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Test Review Questions

What was the heliocentric model and who was it introduced by?
The heliocentric model was introduced by Nicolaus Copernicus that proposed the idea
that the sun was in the middle of the solar system. This was later supported by
experimentation and explained by Kepler.
What was the Scientific Revolution?
The Scientific Revolution was the shift of understanding based on experimentation and
observation rather than basing understanding on logic.
What was the geocentric theory and who was it proposed by?
The geocentric theory was proposed by Aristotle and it said that Earth was at the center
of the universe and the planets moved in epicycles.
What is an independent variable?
The independent variable is changed by the scientist and does not depend on other
variables in the experiment.
What was science based on before the Scientific Revolution?
It was based only on reasoning and not experimentation.
What is gravity?
Its a force where each particle of matter attracts every other particle.
What is Newtons First Law?
Objects in motion stay in motion unless a force acts on them. This is called inertia.
Who was Aristotle?
He was a Greek philosopher who proposed the geocentric model.
What is a quantitative observation?
It is an observation that describes something with numbers.
Who showed that the planets moved in ellipses?
Johannes Kepler
What explanation of retrograde motion was proposed by Ptolemy?
Epicycles - the hypothesis that the planets move in small circles in addition to their large
orbits around the Earth.
What tool was improved by Galileo?
The telescope which allowed him to see other planets.
How is a theory different than a hypothesis?
A theory is already proven and based on experiments and a hypothesis is just an
educated guess that hasnt had experiments done to test it yet.
What is the first step of the scientific method?
Recognize a question or problem.

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