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T ' INFORMATION _ RELIABLE COLD eee ean ON CATHODE GAS DIODE ‘The OAIWA is @ cold cathode, gas-filled diode of miniature construction designed for relicble service os 2 voltage ragulatr. It has on operating cusreat range of 5 to 30 milliomperas over which it maintoins @ substantially conetant operating voltage of 150 volts. Three cathode pins ote pro vided which may beused to disconnect the load when the tube is removed from the socket. This type i charactatized by long life and it is designed for service where severe conditions of high tom~ perature ond mechanicel shock or vibration are encountered. MECHANICAL DATA ENVELOPE: T-51Gloss BASE: Minioture Button 7-Pin ‘TERMINAL CONNECTIONS. Pin | Anode: Pin $ Anode Pin 2 Cathode Pin & ‘ternal Connection Pin 3 Internal Connection Pin? Cathode Pin & Cathode MECHANICAL RAT NGS. Maximum Impact Acceleration (Shock Test -Note 2) 300 G axiom Vibrational Receleration {96 Hour Fatigue Test «Note 3) 28 §, Noximan Bus Temperatsr 80 &C MOUNTING POSITION: Any APPLICATION DATA A warm vp period of 3 mindtes shouldbe allowed each time the equipment is tuned on in order te insure minimum voltage deft. After this vie the bulb temperature should have reached its ‘equilibrium level Attention should be given to the specified minimum supply voltage to insite operation in the BorTom view dorkness. 80 [A series resistor must always be used with the OAZWA. The resistance value must be chosen 0 the maximum cucrent is not exceeded at the highest anode supply voltage and so that the Iminimum eutrent rating is always exceeded at the lowest enode supply voltage. When a shum copacitor is used its maximum velue should be limited to 01 pl. A larger value mey couse the tube to oscillate and thus give unstable performance. Special attention should be given te the bulb temperature of the tubes. Relibility will be se lemperoture Is exceeded. Ly imped i the maximum bull ‘Tube choracteristics may deteriorate markedly ifthe tubes or stored a ELECTRICAL DATA voted ambient temperatures without drawing cutent. Rotinas: EBD vee. tenitation Voge Vier Design Eo = on Nexitom Ninimome sees us 1s vo 5 55 rate la Tamatve Vota ae RAYTHEON MANUFACTURING COMPANY WV/S8/1 NEWTON 58, MASS. ee TYPE OA2WA RELIABLE COLD CATHODE GAS DIODE ELECTRICAL DATA (Cont'd.) CHARACTERISTICS AND QUALITY CONTROL TESTS (Mote 1) rest conorTions AGL MIL#E-1 MIN LAL AVG, UAL MAX ALD MIL-E@1 = 'S¥NBOL UNITS MEASUREMENTS ACCEPTANCE TESTS= PART 1 (Combined AQL=1,0% excluding Machanteel ond Inperatives) Ionization Veltege (I): Rp/Tb= 5 ~30 made Ot (1)ER eee 182 M5 ese Vde ‘Ambient Light Tube Voltage Drop (1: Rp/b= 30 mAde 04 Mt vse 150.6 153 see Vide Tube Voltage Drop (2): Rp/Tb= § mAde oa as 9 153 vse Vdc Regulation: (ye @) € oa oe $5.0 see de Continuity and Shorts: o4 = “noperarives) Mechanica Envelope 6-5 ee MEASUREMENTS ACCEPTANCE TESTS PART 2 Noise 10 Bee 50 ssee oe oreilron to . sen fer BE Sodcine Vonage tmp: Ref ba$—30mbdes 25 em <100 Go sede Nees Ienitton Voto) 6/ 2s Men + 156 see 165 sees Wa Feet bate tise 5) Leskge: BeesoVeco= 300023: © Soceee phde Tube Yotoe 25 oye M98 see 1S nee Wee Drop Regeln: Rafe Omg, 25 0 fo wave (Note 8)" 7 Low Pressue—Panere=3.1% 02 ey; 65 case see Wohase Bthdom: RSD Vaeseer SSmace Viraion “Re lOONDebmerERb/Ib= 25 ps wae Toe eevee ® BmdderF= 5 epi * 8 DEGRADATION RATE ACCEPTANCE TESTS Shock Mamas Arle= 60°? 20 sete cee ee vee tise) Fotis Spee) ac Ee Shock ond Fatigue End Points Vibration (2): same 100 see moc 20 mAde; Rp= 10,000 ohms lonizotion Voltage Rp/b=5~30mAde we 16S sees de or Tobe Voltage Drop Rp/B=30mAde ayes 155 Vie ae Tube Votone Drop Robe $ mde era: 155 Vae Reguletion: (Ed @)erd Res. 1s SO vee Vee Miniatte Bose = mo a Stroin Test Gloss Strain (Thermal Shock}: 25 wee eee) neers RAYTHEON MANUFACTURING COMPANY W/S8/V NEWTON 58, MASS. eT TYPE OA2WA RELIABLE COLD CATHODE GAS DIODE ELECTRICAL DATA (Cont''d,) CHARACTERISTICS AND QUALITY CONTROL TESTS (Mote 1) (cont o test ‘coNDiTIONS AGL MIL-E-1 MIN AVG. MAX MIL-E-1 Allowable Defocts % 'SYMBOL, UNITS | per Cheracteratte te ‘Combined Semel ‘Semel ACCEPTANCE LIFE TESTS 1 our Stbility Life Tests TA=Room;Rp/Ib= 20mAde 14 1 Hour Stability Life Test (Typicol Sample Size= es End Pointe: Sottbes) Change in Tubs Vatage (Note 7) Bro (8) of individual bes 100 Hour Suvival Rete 7 Ue Pest 100 Hour Survival Rate ical Sample Size Ute Test End Points sara Continuity nd Shorts Cinoperetver): Change in Tube Valine (Note 1.0 Ay@Erd: Bropf) tindvidal ms 1 Intermittent HighTem-—T Bulb= 150°C perature Life Pest Re/b=20mAde 500 Hour Intermittent High (Typical Sample Size Temperoture Lie Tes 20'cbos tat sample, End Poinest AO tubes 2ad sample) Ay) Eta 0m: Rp/Tb= 20 mAde Inopetetives Regulations: Tobe Voltage Drop (1): Tobe Voltae Drop (2) Tube Voltage Drop ( CChonge in Tube Voltoge (Note 7) Bror 6) of indtiduat tube: lonization Voltage (1): Total Detectives: 1000 Howe Intermittent (Typical Sample Size High Terperetue tile 20vubes 1st Semple, {Test End Bois AO tubes dnd sompte) Regs 60 Vée (DE: 4215055 Vee Q)Ed: a2 BSS Ve Ged: 42149155 GEM: see 10 60 Vde (ez: Inoperotives Reguletions: Reg. Tube Voltoge Drop (1): (ne: Tube Voltage Drop (2): se Q)Ed: Tobe Voltage Drop ( rer: CChame ia Tube Veltge (Nate 7) A,GieW: Bap ir etindi dal lonizetion Voltage (1) Tatol Defectives: (ne: NoTEs Note 1: Chovecteristies, Quolity Conttal Test Procedures, and Inspection Levels ate meade according tothe appropriate * ond MIL «STD-105A. potopraphs of MIL-E-1, "Inspection Instructions For Electron Tube Note 2: Test conditions ond acceptance cite are RAYTHEON MANUFACTURING COMPANY per Shock test procedures of MIL EI basic specifications. ara NEWTON 58, MASS. eae TYPE OA2WA RELIABLE COLD CATHODE GAS DIODE ELECTRICAL DATA (Cont'd.) NOTES (Cont'd) Note 3: Test Conditions and acceptance criteria per Fatigue Test Procedures of MIL +E +1 basic specifications, Note 4: Limits beyond which normal 1ube perlomence and tbe life may be impaired, Note ‘This test conducted in total darkness offer tubes have beon held in darkness for 24 hows. Note 6: The curect shall be varied from 5t0 30 mA and bock to 5 mA (by odjusting R or Ebb slowly). Sudden voltoge jumps registered on an oscilloscope shall not be greater than 600 nillivalt. Note 7: A, Tube Veltoge drop is the change in tube voltage drop fom its value ot the beginning of life to that atthe life how specified This applies to individual tubes. Note 8: Repeotablity sholl be defined os the maximum shit in tube valtage drop between any two firings ofthe tubs. The test shall be made inthe following manner. The tube voltage deep shell be read ot 107A drain at the end ofthe specified “on” tine. The tube is then turned off forthe specified "off" time, The tube is rectrted ond operated at the came cutrent. The voltage op | read afer the specified on time. The on-off cycle must be repected 2 minimum of § times, The maximum difference in tube voltage drop shall be token as the mecsure of repeatability, RAYTHEON MANUFACTURING COMPANY NEWTON 58, MASS. T/V/58/1 Page 4 of 4

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