability of Ais exxayw." If PU(A) and PEA) are consiered ir pemibliy stibutsons then their conjention ther intestcon itddeed by appiveng the minoperator tothe tespoative membership Kinction), Hence te following definition [Yager 184) Definition 8-8 [Yap 1984] Let Pi(H) and P(X) be defined as above. The posibility dsttion tsocnted withthe propstion "the probity ofA is exact” an Be ‘etned os Ao) = min 7A) (Wh. FAY (0D) Example 8-5 (65. By (sa Ts) uy 2) be a faz event wih the ‘robb dined forthe geno kaneis: Py I Pa a Py = 3, ad Pom daplis) its where clement 4 belong the any event A with 3 egiee of 7 ist we smmpute (7), We tar by determining the aevel st for alte [Bei] Thon we compat the probaly of he erp evens and sive the intervas fw for whieh) = We ally on P(A) 35h especie supremum ofa The computing sunmaize nthe following tab na (24 fe) (ai) ta Analogue obtain for Pr) = «Tw ee 7 Ba} Grae) 9 LSM 7 14) Gad sl a 5 Fa 8) to a ina 3 Ig ‘The probity P(A) of the fuzzy event 7 is saw detcemined by the intersection of the fuzzy sets P7(A) and. P7(A) modeled by the min-operstor in denition 8-8 Fow)= a, welo, 2) weld) 2 wel igre 8 strates the furry ses PAY), Pz), and, 2a Po tty ve. Probably ‘vestions concerning the relationship between fuzzy set theory end probity theory ace wery eguently id partly by "newcomers {othe cao fuzay st There are probably wo major eset for hss 8 fe hand there ae cei formal sires between faz et theory Ga parce when wing normalized fz sets) and probabiy ery: he fother bind inthe past probabilities have Wen the only means for m FU22Y SET THEORY-—ANDITS APPLICATIONS ° Bere rH Fawo8-1, Probably ofa) ev. expressing “uncertainty.” It seems appropriate and help, therefore, 1 Shed some more gt on this question. inthe introdtion to chapter 8H was already mentioned thal sch comparison i if Deeate ofthe fick of wigue dftions of fuzzy fete This lick of unique dofnition ir duc io pat to the vaiety of fggested possi for matherstially dating fz) se a well a, ‘operations on tem a ndcted in chapters 2 and 3. tis aso de to the ‘any ferent kind of furans tat canbe modeled with fry se, ‘scribed in chapter OSSIILTY THEORY, PROBABILITY THEORY FUZZYSETTHEORY 123 Another problem i the selection ofthe aspects with respect to which these theory shal be compared (oe itrdton to chapter) Te section &1 posibity theory was bly explained. There i wos mentioned that possi tory is more than the minwmax version of fez sa theory. twas no shown thal the “ueetsinty menses” asd in possibilty theory are the pasty measure andthe eceaty measure, fo meatires which n ceri sent are sl each the. Incomparing posnbity theory with probability theory shal at consider oly fossbilty unchons-—and measures epleing the existence of ‘measues)—of possilly theory. AU the end of the capicr we Shall Investigate somewhat the relationship between possibilty theory and probabity thers et us now turn to probablities and try to charsterize and casity salable noons of probabilities. Thee aspect sal eof min concer: 1. the tngisticexpresion of probability. 2. the sliferent infomation context of diferent types of probabil, 3. the semantic interpretation of probabilities and its aslomate and ‘mathematical consequences Lingisicaly, we can distinguish explicit from implicit formulations of probaiiy With respect othe information content, me an distinguish Fetwoen elasiioryprobabiss (piven, probable), comparative (Given, #1 more probable than A), pari given the probability of {sin the interval ab) and quantitative (ven the probubity o ) proabites Fal he interpretation of probability can vary consierably: Let us consider two very iportant and common interpretions of quantitative Probabilities. Koopman [190, pp. 269-292 and Carp and Steger 19] interpret (aubjetve) probabliesescataly sv depress of rth of statements in dal Logie. Anlomatielly Koopman derives concept of ‘rca. 4, which mathematically» Boolean sng. ‘Kolniogorot [195] ntrprets probabilities “tail.” He considers a set Gand an associated cralgebra the clement of which ate iverpcted as events. On the Disk of mente thoy he defines 3 {peobaiiy) fonction P(t] wih the following properties 1.1 oan reap oo pregar=Zrexy 69 YUM EAA je Np 1 FUZZYSETTHEORY AND ITS APPLICATIONS From thse the Following relationships ean easly he derive HK FER) =1— PO) am AVF PACU Y= POY PLY) POEM) BS) where €X denotes the complement of: "Table #2 lsrtes the ference hebween Koopman’ and Kole off sconcept of probability taking int account the ferent linguist stad Infecationl ponies mentioned above ‘Now ie afeveady to compare "Tury st” with “probabilities” or a least one cetan version of fizzy se theory wil one of proba th. Implicit probabilities are not comparable to fuzzy sts ince fuzzy set ‘models ty partialry to model uncetsny explicly. Comparative and Pata! probabilities are more comparable to probabil statements sng Minuit vara,” whe we il cover in chapter 9 Hence the mest frequen used versione shall compare sow are quantitate, expt Kolmoporol!probattin with posses ‘Tobie -2._Keopmans ve. Komogaa's babii. Kap Kenosoa Joie, Qa nonnegative rel manber ~ (Gencaly Qe(otD teicy (tt appr 4. Wire tl EDWG aprabconthebais 2 Moneta ee Wes oD proba no emp Tp Dsappons A moe than DY 1, For Wines owing the ce Ws sont ‘equate uae Pte depe olsen for Hone 1. The to ofthe mute of ereasn enna Mand i. “The profi hat thereat Phos mesisOy 2, Theo for gen D6 Range ofvves (1) Spel ets eae) (aie pte Za! z Tale 8-3 depicts some ofthe main mathematical ferences between theoe ares tht re similar In many respects Let us now return othe "dual" ape of posilty measures and sity measures. ‘A probity measute, PA), sts the stv aon, has, ¥ A, BeGlorvwhieh AnD =) ma uD) Pray Pt) 6.15) This measure is monotonie in the sense of condition 2 of defiton 4-2. Equation (8.12) the probabiinic equivalent (1) and (62). The poss theory conditions (@3) and (89) mo Nay taieayst Ma) + aA}z1 whic ie stringent thaw the equivalent ration PAY PUA) probability theory win 8) aw In his sense possibityeoresponds more to esdenee theory [Shafer 124 FUZZY SEP THEORY —ANDETS APPLICATIONS 1976] han to clasical probaiity theory, in which the probable of an element (a subse) are uniquely related othe proba ofthe contrary ‘lement (complemen) In Shfer' theory, which «probable ate, ‘he elton rao zlaed by introducing a "opp proboblity an 1 "tower probably” which are 38 "dua toeath ster av ae possbity tnd nosey Ta fat, possibility and neesty measures canbe considered as imiting mar of probity measures tha sone of Shafer, tha, MA)SPIA)SHA) Vaca 20) ‘Tis in tw ks inuitvely gain with Zadebs “pssibiiiprbabiity consistency principle" mentioned in etion 8.11 (Concerning the theories eomdered inthis chapter we cn conlid Frzny set theory, possiblity theory, and probability thenry 660 Ebwtues, bu hey complement ech ber. Wale ure et theory bs ‘ute a nurber of "degrees a redom” with respect to inteseeion and Unio operators, kinds fuzzy sets (membership unetions) et theater two theories are well-developed and uniquely defned with respect 10 ‘operation and structure. Fusay st theory sem fo be more adaptble 10 ‘deren contri ‘This, of cour, abo implies the need to adap the theory tos eontext i one wane to be an approprite modeling to Exerc Let U and P be defined asin example 8-2, Determine the possibilty Aistribation ance withthe statement "Xeno a smal ing.” 2. Define prabitydstibation ands possblityetbation which ould be asocated wih the proposition “eas dive 7 mph on ‘American teevays” '. Compute the possiblity measures (Genition 8-3) for the following posbiity itibutions: Am 6T DB “3 an integer lose 10 10" (8,6), , 8), 10,1), (11,8602, 6) itecnatiey p= (6 Yo CT. 3), (6), (, 8) (0,1), (1, 8), (12,6), (3,-5.0, 49) FOSSIILITYTHEORY, PROBABILITY DIEORY aFUZZYSETTHIEORY 127 44 Discus the relationships Between general messes, fuzzy messes, probaly measures, and posibity messes. 5. Determine Yager probity of = fray event forthe even “3 isan ingegor close o 10"1s defined in eerene 3 above 6. Listexamples for each othe bins of probable statements give in Table 8-2 7. Analyze and discus the assertion hat #7(2)(w) cn be inept ‘he eth ofthe proposition “the proba ofA ea most."

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