World History II Nationalism and WWI

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World History II

Nationalism and WWI

Review Sheet

- All notes from class discussions (including SSS)
- Handouts and worksheets from the Nationalism/WWI unit
- Textbook Chapter 29

Essential Questions

- What are the MAIN causes of World War I? (Be able to explain each one)
- What was Bismarck’s role in unifying Germany?
- How was the Great War a new kind of conflict? What types of weapons changed
the way the war was fought?
- What was life like in the trenches?
- Why did the United States enter into World War I?
- What are the arguments that can be made for and against the Treaty of
- What were the views of the Big Three? What were the global consequences of
the Treaty?

Key Terms and Ideas/ Important People

- Otto von Bismarck – Realpolitik

- Franco-Prussian War
- Alsace-Lorraine
- Ems Telegram
- Kaiser Wilhelm II
- Pan-Slavism
- Archduke Franz Ferdinand
- Gavrilo Princip and the Black Hand
- The Triple Alliance
- The Triple Entente
- Schlieffen Plan
- Belgian Neutrality
- Trench warfare
- “No Man’s Land”
- Wilfred Owen – Dulce et Decorum Est
- The Lusitania
- The Zimmerman Note
- Doughboys
- The League of Nations
- The Fourteen Points
- The Big Three – Wilson, George, Clemenceau
- The Treaty of Versailles

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