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When, if ever, is forgiveness wrong?

Should parking fines be based on the driver's income?

"The cause of gender inequality is in the hands of men, but the solution is in the hands of women."
Do you agree?
Albert Einstein wrote that "The whole of science is nothing more than the refinement of everyday
thinking." Do you agree?
If 'Humanitarian Intervention' is acceptable, why shouldn't Europe invade the USA to stop it using
the death penalty?
If you can give reasons for your actions, does that mean that your actions are rational?
What changes in society will follow from increased life expectancy?
Printing and the telephone were truly revolutionary inventions. All the internet brings is a
difference in scale. Is that true?
Is it justified to insist on facial visibility in public spaces?
Why do we need banks?
If two reasonable people claim the same fact as evidence for opposing conclusions, does it follow
that it cant actually be evidence for either?
Is the general understanding of science damaged by the way it is presented in the media?
Do patent laws encourage or hinder development?
Do coalitions necessarily adopt policies which unite party leaders but alienate party followers?
Should we have a right to choose when and how we die?
Should convicted criminals be allowed to vote?
Does a country's ideal political system depend on its level of economic development?
Should governments only fund scientific research if it is of direct benefit to society?
Could a robot ever think like a human?
Can you ever know whether anyone else has thoughts and feelings like yours?
Should the supply and use of all drugs be legalised?
Do countries benefit from immigration?
How should we evaluate advances in science?

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