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Airys Theory:

Airys Theory of design of silos is based on coulumbs wedge theory

of earth pressure. The results obtained from this theory also fairly
agree with the experimental results although the basis of the theory
is different from that of the janssens theory. Using airys formula,
horizontal pressure per unit length of periphery and position of
plane of rupture can be determined. Knowing the horizontal
pressure, vertical pressure and also the vertical load taken by the
wall can be evaluated. Depending on the plane of rupture 2 cases
are considered.; Case 1: Plane of rupture cuts the top horizontal
surface(shallow bin or silo). The forces acting on the wedge ACE of
grain is given as: AE=Plane of rupture; W=Weight of wedge;
R1=Total reaction on side AC; R2=Total reaction on side AE; P=
Reaction from wall; R= reaction from material; b= diameter of the
silo; h= height of silo. Resolving the forces in equilibrium aloing AE
and perpendicular to AE, R+Pcos=(W-P)Sin; R-A.sin=(WP)cos; solving, P=W(tan-)/tan(-)+(1-); Since CE=hcot;
W=(1/2xhcotxhxW)=(wh2/2)cot; P=[(tan-)/{(1-)
+tan(+)}](wh2/2).cot. For maximum value of P, (dP/d)=0;
Differentiating and equating ti\o zero it can be shown that
tan=+[(1+2)/(+)]; substituting this value in Eq. P=(wh2/2)
[1/{(+)+(1+2)}2]; Ph=(dP/dh)=wh[1/{(+)+1+2}2];
Total Lateral pressure= .bp Vertical load taken by walls= .b.p..
The depth upto which the silo will act as a shallow bin is given by
Case 2: Plane of rupture cuts opposite side (Deep bin or silo)
Referring to fig, the forces acting on the wedge ACDE of grain is
given below: W= Weight of wedge ACDE; DE=(h-btan); W=wbh(wb/2).btan; W=(wb/2)(2h-btan); As in the xase-1, by studying the
equilibrium of forces on the edge P= W(tan)/[(tan(+)+(1-)];
Substituting for W and differentiating for maximum value of P, we
wb(2 hbtan )/ 2.(tan)
have, P=
( + ' ) tan+(1 ' )
{(+)tan+(1-)}]; = (wb2/2(+)2)[{(2h/b)(+) +(1-)(1+2)}]2
Diferentiating and equating to zero, dp/dh=0, yields tan=-(1-)/
Substituting the value of tan, P=(wb/2)(2h-btan)[(tan-)/
{(+)tan+(1-)}]; ph=dp/dh=(wb/(+))[1-(1+2)/(2h/b)
(+)+(1-)]; Vertical load taken by walls=b.P.. For the design
of conical hopper bottom, the surcharge pressure is given by the
expression: Surcharge pressure= [{((b2/4).wh)}/
(b2/4)]=[{wh-(4ph./b)}]. The values of the coefficient of friction
and are compiled.

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