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Technology Integrated Project

Web 2.00 Tool to Enhance

Learning Dipity

5, 2015
Dr. Gopalakrishnan
EDCI 564
Heba Said

PROJECT TITLE:...........................................................................................................................2
DISCIPLINE / TOPIC:................................................................................................................2
TARGET POPULATION:...........................................................................................................2
Learner Level:..........................................................................................................................2
Population Characteristics:......................................................................................................2
Instructional Groupings:..........................................................................................................2
CURRICULUM LINKS:.............................................................................................................2
Social Studies Standards:.........................................................................................................3
Technology Standards:.............................................................................................................3
MATERIALS / TIME:.................................................................................................................4
SCOPE & SEQUENCE:..............................................................................................................4
SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS:...........................................................................................5
EVALUATION OF LEARNERS:...............................................................................................5
EVALUATION OF THE INSTRUCTION:.................................................................................6
Appendix A:.............................................................................................................................6
Appendix B:.............................................................................................................................8
Appendix C:.............................................................................................................................9

Web 2.00 to enhance learning Dipity Timeline

Social Studies.
This will be a technology lesson to teach students how to use timeline software for history
studies. Because of the time limit, this lesson will focus on teaching students Dipity timeline.
After students foster knowledge in creating timeline on, Then the Social studies
lesson started Modern Chinese Inventions. The main lesson is social studies but I want to
improve students knowledge about the technology tool that they will use. For that, this lesson
will be online as students work on it at their extra time at school or at home.

Learner Level:
Learners will be K-12 grade level. This project is designed for 7th grade students.

Population Characteristics:
This plan is provided for students in a middle school in suburban school system. Students in
PHM school district use technology to learn every day. Most students have smart phones. The
school district provides Chrome Books to all middle school students to use at school and home.
The school system use Canvas as a tool for hybrid classes such as social studies, technology,
nutrition, and science. Class size is 20 students and that have a good combination of both gender
and special needs students. Students are working in groups of three students selected randomly
and some groups have four students as we add some special need student to that group to have
more help and support.

Instructional Groupings:
This learning opportunity will be a combination of individual and small group work.

The main lesson will be Modern Chinese Inventions.
The Canvas course that will be before this lesson, will be how to use Dipity timeline. This lesson
will be the focus of this project.
The lesson that comes after it will be groups presentation about Modern Chinese Invention.
Students will use their prior knowledge about computer and online research to collect
information. They will use their prior knowledge about Canvas to learn about Dipity.


Given a Chromebook and Dipity website, Students will be able to create a timeline for their own
life since birth to age thirteen.
Given few websites and Chinese information, Students will be able to create and compare
timelines that identify major people and events and developments in the history of civilization
and Chinese country.
Given a discussion board, Students will be able to submit their work and reply to their peers

Social Studies Standards:
The Spread of Cultural, Economic, Social and Political Ideas: 500 B.C. (B.C.E.) 1600 A.D.
7.1.2 Describe, compare, and contrast the historical origins, central beliefs and spread of major
religions. Example: Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Chronological Thinking, Historical Comprehension, Analysis and Interpretation, Research
7.1.15 Create and compare timelines that identify major people and events and developments in
the history of civilization and/or countries of Africa, Asia and the Southwest Pacific
You must address the standards applicable to your learners and the program (e.g. IN state
content standards for K-12, NETS standards for K-12, program area competencies, industry
standards, objectives of a learning program)

Technology Standards:
Research and information fluency: Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use
a. Plan strategies to guide inquiry
b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of
sources and media.
c. Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to
specific task.
d. Process data and report results
Communication and collaboration: Students use digital media and environments to communicate
and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to
the learning of others.
a. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital
environments and media
b. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media
and formats

c. Develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other
d. Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems

Students will be working in this project as using Canvas online learning tool.
Students will follow the instruction on Canvas at home to learn about Dipity.
The period for this project will be 6-8 hours spread on one week long as students will use their
own time to learn.


Project introduction.
Mercado, Ch. (2013) Dipity PowerPoint. Retrieved on 7/24/2015

What is Dipity?

Watch videos on how to create timeline use Dipity.

1. Dipity Tutorial #1 (A Basic Overview)
2. Dipity Tutorial #3: Adding Sources to your Dipity Topic.
3. Dipity Tutorial #2 (Setting Your Timeline Permissions)
Using Dipity to organize historical information for each students life.
Each student post his or her dipity presentation on Canvas for peer review and discussion.

Students will find materials for extra reading on Canvas.
What Is Dipity? by Christina Pink created on 5 November 2014 and retrieved on 8/1/2015
Linch, K. Review of Educational Technology: Capzles / Dipity November 11, 2014 and retrieved
on 8/1/2015
Hudani, S. (2014) Using Web 2.0 Tools In The Classroom- Two Teachers Leap Into Dipity and
Weebly. Retrieved on 8/1/2015

There will be a rubric to grade students presentation and feedback.

There will be a rubric to grade students timeline.
Students will be learning the technology and the content.


I will provide a brief survey at canvas for students to check if Dipity worked well or not. Also,
there will be discussion form for students to post experiences with Dipity. How well did it work
and what are problems they faced.

Appendix A:

Dipity Rubric.docx

Appendix B:
Students Survey about Dipity:

Appendix C:
Link To Canvas Course

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