Week 2: The Evolution of Social Work

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The Evolution of Social


Echoes of the Past

Primitive societies: helping people
Ancient civilizations: various and sundry
attempts to care for people
Social welfare was rooted in China
India: giving to beggars
Greeks: no regular charitable

Echoes of the Past

Athens: poor tax levied to help destitute
Hebrews: stress charity
Medieval: church role in helping distressed

European Roots
The beginning of the English poor law
Elizabethan Poor Laws
Systematic plan for helping the poor
Able-bodied poor, impotent poor, and
dependent children

Beginnings in the United States

Social settlement house

Hull House
Jane Addams
Toynbee Hall in England
Social welfare services reach out to
practically every need

Social Workers Appear

Humanitarians, especially women, helped
the underprivileged
Laid the groundwork for social work as a

Schools of social work

Social Workers Appear

The American Association of Social
Council on Social Work Education
Advanced generalist perspective
Growth of joint degree graduate programs

International Social Work

The International Commission of the
Requirements for social work course
Field placement or internship

Initiation and development of social
welfare services
Roots of social welfare in Europe
Social Security
Rise in the profession of social work due
to need in social welfare

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