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Interrelatedness of Political ideologies and level of Economic development

Economic development and politics go hand in hand. The effects of good governance show up in
economic indexes, and the economic environment affects which leaders are chosen. The two are
interrelated and interdependent, and a country's ideal political system depends on it's level of
economic development.
A country needs to adapt to changing economic elements, and changing policies through swift
political actions can help a country adapt better, make use of opportunities, and be safe from threats.
Developed countries with a high level of economic development require a government with a
political ideology which safeguards the personal interest of individuals, and does not seek to
undermine them for a collective good. Countries which are capitalistic require political ideologies
which do not seek to impose themselves on the economy, and which allow the invisible hand of
market forces to act independently, such as a democracy. An example of such a country is the
United States of America. It has a highly developed economy which is fuelled by people acting in
their own self interest. In order maintain this level of growth incentives and self interest should not
be undermined by the state reallocating resources. Reallocation would deter several people from
investing, and the economy would begin to shrink. Thus, the best political ideology for America is a
Countries with a low level of economic development require the state to step in and help boost
growth, while trying to simultaneously improve living standards of its residents. This would require
a socialist ideology, which does not expose a vulnerable economy to the harsher aspects of
capitalistic economies such as recessions and depressions, while allowing it to grow better than
closed economies, and communist ideologies by preserving self interest of people.

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