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Fear definition:

Risk Surfers
First Session
Fears, Planning and Self management

Fear is an emotion that is pre-programmed into all of us as a reflex action to any potential

F.E.A.R. can be considered as an acronym for:

Fear will rear its ugly face and make you believe what is unbelievable. Fear can appear and
make you see a false Reality, but Fear is never a Reality! That is why it spells out False
Evidence Appearing Real!
You fear what you think might happen, which is often based on irrational thoughts,
misinformation or misconceptions.
We all get the emotion of fear we can call it different name but at the end it is the same
emotion, so we have to discover our fears.

Fears levels:
Fear can be broken down into three main levels; the first level is the surface story, this type
can be divided into two types those which happen and those which requires action

Level 1 of fears:
Those that happen
Examples: Natural disaster, change, being alone, illness, war, accidentsetc
Those requiring action
Examples: Making decisions, change career, being interviewed, making
mistake, making friendsetc

Level 2 of fears:
Level two are not situational oriented they involve the ego.
Examples: rejection, failure, loss of image... etc.

Level 3 of fears:

At the bottom of every one of your fears is simply the fear that you cans handle whatever
life may bring to you, this means that level one and two can be in level three if you cant
handle it.

Level 1 can be translated to:

I cant handle the natural disasters
I cant handle the changes

Level 2 can be translated to:

I cant handle making decisions
I cant handle changing my career etc.

So then the main truth is if u could handle anything that came our way, what would
you possibly have to fear of?
The answer is NOTHING!
Cant we make it go away?
Before answering this question there are five truths we have to be aware of them first
Truth 1
The fear will never go away as long as you continue to grow.
Truth 2
The only way to get rid of the fear of doing something is to go out and do it.
Truth 3
The only way to feel better about yourself is to go outand do it! Make deposits into our selfconfidence bank.
Truth 4
Not only am I going to experience fear whenever Im on unfamiliar territory, but so is
everyone else.
Truth 5
Pushing through the fear is less frightening than living with the underlying fear that come
from a feeling of helplessness

How we hold fears?

Fears can be hold by two extreme ways, pain or power

If you hold fears in PANIN, you will follow this sequence Helplessness, Depression
then Paralysis
If you hold fears in POWER, you will follow this sequence Choice, Excitement then
take Action

We are some where between pain and power, but we want to move our self to the power
side because this kind of power leaves you free, since you dont expect he rest of the world
to fill you up, if you dont own this kind of power you lose your sense of peace.

Move from pain to power:

First: In order to move from pain to power we have to make some changes, we need to
change our vocabulary by starting to eliminate from our vocabulary words that imply PAIN
(I cant, I should, Its a problem) and start replacing them with words that give us POWER
and choices (I wont, I could, Its an opportunity).
Here is a list of more vocabulary which may help to move from pain to power.
I cant
I wont
I should
I could
Its not my fault
Im totally responsible
Its a problem
its an opportunity
Im never satisfied
I want to learn & grow
Life is a struggle
Life is an adventure
I hope
I know
If only
Next time
What will I do?
I know I can handle it
Its terrible
Its a learning experience
Second: Widening our comfort zone will also help us to move from pain to power A
comfort zone is a type of mental conditioning that causes a person to create and operate
mental boundaries that are not real- in order to widen our comfort zone we have to explore
new things that we dont feel likely doing it, in other worlds take new risks

Taking new risks doesnt mean being stupid! , risk taker think, plan and calculate risks
before taking them not like.

Goal vs. Dream


What is planning?
failing to plan, is planning to fail
Intelligence is not a gift, it is an act. "An intelligent act is an act that gets you closer to
your goal
Be a sniper not a machine gun, shooting aimlessly
Planning is not a theoretical process that you can learn from a book. it is a process
requiring ACTION

Why do we need to plan?

Where am I now?

Where do I want to go?

Assume you can never fail
What are your self limiting beliefs?
You are not what you think you are, you are what you THINK you are

You shouldn't ask whether or not I will be able to achieve this goal. You ask, how will I
achieve it

Get Clear about

Core values

Should consider
Seeing behind
Seeing beside
Seeing down from above
Seeing ahead
Seeing beyond (forecasting competitors)
Seeing below (in details)
My Roles

Why do I want to do it?

Why am I absolutely committed to doing this

Discipline yourself to the plan
Be ready to pay the price

What are my resources?

How do we get there?

What do we do now to get from where we are to where we want ?

What do we do from our experience?
What should we stop doing?

"Problem solving is a skill, like bike riding, the more you try the better you get, the faster, the
more expensive problems you will solve"

Revising and evaluation:

No plan ever survives first contact with the enemy"

Monitoring progress using:

is one of a series of markers placed along a plan regular intervals, to
indicate how the completions of a phase or a part
Measures that define and measure progress toward goals.

Characteristics of a good plan:

They should be written, ask the pharos

Advantage / leads to success
Fully exploit opportunities
Along with values
Socially responsible
Inspire people

What can fail your plan?

Missing the 4 basic human needs (Social, mental, Spiritual, Physical)

The ladder against the wrong wall
Losing the big picture

Self Management
Time pressure starts to subside when we shift to the heart to find quality of mood and
ease. It's our unmanaged emotions that turn time into an opponent and make life a rat race.
Managing time with the heart is the ultimate time management tool
Doc Children, Heart Math Discovery Program

Time management = Self management

we can't manage something we don't have control on.
Time as a resource is limited, distributed equally (unlike health, wealthetc), cant be
stopped or even controlled. So we dont control time we control ourselves to manage time
and utilize it to get the maximum output.
Work Smarter not Harder
Paretos Rule:
Historical Info:
Pareto's law, or the 80/20 principle, is named after the 19th-century Economist Vilfredo
Pareto, who discovered that 80 per cent of the land in Italy was owned by 20 per cent of the
population. He also, allegedly, noticed in his garden that 80 per cent of the peas he
harvested came from 20 per cent of the pea pods.
Over the years, the same generalized principle has been applied to interesting effect in
many other areas beyond land ownership and gardening. Most importantly for you, it
suggests that 80 per cent of your results come from 20 per cent of your effort, and, in turn,
it takes the 80 per cent of your remaining resources to shift that extra 20 per cent from 80
per cent to 100 per cent. All of that is good evidence of the real cost of perfection. To
squeeze out that extra 20 per cent is going to cost you four times the effort. Some things are
worth that effort and some are not.

Twenty per cent of your cleaning effort gets 80 per cent of your home sparkling.
Twenty per cent of your customers bring in 80 per cent of the sales.
Twenty per cent of the people in your office create 80 per cent of the results.
Eighty per cent of your progress comes from 20 per cent of the activities on your todo list.
Twenty per cent of your clothes are worn 80 per cent of the time.
Twenty per cent of the meeting time results in 80 per cent of the decisions

Myths to be discussed:
Myth: Time can be managed.
Myth: The longer or harder you work the more you accomplish.
Myth: If you want something done right, do it yourself.
Myth: You arent supposed to enjoy work.
Myth: Technology will help you do it better, faster.
Myth: Get more done and youll be happier.
Generations of Time Management:

First Generation: Go with the flow based on reminders but try to keep track of
what you want to do with your time Notes and checklists, if not accomplished put
in the To-do list of tomorrow.
Second Generation: Planning and preparation characterized with calendars and
appointments book.
The main theme of this generation is efficiency, achievement in goal setting,
planning ahead and scheduling the future activities and events

Third Generation: Planning, prioritizing and controlling clarifying your values

and priorities, what do I want?
There are long, medium and short range goals.

Fourth Generation: From management to Leadership

Puts people ahead of schedules, their Compasses ahead of their Clocks.
It uses the best of generations 1, 2, 3.
You want to lead a life of meaning and contribution, with balance.

Time Matrix:



Clock and Compass:


Clock is our deadlines, schedules, Commitment, appointments.

(What we do with our time)
Compass is our vision, mission, values, principles, conscience and direction.
(What we feel important and how we lead our lives)

The struggle comes when we sense that there is a gap between them, so people always feel
that they are controlled in situations and always that they are responding to crisis.

We dont do what we SHOULD do, we do what we WANT do.

Time wasters:
1. Not saying no.
2. Incomplete information.
3. Management by crisis, fire fighting.
4. Interruptions.
5. Meetings

Dont attend unless there is a set agenda.

Can the problem be solved or decision reached without a meeting?
Does the meeting have a set ending time?

Making the Best Use of Time

1. Decide that you dont have to please everyone.
2. Let godont be a perfectionist.
3. Resist the temptation to do small, insignificant tasks too well.
4. Outsource what you can.
5. Managing Your To-Read Pile/email

You will probably never be able to read everything you would like to read.
Read with a pen in your hand.
Share your reading with a friend.
Keep a reading file.


Why do we postpone?

Dont know where to start.

To avoid an unpleasant task.
Were afraid to fail.
Waiting for more information.
You may think if you put it off someone else will do it.

To overcome postponing (Timing):

1. You do not work best under pressure.
2. List the things you have been avoiding. Prioritize them. Try to do at least one of
them each day until you catch up.
3. Knowing when not to work is as important as knowing when to work.
4. Save the easiest tasks for the end of the day

The price of not being organized:


Missed deadlines.
Overlooked opportunities.
Wasted time/money.
Lost relationships.

Until you value yourself, you will not value your time. Until you value your time, you will
not do anything with it.
M. Scott Peck: author of Road less travelled.
With best of luck
Risk Surfers Workshop


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