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Music Therapy at Sherrill House, Inc.

By definition, music therapy is the therapeutic use and application of

music in the accomplishment of restoration, improvement or maintenance of
physical, mental, emotional, social and/or spiritual health. The key word
here is application. Music therapists assess individuals and devise a
treatment program to address specific needs these people may have. From
this point, a person receives treatment either in a group format or on an
individual basis all determined from the individual assessment. If seen in
a group, the person becomes an ACTIVE participant in making and using
music to accomplish whatever goal the music therapist may be trying to
reach with him/her.
These goals are normally non-musical in nature (i.e. reducing
symptoms of depression, increasing stride length in gait, addressing short
term memory deficits) and the music therapist skillfully and creatively uses
music as the medium to reach these goals. Outcomes are often impressive,
immediate and unique because the medium of music is one that is enjoyable
to most people.
The following are music therapy groups implemented on a weekly
basis at Sherrill House. You will find the name of each group followed by a
brief description of session content. Formal protocols for each group can be
found in the Music Therapy Suite.
Song Writing
This group targets residents who are battling depression as determined
by a medical diagnosis. The content of the group involves the provision of a
safe and comfortable atmosphere to allow for free expression of feelings and
emotions. Song writing topics are generated from the residents themselves
or the therapist and address issues the residents directly confront. This
group targets residents who are cognitively intact and able to contribute to
Musical Reminiscence
This group targets residents with no or mild to moderate dementia to
encourage memory recall through music. Group content focuses on topical
or thematic material (i.e. seasons, holidays, activities of daily living, etc.).
Music pertaining to these themes will be sung or listened to. The use of
visual props is also utilized to enhance the music. There is also discussion
and conversation in regards to memories triggered by the music.

Musical Biography
This group targets residents ranging from no moderate dementia to
encourage memory recall and socialization. Group content focuses on the
life and music of a well-known artist or group familiar to the residents
participating. Recorded pieces by the artist as well as live renditions of their
signature songs are shared. Reminiscence is encouraged surrounding
memories of the artist and the time which he/she lived.
Music and Motion
This group targets residents with advanced dementia who are in need
of sensory stimulation. Group content focuses on tactile and auditory
stimulation to promote an alert response from the resident (i.e. eye contact,
smiling, verbalizations). The therapist will also provide hand over hand
techniques and manual manipulation of limbs to music.
Sundowning Group
This group targets residents primarily with Alzheimers disease who
display sundowning behaviors such as increased agitation and severe
confusion. This group is held in the late afternoon, at the height of such
behaviors, and serves to focus the attention of the residents on something
purposeful. Since the music used is familiar and comforting, agitated
behaviors decrease leading to a state of relaxation.
Music Appreciation
This group targets residents with an expressed interest in classical
music. It involves listening to and discussion of different compositions by a
variety of composers. Different time periods and genres are addressed
through the music thereby relaying an element of world history to the
residents. Since this is largely a listening group, residents from all
functioning levels may be targeted.
Tone Chime Choir
This group targets residents with an expressed interest in playing tone
chimes. There is a focus on social awareness through playing as well as on
eye/hand coordination and direction following skills.

RAS Gait Training

This targets residents who are not receiving rehab, have suffered a
neurological or physical accident and are in need of gait improvement. The
mechanisms involved in this group are rhythmic entrainment, patterned
auditory stimulation and audio-spinal facilitation. The assistance of a
restorative CNA is a requirement. The goal is to use the components of
rhythm to improve gait velocity and symmetry, modify stride length and
improve step cadence.
TIMP Group
This group targets residents who are not in rehab and require
improvement/maintenance of range of motion, increased strength and
endurance and/or improved muscle control. Group content includes the
creative use of rhythm instruments to optimize gross as well as fine motor
skills through the use of repetitive movement
patterns. Residents relearn functional movement skills and overcome
unhealthy compensation strategies. Auditory feedback, rhythm entrainment
and pattered sensory stimulation are important mechanisms utilized in this
1:1 Visits
These visits are held weekly on an individual basis with residents who
are bed-bound, have expressed a disinterest in group participation, or are
receiving hospice/palliative care. Session content varies according to the
functioning level and interests of each individual resident.

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