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COMMENTARY PAPER:The Story of Creation

In the story of creation, many people believed the contradiction

between what the bible says and what the scientists discovers. In the book of
genesis in the holy bible, God created the world in just six days and in the
seventh day he rested. But in the scientific explanation, the universe begun
with the huge explosion or it is known as the big bang theory. Because of this
conflict of information, people around the world had also a different views
and opinions, and principles to uphold that will leads to misunderstanding. I
cant imagine how people argue among themselves just because of their
beliefs and each of one certain of having the truth.
Do not take everything literally; this is the solution of the problem.
People are always encouraged to think critically when reading the holy bible
and interpreting it. We believed that the author of the holy bible is under the
holy spirit of God so when we also read it we should also ask the guidance of
the Holy Spirit to enlighten us in order to comprehend the deep meaning
behind it.
Science and the holy bible does not contradict to each other because
the holy bible explains why and the science explains how the earth begun.
And if someone wonders why the story does not follow a scientific
description of creation, let us say that the Bible is Gods word to inform our
faith and is not meant to replace scientific investigation. Great scholars
believed that mosses is the author of the first five books of the holy bible
includes the genesis because of their study being conducted, and he
emphasized that God is the source of everything without God we are
nothing. God is our creator, our loving and everlasting father and all things in
the world were come from him. They will able to write it down because of
their personal experiences, witnessing Gods miracle among themselves.
Our loving God is the beginning and the end, He is the Alpha and the
Omega so it means he has no time limit, maybe a one day for him it takes for
us a thousand years. Creation does not end in just seven days because even
at this present time creation are still going on and we human being need to
be observant in our environment, but what we did is being destroyer to his
creation instead of being stewards.

If we really need to see the connection between the bible and the
theory of science, it takes couples of years in order to understand the whole
concept because it involves historical foundations, their culture before and
other traditions. But in a little angle why they have a connection, it was
being written in the holy bible in the first day of creation; God commanded,
Let there be light and there was light. That light could be the big bang
theory because according to the big bang theory, the universe was created
in a split second in one huge explosion. In every information in the holy bible
has always a strong connection to science investigation and what we need to
do is to think critically and avoid interpreting the holy bible in our own. As St.
Jerome quoted; ignorance in scripture/bible is ignorance in Christ.
We should not think that we are the first who understand the message
of God and there were no true Christians before us. This would be the reason
to have one more founder of those strange sects/ religion.

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