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Field Observation for Higher Education Administration

Wiregrass Georgia Technical College Local Board Meeting
Donna Carney
Georgia Southern University


Field Observation for Higher Education Administration

I chose to attend the monthly Local Board of Directors Meeting of Wiregrass Georgia
Technical College which was held on Thursday, June 11, 2015. Wiregrass Georgia Technical
College (WGTC) is a member of the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG). WGTCs
mission is focused on educational and workforce development. Schloss and Cragg (2013) stated
the typical technical college should have a well-developed mission statement with a powerful
connection between the sharing of resources and the statement. The mission statement from the
WGTCs website is as follows:
The mission of Wiregrass Georgia Technical College, a public two-year technical college
and a unit of the Technical College System of Georgia, is to promote community,
educational, and economic development by providing a highly trained workforce in our
11-county service area in South Central Georgia. The college fulfills the mission by
providing quality technical and academic instruction, through campus-based and distance
education delivery methods, leading to associate degrees, diplomas, and technical
certificates of credit; customized training for new and existing industries; professional
and personal development through continuing education programs; and adult education
services to meet the needs of citizens, business, and industry in the service area (Mission
Statement, 2010).
Valdosta Technical College and East Central Technical College were merged into
Wiregrass Georgia Technical College on July 1, 2010. The State Board of Technical and Adult
Education approved the merger of the two colleges on September 4, 2008 (Wiregrass History,
2010). TCSG has created several mergers in recent years to improve student access to programs
and to reduce administrative costs. Valdosta Technical College (VTC) was formed in 1963 and


had an initial enrollment of 37 students (Wiregrass History, 2010). East Central Technical
College (ECTC) was formed in 1966. East Central Technical College opened its doors in
September 1970 to 200 students (Wiregrass History, 2010). Accrediting agencies allowed the
institutions to begin offering associates degrees which made it permissible to change their names
to technical colleges in 2000 for VTC and in 2001 for ECTC (Wiregrass History, 2010).
WGTC currently has 1,929 students enrolled for summer semester 2015. WGTCs spring
semester 2015 enrollment totaled 3,553 students.
The board meeting was called to order by Ms. Florence Staten, chairperson. The pledge
of allegiance was recited by those in attendance. In addition to the local board members, there
were approximately 25 senior WGTC staff members in attendance at the meeting. Special guests
included the WGTC GOAL Student of the Year, GOAL Coordinator, Rick Perkins Instructor of
the Year, Rick Perkins Coordinator, and me, Donna Carney. The GOAL Student of the Year,
Trey Cureton, presented his speech that he gave at the State GOAL awards meeting. Trey
presented an excellent speech about what technical education meant to him. Alyssa Foskey, the
Rick Perkins Instructor of the Year, presented her speech about how technical education had
impacted her life and how students had influenced her.
The board members had previously received email copies of the minutes from the last
board meeting held on April 9, 2015. The minutes were approved by a unanimous vote of the
board members.
Dr. Shawn Utley, Executive Vice President for Community and College Relations,
updated the board on the RBEG Grants being submitted for the college. The status of the RBEG
Grants was unchanged since the last meeting. Utley also mentioned that 72% of the Brooks
County High School dual enrolled students were completing programs with WGTC. Utley stated


WGTC is working on an agreement with the Georgia Department of Corrections so more

educational classes can be offered to prisoners.
Ms. Angela Hobby, Vice President for Enrollment Management, updated the board on
enrollment. Enrollment for summer 2015 was down 8.8% from the previous summer. As
indicated by Schloss and Cragg (2013), losing students results in a loss of revenue which may
hinder the ability to fill classroom seats leading to an unforgiving vicious cycle. Ms. Hobby
discussed the recruiting efforts of the Admissions office and the Public Relations Department.
Hobbys department is diligently working on enrolling as many students as possible to avoid any
further loss of revenue. Hobby is anticipating an 8% increase in enrollment for fall 2015 as
compared to fall 2014. Hobby stated there will be a significant increase in enrollment of dual
high school students in fall 2015. She also touched on the Free App Day recruiting events as
well as other events held in the local neighborhoods of the 11 county service area. Hobby was
very positive about the projected increase in enrolled students at WGTC for fall 2015.
Mr. Alvin Payton, Vice President of Adult Education, reported on adult education services
offered by WGTC. As of June 4, 2015, the Adult Education department had enrolled 1,400
students and provided services to them in fiscal year 2015. Of the 1,400 students enrolled, 556
students had completed their studies with the Adult Education department. A total of 131
students had successfully completed their GED (General Education Development) exams. The
Adult Education Division is very important to the college as it is a feeder of students to WGTCs
Ms. Lidell Greenway, Vice President of Economic Development, updated the board on
the recent happenings in the Economic Development Department. The Governors Office of
Highway Safety awarded WGTC a grant that will cover the cost of Drivers Education classes


for 15-18 year old individuals with a learners driving permit. Thanks to the grant the class is
being offered at no-charge to individuals who qualify for the program. The grant is providing
WGTC with three new drivers education automobiles (2016 Kia Optimas), instructional
materials, and four driving simulators. The grant will end in May of 2016. WGTC will be
allowed to retain ownership and possession of the vehicles and simulators. The Economic
Development department has been extremely busy due to the interest in the program. New
classes were added to accommodate the overflow of students. Currently 400 students are
registered for the drivers education program. The drivers education program will generate
revenue in the amount of $ 350 per student. Grant money allows an institution to use its general
operating funds for other uses because custodial support, administrative salaries, utilities, and
other expenditures are already figured into an institutions budget (Schloss & Cragg, 2013).
Grant money is welcomed at any higher education institution during troubling financial times.
Dr. Ron OMeara presented the Academic Affairs update to the board. The academic
calendar committee has made its final changes to the 2015-2016 academic calendar. The
calendar was aligned to three major county school systems so employees annual leave days
would coincide with the countys calendar. Six academic programs have been approved by
TCSG and have implementation dates as early as fall 2015. Four programs will award technical
certificates of credit (TCC). One program will award a diploma and one will award a degree.
The following academic programs will be added to WGTCs program offerings:
Advanced Shampoo Technician - TCC
Emergency Medical Responder - TCC
Level I Dental Assisting - TCC


Radiology/EFDA Certification Advanced - TCC

Firefighter Diploma - Diploma
Associate of Science General Business Degree
The Advanced Shampoo Technician and Emergency Medical Responder programs were added
due to requests received from local area high schools where WGTC is already teaching
programs. Adding these programs creates additional pathways to academic courses for students
enrolling at WGTC.
Keren Wynn, Vice President of Administrative Services, presented the Comparative
Financial Report for the periods ended May 31, 2015 and 2014. WGTC is expecting to end the
2015 fiscal year with a surplus of $ 2 million dollars. Revenue is down $ 795,908 from the
previous year. Expenditures increased by $ 150,126 as compared to the same period last year.
An educational institution should focus on costs and effectiveness as its main approach to
aligning available resources with program capacity (Schloss & Cragg, 2013). Ms. Wynn stated
WGTC has continued to cut avoidable expenditures in an effort to keep costs manageable.
As stated by Schloss and Cragg (2013), budgets are value statements for colleges and
regrettably budget reductions are a bitter reality. WGTC underwent a major reduction-in-force
(RIF) in 2012. Thirteen filled positions were eliminated during the RIF. Twenty employees were
demoted or had their hours decreased (McClure, 2012). Wynn stated the college is trying to
avoid another RIF in the future. The employees of WGTC have not recovered from the RIF as
evidenced by poor morale.
Budget issues in higher education are unlikely to be resolved through large tuition hikes
or increased public contributions (Schloss & Cragg, 2013). Unfortunately WGTC will see a


slight tuition and fee increase beginning fall 2015 in order to recoup some of the costs associated
with nursing and trade programs. The tuition increase will be miniscule for the students. There
has not been a tuition increase in two years.
Ms. April McDuffie, Associate Vice President for Operations, presented a report on the
GaTAPP Program that recently completed its second year in existence at WGTC. WGTC is the
first technical college in the State of Georgia selected by the Governor to host the GaTAPP
Program. GaTAPP enables an individual with a bachelors degree or higher to transition into the
teaching profession via an alternative pathway. Four candidates completed the program at the
end of the first year. Ten candidates completed the program at the end of the second year. Ms.
McDuffie said she is excited to be preparing for year three of the program as she expects to have
16 candidates enrolled.
Dr. Penelope Schmidt, Executive Director of Advancement & Resource Development for
WGTC Foundation-South, briefly stated that the Foundation has been able to assist more
students than expected in 2015 due to the generosity of contributors. Schmidt said the Corks &
Forks fundraiser was a great success for the Foundation. Another fundraiser is scheduled for
June 18. Schmidt stated if the board members knew of anyone who wished to make a
contribution to the college to let her know and she would make contact with the interested party.
Ms. Lisa Tomberlin, Vice President for Operations, reported on the construction of the
new building on the Douglas campus. The building is scheduled to be completed by April 2016.
Tomberlin stated there had been significant construction delays due to inclement weather. She
also discussed the new building which is to be constructed on the Valdosta campus. A meeting is
planned for June 18 to meet with the architects for the Valdosta construction project. The state
has not indicated when WGTC can expect to begin construction on the Valdosta project.


Dr. Tina Anderson stated that WGTC was not awarded any MR&R funds for the coming
year. MR&R monies are used to make major repairs to buildings and grounds. TCSG has a
small capital project fund for 2015-2016 that will accept applications for college repairs.
Anderson stated she wishes to submit an application to replace a $ 600,000 chiller for Berrien
Hall along with various smaller projects included.
Dr. Anderson said TCSG has selected WGTC to hold a state board meeting on the
Valdosta campus slated for August 5 & 6. Anderson closed the meeting by recognizing the
outgoing chairperson, Ms. Florence Staten, for her dedication and service to WGTC and to the
board. A new chairperson will be welcomed at the July board meeting. Meeting times were
decided for the 2015-2016 year. With no more business to be discussed the meeting was
It was obvious that Ms. Staten, the chairperson, was in control of the board of directors
meeting. She did a great job keeping the meeting moving in an orderly fashion. The topics
discussed definitely related to the mission of WGTC. By listening to the administration present
their reports to the board, I became aware of the efficient and effective administration in place at
the college. The board was welcoming and receptive to the visitors attending the meeting.
Dr. Anderson exudes an aura and is a pleasure to be around. She is a very caring,
compassionate person and presents herself as a President with an open door. She is always
willing to listen to her employees about ideas to promote growth at WGTC. An effective
leaders focus must be on both tasks and people (Good, 2010, p. 42). Dr. Anderson is
undeniably a leader focused on people and tasks. By attending the meeting, I discovered Dr.
Andersons dedication to the community, her employees, and higher education.



Good, D. (2010). Leadership implications for college and university administrators as the present
morphs into the future. The Journal of Academic Administration in Higher Education,
41-45. Retrieved from
History of Wiregrass Georgia Technical College. (2010, July 1). Retrieved from
Mission Statement. (2010, July 1). Retrieved from
New Georgia Encyclopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Schloss, P., & Cragg, K. (2013). Organization and administration in higher education. New
York, NY: Routledge.
McClure, B. (2012, September 8). Layoffs coming to Wiregrass. Retrieved from

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