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(Identify Instruction Goals)

(Identify Objectives)

(Plan Instructional Activities)

At the end of the lesson, the

students must be able to:
1. Know
between living and nonliving things.
2. Identify both living and
non-living things.
3. Value the importance of
living and no-living things.

At the end of the lesson, the

students will be able to:
1. Give an example of living and
non-living things.
2. Draw a picture of living and
non-living things.

The student will going to classify of living

and non-living things presented, using the
power point .

(Choose ET Media)
(Analyze Learners)

Computers, Internet, Power Point Application

a topic is for the Grade III
learners. This helps students to
know the living and living things.
(Implement Instruction)
I will discuss the living and non-living
things, its characteristic and differences.

(Make assessment on learning outcomes

and effectiveness of ET application)
(Recycle Instruction)
If majority of my pupils
failed to identify the living and
non-living things, I will reteach
and use different strategies.

The will be group into 5 and they collect

or contribute an example of living and nonliving things. And they going to present it in
the class, using their made power point

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