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Destruction of coral reefs in Tobago cays

Land degradation
Limited and ineffective land use planning
Deforestation and other forms of habitat loss and fragmentation
Excessive use of ago-chemicals
Forest fires
Coastal erosion and sand mining
Coastal and marine resource degradation
Destructive harvesting practices and unsustainable use of resources
Soil, water and air pollution
Solid and liquid waste pollution
Squatting and encroachment in protected areas
Invasive species
Global climate change
Overexploitation of terrestrial and marine species

Important land resources include minerals, fossil fuels, fertile soil, forests, wetland
and wildlife. Increased construction of tourism and recreational facilities has
increased the pressure on these resources and on scenic landscapes.

Management of the land and reefs that will halt and then reverse some of the
destruction created by both the locals and the visitors who use them

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